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Posts posted by apaosha

  1. Have the same problem... but couldn't fix it by reinstalling... even with "setstage" my character gets completely messed up.

    My only solution is to skip this quest entirely. :confused:


    Bizarrely enough, I've found if you equip the left glove from the Sinblood Venomous Armour while this glitch is in effect.... it fixs it.


    At least, when Coyote armour was not in my inventory....


    I think what is happening here is a script the author of Coyote included in his mod to ensure that the pipboy glove hand is always replaced by the Coyote glove whenever it is equipped.... when it is unequipped it forces the default: even if that is a bare hand/smaller hand/whatever you're running.


    This means that whatever other armour you might have equipped shows a bare left hand if it isn't Coyote.


    Which means there are compatibility issues.

  2. I recall that in one of the recordings you find on board, the Aliens are showing the horse to Sally and seem pleased at her response.


    Which was positive....


    My hunch is that the robot horses were an invasion force designed to appear cute and inoffensive until -wham!- blades, knives, buzz-saws and gatling guns everywhere.

  3. Armoured Vests: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5562


    Invisible, can be worn with anything.


    Yeah these are great, except that I wanted them for my companions, and they still refuse to wear something that has 3 defense.


    Then I suggest removing their clothing via console and giving them the stuff you want, along with the vest.


    Details here: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Console


    enter console, click on your companion to target, type showinventory, get the code of the item you want removed then type removeitem (code) (amount)



  4. This has been done for ages by AlexScorpion: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12678


    You get a light grey and a black version, both of which come suppressed or not. You also get .50 BMG rounds added to merchants.




    Can be found in the Germantown Police HQ. NOT in the powerstation as the readme claims. He changed it, I guess.


    CALIBR compatible, but not necessary. Don't leave home without one!

  5. One joins these sort of sites to download first, comment second. I have no interest in "contributing" to people who don't want me there in the first place.


    I wonder what one can "contribute" when one is prevented from downloading the subject of any "contribution" until enough "contribution" is made.


    Dumb, frankly.

  6. When the big red exclamation mark appears, it means the game can't find the specified meshes. Make sure you installed the mod properly. Get FOMM and toggle invalidation with it a few times to be sure, as well.


    With regard to load order, it is generally wise to put master files (.esm) ahead of plug-ins (.esp). Note that the further down the order an esp/esm is, the last it will be loaded. So if two mods affect the same thing in the game, the one loaded last will take priority.


    From your list, it's probably incorrectly installed meshes.

  7. Shoot a missile launcher at a distant target in VATS. It is EPIC if it hits. The camera follows the projectile, panning left and right around it.

    Also, shoot a missile into a clump of 5+ Talon Mercs. Gore everywhere.


    Threw a plasma grenade at an Enclave Soldier. "Grenade!" he shouts, before being blown into the air and gooified.


    Kiting a deathclaw matriarch through AAFB. With a stealth suit. Mayhem.

  8. It emerged that when I removed the Coyote Armour from my inventory and stored it at home, the missing left glove of my other armours returned.


    It's weird. The Coyote armour's presence in my inventory is causing the bug. Whatever it does to the left hand it only does when you have it on your person, equipped or not.

  9. I've had it happen three times now.


    When I install the readius first, it works fine... no pipboy, the left arm looks normal.


    Every so often though the left hand appears bare, gloveless whatever. But otherwise everything is as it should be. It then stays like this indefinitely, no matter if I re-equip everything.


    This can be fixed, but is tedious since it's been happening often lately. I have to unistall then reinstall the Readius, via the ingame menu (hold "B").


    It's happened when I had the Coyote Reflex Armour installed. Before, when I removed both this armour and the Readius and reinstalled the Readius... everything worked itself out.

    However, I'm also running a custom race of my own design, which switched me to Asian during Tranquility Lane. After which I had the hand problems when I was returned to Vault 112.


    This was only fixed by reinstalling.


    It's a cosmetic thing, but it's irritating me. On average, the Reflex armour's presence in my game seems to do something to the Readius.

    Has anybody else had this problem? Has anybody found a solution?

  10. Right click on the race you want to base it on, and choose duplicate. Highlight the duplicate race, hit F2 to rename it to whatever you want. From there, do everything you did to get the tats on everyone. If you copied a playable race, the playable box should already be checked. On the text data tab, change the name so it shows up in game however you want. Start a new game or visit pinkerton to change your player's race to that race.


    Excellent. Kudos for you.


    One question: if I base the new race on Asian, will the FaceGen presets for Asian carry over into the new race?

  11. What I am trying to do is create a race that will use type3 meshes/textures with tattoos... so that only my character will have these tattoos on the Alice Body.


    The GECK is rather opaque to me and I would appreciate a step-by-step guide.


    So far, I managed to edit the Asian race so that all nude asian females have the body/tats ... but then they are not unique.


    There are lots of mods which approach what I want to do, but most include goodhairday, which I dislike as it edits loads of NPCs in an unattractive manner.


    So, can somebody tell me how exactly to create a new custom race (based on Asian, if possible), how exactly to give this race the Alice body with a tattoo texture and make it player-only?

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