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Posts posted by apaosha

  1. If you have Enclave Commander: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1410


    ..... you get a summonable Vertibird where you can sleep and store stuff. You can also use it to fast travel out of areas that you normally wouldn't be able to (Paradise Falls).


    There's also the endless fun you can have summoning a aquad of enclave soldiers and ordering them to take the entire population of a town prisoner, then executing everyone.


    That and calling down an Orbital strike on a Gargantuan.

  2. If you're getting exclamation marks when brianna or lucy equip their unique weapons, then it means that the game can't find the meshes that correspond to these weapons.


    In other words, they're not in the directories that the mod tells the game to look in in order to load them.


    It should be something like Fallout3/Data/meshes/modweaponhere


    Or Fallout3/Data/meshes/Weapons/modweaponhere


    Best thing you can do is redownload the mods and take a look at the directories within them to make sure you're putting everything in the correct place.


    What you should be doing in general is drag-dropping as a group the meshes/textures/.esps files and folders into your Data folder. Then click Yes To All to merge the folder structure as the mod author intended.

  3. Okay, your link is showing how to make an oblivion character in a fallout character, but is leaving me confused on how to move the face of a fallout pc into a fallout npc. I'm a bit confused, here. ><


    It's essentially the same thing. The face exchanger displays a series of numerical values which represent your characters facegen data.

    What you do with this is copy it onto your NPC's facegen entry in FO3Edit.


    Backup your mod's .esp.


    Download the linked file I gave you. Extract it. Run the application.


    A window will appear asking you to browse/cancel/transfer.


    Click on browse and select the save file you want the facegen data from. (For me, XP, it's in My Documents/My Games/Fallout 3/Saves)

    Then click Transfer. 3 rows of letters/numbers will be generated, the face gen data you need.


    Now start up FO3Edit and load ONLY Fallout3.esm and your companion mod .esp. (As well as any other files that it might have as masters)

    WAIT until it's done loading. It typically takes ages.

    On the left you should see a list of the .esms/.esps that you've loaded with "+" next to them. Click on the "+" next to your mods name to expand it.

    Scroll down to Non-Player Character, expand that and look for your Companion's entry. Click on it.

    To the right info will be displayed about this NPC in various vertical columns, each column representing one of the .esps or .esms you've just loaded.

    Chances are, your NPC doesn't appear under the Fallout3.esm column so scroll to the right until you see the column headed with the name of your mod.

    Now scroll down until you see the category titled Facegen Data. This will have 3 subcategories corresponding to the 3 rows of letters/numbers that Facegen Exchanger generated for you.

    Copy the top row of values from facegen exchanger.

    Then right click on the top row of values (Geometry Symmetric) in your mods column in Fo3Edit. Click Edit.

    A message will appear asking for confirmation. Give it.

    Now paste what you just copied into the new window that appears and click OK.

    Do the same for the other 2 entries.


    To save it, just close FO3Edit and it'll ask you do you want to save your changes.


    One point is to make sure that the entries you are editing are in the column corresponding to your companion.esp and not fallout3.esm, BrokenSteel.esm or another mod entirely. FO3Edit won't let you edit .esms AFAIK.


    Another point is that if the savegame you are copying is of a different Race than the NPC you are pasting the face gen onto then the NPC'S face will not look exactly like the original. So make sure your NPC is the same race as your save game.

  4. Open the .nif in nifskope, click on the mesh to highlight it, on the left the corresponding Nitrishape of the mesh should be highlighted in blue. Click on the "+" to expand it. Then expand the BSShaderPPLighting Property subcategory. Click on BSShaderTexture. At the bottom of the screen there will be another set of options including "Textures" which can also be expanded. Do so and you'll see a list of the textures which the .nif uses.

    There should be 2. One main texture and another ending with "_n". There can be more.

    Click on the purple flower icon and then browse to the file you want to assign as that meshes texture. Select it.

    The mesh should then switch to using the new texture.


    You can assign your own "_n", which I think stands for negative (could be wrong) if you have one but the default should be good enough.


    Also note that feral's eyes, rags and body are separate nitrishapes and need to be assigned textures independently.

  5. The big red exclamation marks appear when the game can't find a mesh. You installed the mod incorrectly.


    Read the instructions carefully and/or consult the stickied threads on this forum for help.

  6. Play as Alice is crap because it includes Good Hair Day, which conflicts with Project Beauty, Lings and what have you. You could try putting it higher in your load order than Lings but that probably won't work..


    You'd be better off making your own custom race .esp.

  7. I've done this myself. It's a pain in the ass. You've got to create a custom race and assign the body meshes you want to use to that race only. Name it Alice or Cali or whatever. Then in the chargen screen choose your custom race. The PC will be the only one with alice/cali/whatever. I did Alice, with tattoos.


