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Everything posted by Spaceritual

  1. hi..was checking on your latest master work :)
  2. Thank you for the info , the Kvatch bit seemed a nice little touch :)
  3. sounds good...will await your screen shots of it then :)
  4. that is the thing with screen shots of DLC's the knowing when to show them or not . I guess the best bet is to steer clear of the image share until you have played it .
  5. nice to see your scenes up again..but no ones from the new DLC ? :)
  6. no worries was a good set of scenes :)
  7. you are welcome :)
  8. Took me a while before I actually started playing DA2 but it is fun and the new DLC is an excellent addition to the game.

    Still waiting for November and this years biggy , Skyrim :)

  9. Not too sure as I am getting the same thing at times which I imagine corresponds to how busy the site is getting?
  10. not sure how many hours but I do tend to become addicted once I get into a game :)
  11. ah yes..I am on my fourth play through..mainly so I can see all the endings :)
  12. I am playing Dragon Age 2 at the moment so my screen shots are there , but may try the new DLC for New Vegas soon :)
  13. Watching the Tour de France as it does bring back memories of travelling across France to my holiday in Port Bou :)
    1. Flintlockecole


      Only noteworthy thing I can remember from a trip to France was that I broke my hand. Nice countryside mind you.
    2. Spaceritual


      So the only good side was you had a lovely view while you broke your hand? :)
    3. Flintlockecole


      Indeed, at least I didn't have a bottle broken over me head.
  14. Ah yes...that is a bit lazy of me to just put nice...but some pictures are "nice" and then others move me to write more..depends how tired I am I would guess as well :)
  15. is a lovely image and many others thought so as well :)
  16. lol ... that does take me back :)
  17. wonderful work on your latest scene :)
  18. can't wait to see it then :)
  19. no worries MrC , good scene you posted and the comic sounds a great idea :)
  20. ah yes...only just found the third one by reading the DA2 wiki thing...hence my fourth run through so I can see what I can do to help him or not... :)
  21. still about and following your strip over at FO3 ...that should get folks running to look :)
  22. On my fourth DA2 run through now just to try a sword and shield type character...and see Alistair as a down and out..
    1. BlueDanube


      ah... DA is would never been the same if i can't hear his mumbling and rambling ........ good thing he shows in DA2 eventough its just for a few minute.
    2. Spaceritual


      he does make a welcome cameo appearance indeed :)
  23. no worries :)
  24. things are moving along which is often the most that can be hoped for :)
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