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Everything posted by Spaceritual

  1. need to wait for the Skyrim scene section to slow down... there are hundreds a day..so many good scenes getting missed already bit sad really but hopefully things will get slower :)
  2. you are welcome I do seem to spend quite a bit of time looking at scenes... ought to really play it more I guess :)
  3. Thanks for adding me :)
  4. it is going well , hope it is for you :)
  5. thanks for adding..did not realise you have created so many mods :)
  6. lack of a good hobby i think or too much time on my hands :)
  7. you are welcome...always nice to see where your stories lead :)
  8. is your project something for Skyrim? :)
  9. just noticed the specifications on your gaming system... very impressive indeed.. how is the new Bulldozer chip working out ? :)
  10. doing very well thank you..and yourself ? :)
  11. no worries ..really enjoying the scenes :)
  12. Have a Happy New Year :)
  13. Sorry i missed your message.. hope your holiday season is going well and that the New Year brings you happiness :)
  14. you have to love those unmarked sites...mind you sounds like you had a really nice adventure finding it again :)
  15. Thanks for the link...some very handy tips there :)
  16. Happy Holidays :)
  17. Happy Holidays :)
  18. Happy Holidays... liking your Skyrim screen shots but still 12 days back from the more recent posts :)
  19. I thought everyone had gone over to Skyrim.. just peeked at Oblivion and it is still as busy as ever :)
  20. Merry Solstice and Christmas to all and a Happy New Year :)
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      I hope you had a great New Years Eve and have a very good year too! :- )
    3. vvk78


      Happy New Year 2012 to you too buddy!
    4. Mamiwinte
  21. Have a good Christmas and a happy new year :)
  22. Merry Christmas to you have a good time :)
  23. I came out of my house and fast traveled out of Whiterun without issue but not the Jorrvaskr Yes I can get to Whiterun fine but on entering and then trying to leave Jorrvaskr it all goes wrong.. did think it was my new today graphic drivers ( ATI ) but rolled those back and still getting the problem... very strange..
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