    The main trouble is when the game switches you from or to a child race, like in vault 101 or Tranquility Lane. When this happens you can get switched off of your custom race to a default one (ie asian) and lose all your perks.


    On top of that, if you have broken steel installed, the game script that starts the 2 weeks later bit won't recognise your custom race and you won't be able to continue after finishing Take It Back.


    Look here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15265


    .... for all the relevant information on this subject.

  8. Thanks. Worked perfectly. Kudos for you for that.


    As it turned out, the armour already an entry in the biped slot, so all I did was repoint the left/right gloves there to the meshes I wanted it to use.


    All I have to do now is fool around with the textures to get them to match up.

  9. What I'm trying to do is attach a pair of gloves to a modded power armor in the same way that the Enclave Hellfire Armor gloves are attached to that armor - ie appearing when on the player's hands when it is equipped.


    At the moment I have the default black skin-tight things which don't look so great.


    I've looked on the GECK wiki and it it says stuff about armor addon slots and FormIDs. I don't really understand how this addon thing works, I'll be the first to admit...


    Could anyone give me a more basic, step by step explanation of what I have to do to achieve this?

  10. Very cool, adding it now. Probably should have put this in Mod talk not fallout discussion :wallbash:


    I'm glad you like it, it was my first mod. Toxa01, Abesh and BrotherShogo deserve most of the credit, though, I just bashed it together from the various sources..


    I notice you don't have Sydney Follower: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9320

    I highly recommend it. Far superior to Brianna, Lucy, Jessi or what have you in terms of voiced dialogue/interaction/subquests/utility/etc.

    You could also try Charon Improved: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12221

    ... which has some scripted interaction with the above NPC making for a more immersive, uh, experience.


    I also always use the following (disregard if you already have them):


    Zooming Scoped Weaponry: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5351

    Allows you to zoom in/out while aiming a sniper rifle. Invaluable.


    Auto-Aim Fix: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5606

    This fascilitates sniping to a greater degree as normally your bullets home in on the nearest enemy torso. Which is bad if you're aiming at a head peeking over a wall - you'll always miss.


    Sprint Mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1854

    Lets you sprint by using up AP.


    You should also have a look at Project Beauty HD: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6341

    .... which improves the facial designs of the various NPCs as well as adding hairstyles and such to the character creation screen. It doesn't make them prettier, it just improves them; take a look at his Raiders for example.

  11. I dunno about despawning enemies, but I do know that the firelance doesn't disappear. I had it drop outside Vault 106, couldn't find it. Came back a very long time later with dogmeat and he found it among the rocks.


    If it's in the inventory of an enemy in an outside cell it'll probably disappear after a cell reset.


    So... check all the bodies before this happens, if you can.

  12. http://republika.pl/blog_ep_908753/3616716/tr/bhawk2.jpg


    There are too many pretty hairstyles. I'd appreciate it if somebody could bring the right kind of attitude to Fallout 3.

  13. Immediately upon launching the crash save I entered the console and typed:


    coc DLC05EngineCore


    ..... and teleported to the Engineering Core.


    Everything worked fine after that, so it's not a corrupt save. There's something in that cell that causes this.

  14. I've just finished the entire Zeta quest, bar going into the Cargo Hold cell. The problem is there.


    I even tried going in, saving every 30 seconds.... guess what? I've got a save where the game crashes immediately after I get control. I can move two steps, then bam! Crashed.


    It's slightly funny actually. I seem to have managed to save it just before the crash trigger comes into effect. Which seems to suggest there is something scripted to happen after a certain period of time in the Cargo Hold which is the cause of this.


    I lost a save where I got all the bobbleheads cos of this bug. Shame.


    I'm going to try load the save, then coc to another cell. I'll report back with the results.

  15. So, I'm on Zeta and I'm in the Cargo Hold looking for the MPLX Novasurge. I can get in there fine, fighting enemies fine, looting interacting everything.


    But after around 5 minutes, after killing most of the Aliens the game freezes, the screen fades to black slightly and it crashes entirely. After a while (it takes ages to quit out of the application) I get the Error Report window.


    I'm not entirely sure, but it seems to happen when I approach the garbage chute thing with all the junk, cows etc flying from the ceiling into a pit in the floor.


    But it doesn't happen immediately. It seems to only happen after spending a certain period of time in this cell, as if it occurs in response to something that is triggered after a x amount of time; perhaps a piece of junk in the chute appearing/disappearing.


    Anybody else come across this? Any ideas?

  16. Yeah that's really good now.

    Words are clear and easily understood, alien while not being too posh.


    One thing is that you could emote a bit more for the battle lines, make him sound a bit more angry. Unless you want to keep it unemotional...

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