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Everything posted by Spaceritual

  1. I do like reading the stories that people post along with screen shots and such but for me the thought of actually doing a story would not appeal .
  2. Very good work , I wonder if Bethesda might rethink their map and get you to make thousands of them for the collectors edition..:)
  3. Did notice the reference to Jethro Tull , and a good story there , was just a shame you did not quite make it to the Mages Guild..
  4. I don't think Steam mind where you bought it as long as you did part with money for a legal copy so you ought to be totally safe there :)
  5. Just had an email from Game who are sending me my collectors edition and apparently they are being shipped to arrive on the launch day so I am guessing there will not be much time to get the game installed and ready before the massed requests to Steam for activation. It is going to be interesting to see how Steam handle the most anticipated game of the year in regards to the sheer volume of people trying to activate and/or download their copy :) A few hours here or there will not really worry me although I had arranged for the 11-11-11 to be a day totally devoted to getting to see Skyrim and losing the next few weeks and maybe months playing it . I have even ordered a new purple gaming chair for the total gaming experience.. :)
  6. Hi and thanks for adding me and hope to see more of your scenes :)
  7. Congrats on the 3000 :)
  8. Just noticed I seem to be downloading a lot of your mods lately , very nice work indeed :)
  9. Have not see any scenes from you of late , are you still playing DA or waiting for Skyrim ? :)
  10. Belated thanks for commenting on one of my Witcher pics from June , was a good game but moved onto Dragon Age 2 and now waiting for Skyrim like everyone else seems to be :)
  11. Thanks for the tips BBen installed most of those add ons for Firefox . seemed to go well :)
  12. nice idea bringing in guest characters :)
  13. Very good indeed... does make you wonder if someone is not planing on a full length film perhaps :)
  14. Glad to hear you have it all sorted , was wondering where you had got to , all going well with my pc so far..playing that new DLC at the moment :)
  15. It is indeed a good avatar , are you on your holidays at the moment ? :)
  16. Enjoying the latest DLC for Dragon Age 2 , seems to be wittily written and some interesting additions :)
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Spaceritual


      I suppose Neverwinter Nights would be a bit dated by now? although by next week hopefully I will be too busy playing Skyrim to try another game :)
    3. Naktis


      Counting days until Skyrim, are we? :P
    4. Spaceritual


      it is getting so close now.,..just over a week :)
  17. didn't see where the guard was looking till someone pointed it out..all clear now :)
  18. is all okay with you.. haven't seen you about in a while now ...?
  19. doing well...sort of passing time while waiting for Skyrim really.. you should post your comic on the nexus screen sites .. comics are doing well lately look at vancleefs :)
  20. Thanks for adding me , hope to see more of your scenes soon :)
  21. I saw that a few moments ago..I can not believe it ...hopefully he will appeal and it will get cleared up :(
  22. Hi..a very interesting series of scenes you are making :)
  23. Thanks for the info :)
  24. nice avatar change... and missed loads of your scenes.. went through them all and commented but don't think I asked any questions :)
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