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Everything posted by Spaceritual

  1. Just been notified my Mass Effect 3 copy is on its way to me , should be fun days ahead :)
    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Deleted54170User
    3. Spaceritual


      I am for some odd reason back in Skyrim again. bought a new pc and had to test it out... :)
    4. Khylian


      I never played Mass Effect. It is worth starting by the first one or shall I skip the first 2?.
  2. It will be on your game disk... just re-install :)
  3. Thanks Beth... I think one of them dropped off :)
  4. This is good news indeed and will expand the Nexus community and I assume NMM will work fine with it as well ? :)
  5. I did read that you need to speak to them before they get out of the door of the chapel unless that bug was fixed , nit sure as I only did the marriage thing once for the achievement very early on :) You may want to give this link a try as they cover most of the common bugs http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Skyrim
  6. Bit of a cold at the moment plus Nexus has been very laggy for me of late so I am not at my most active :)
    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Spaceritual


      your not really leaving much time for sleep then :)
    3. Lazysheepherd


      Not these days yes.
    4. Naktis


      Yeah, cold weather stinks...
  7. I was on planet vampire and downloaded lots of the mods and apparently they have one now that makes it okay to run it with win 7 64 :)
  8. You are welcome you have posted many good scenes :)
  9. I am probably too addicted to scenes... it does cut into my gaming time :)
  10. are your comments showing?
  11. I did not even know about it... must go and get more info.. VTMB still is my fav game..so much atmosphere.. will probably have another run through when I am done with Skyrim :)
  12. good to hear and see :)
  13. @zzjay Will remove one and nobody will know it was there :)
  14. You are welcome and your last scene was amazing along with its story :)
  15. your latest scene and story was amazing ...Loneliness :)
  16. You are welcome...we haven't seen much of you Khajiit lately..is he still in one piece? :)
  17. Glad it has all been sorted not sure what a Corrupt Table is although I am imagining a wonky gate legged table which all your servers are balanced on and the leg went.. but that probably is not it :)
  18. You are welcome... you have put out three very good scenic captures so looking forward to what you come up with next :)
  19. @nrm Sadly i go through each scene as I get to them..and on a laggy day it takes hours...then I have to think of what i am going to say which oddly can take ages as I dither ... actually I seem to spend more time on the scenes than playing the game but it is fun in a strange warped way :)
  20. that is wonderful news... especially if they drop the bad bits from DA2 ...but keep the character work... DA is excellent at letting you know characters unlike Skyrim so hope they work hard there then add more good things :)
  21. This one as well... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=41882 and http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=41883
  22. Had it happen again but i am guessing due to the low frequency of the event this is not too much of a problem? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=41447 to http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=41448
  23. That is what you call an epic battle... excellent :)
  24. @darkstone You are welcome ...would have posted on your wall but it does not seem you have comments enabled :)
  25. I am getting the nuclear powered log glow effect.... not noticed blue logs as yet..but will keep looking ATI 5870 Intel i5 750 oc to 3.8 ghz
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