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Everything posted by Spaceritual

  1. There should be some very interesting mods coming our way now that the Construction Kit has finally been released :)
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CARTlike


      Can't wait for the first big one :P
    3. Deleted54170User


      The Steam online mod's scene is packed with many and many are repetitive of one another. They don't have the consideration's TESNexus modder's have and are duplicating mod idea's like mad.
    4. Muraki88


      Thanks for all the comments on my pics by the way. And I too am hopeful for a large mod, preferaby a big vampire overhaul like "Unholy Darkness" by Madmole
  2. And now for something completely different
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      I have pistols in Skyrim, that is something completely different.
    3. Spaceritual


      I have seen them....interesting indeed :)
    4. Sara231092


      Yep. Sorry about that, forgot to do some changes in my profile settings, now everyone can post comments :)


      There was some interesting mods comming up for VTMB, at moddb. Its been years since it released, the company closed, but people still try to make the interesting :)

  3. Nice one ... I did not know you could do that....saves me trying to be witty on the doubles and so on of posts :)
  4. You are welcome I think Want to Play Catch and Azeriah are my favs so far.. but i see you have been posting some more so best get going and look at them :)
  5. @ pagafyr they all look so young here ...erm in reference to the Deep Purple clip...

    @netwit liking your Skyrim pics going to see your video later

  6. oopsy....very belated birthday congratulations :)
  7. will be missing you , sleep well Callista :)
  8. nice new avatar ...are you still in Skyrim ? :)
  9. no worries and nice avatar you have there :)
  10. congrats on your new position .. only noticed when seeing some posts then I though..oh it's in green :)
  11. Thanks for adding me Marco , I am enjoying your wonderful Skyrim scenes :)
  12. I think using the console for screen shots probably stops the achievements updating which is why I have not really done a lot to alter my character or take screenies.. mind you great fun seeing everyone else's scenes :)
  13. nice to see your Skyrim scenes :)
  14. This does seem to be quite a common problem , no fix found yet as far as I know :(
  15. I am nearly done with the achievements bit so will start using the console to hide the HUD for screenies.. by the looks of it though either lots of folk have got through the achievements really fast or just have not bothered with them at all... i imagine it is just completists who do worry over silly things like that :)
  16. still heavily into Skyrim.. missing the Oblivion folk but the game is still fun at the moment :)
  17. Still working on my last achievement for Skyrim it is taking longer than I thought... anyone else doing the achievements bit?
    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Ithildin


      I have no idea how many achievements I have or haven't earned; I usually play offline. Quoting vvk: "I am just easing into Skyrim, while playing other nice games whenever I am bored (!!) of it. I still haven't finished the main quest of Oblivion ..." That sums me up, except I did finish the MQ in Oblivion once. Absolutely hated it when Terence Stamp and Sean Bean's voices could no longer be heard in my game. D:<
    3. stabbykitteh


      Another competitionist here... but only for games I really like. In some games, I find the achievements sometimes get me to try new things or approaches to playing. Dragon Age was good for that.
    4. Spaceritual


      That is a good point..I am not usually all that happy doing pickpocketing or stealing from characters i like which is why i fail the first Thieves Guild test mission each time..luckily they have a back up second one :)
  18. Yes..well happening a lot is an exaggeration more like two or three times in the last few weeks or so...usually it is not too much of a problem when the scenes are of the same type or quality but here one is totally different to the other so the comments really make no sense at all...and seems to be Skyrim scene section but then again that is where i have been hanging out recently .
  19. I make a comment for one scene and the same things mirrors itself on the next scene I comment on which does render the comments somewhat meaningless... has been happening a lot lately any ideas what could be wrong? http://www.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=32388 and then it mirrors on the next scene http://www.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=32389
  20. That caught me out as well but what it is counting is the endorsements over the last few weeks not the total that you see,.,,,so it looks wrong but it is right...probably :)
  21. yes..used his mods before in previous games I imagine when the CK comes out things will be a lot better :)
  22. oddly although I often use the same phrase it can take ages for me to pick the right one to suit the scene.,..unless it is something obvious :)
  23. wow,...that is a lot... not started taking scenes yet but will once I get a good night time mod sorted and such... might wait for my new pc :)
  24. ::sneaking back:: These thieves guild lessons are really paying off :)
  25. There is a top screen shots section already or are you thinking here something more up to date posting time wise ? I also look at raw shots and photo shopped scenes differently but do like to see both types , so not too fussed there as long as i can tell which is which ..sometimes I can not due to not being all that techy minded. I like the favourite button idea..often I see a pic and have a real hard struggle to find it again due mostly to the amazing amount of scenes being posted to the Skyrim section., this would also work nicely with the tagging idea and so on to make scenes easier to find. The poster being allowed to choose her/his own top 5 picccies sounds interesting but the thing is Robin would not probably want his programmers working on this side show to the main event which on Nexus is the mods. It is why folk usually come there and account for most of his traffic , and also why I do like to be positive about mod scenes as hopefully it encourages the author to keep going even if that particular mod does not suit me..their next mod might :) I do really like looking at the scenes.. even ones i am not overly keen on show me something..and then some do look like art to me and move me.. as mentioned I love the scenes section but possibly it is not of the greatest concern for things to be "done" for the site owner. You can see why but perhaps in time when he has a quiet moment :)
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