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Everything posted by Elsarian

  1. [attachment=17323:NehrimScreen0. If you will notice, there is a great big circle in the middle of my screen and it is so annoying. Also, are the godrays supposed to look like that? I mean I know that they can be tweaked and all, but do they look right? If there is anyway that the circle issue can be fixed, please let me know. Kudos goes to anyone who has the answers. Thanks. -Elsarian
  2. LOL nope, steam releases go by reigns not time zones. i dont know why he says that. Yup, that would appear to be the case; Skyrim unlocks at 2 am for me. So your Centeral Time as well? Dang. Well I guess that means that I will be waiting a extra 2 hours to play the game while I pour over the game box lol. Sad I know. Nope; Mountain Time, United States. Central would be 3 am, if it works how we're guessing it does...
  3. I assume you're planning on playing third person a lot now right? I am as well, but only when exploring and running around. During combat and most conversation sequences, I will be playing in first person. Third person looks a lot better, but definitely not something I would fight with. Actually, I do not intend to play in Third person. Except only when I am running through the woods or traveling somewhere, I will zoom my camera into 3rd person and watch my character run for a short while, and admire the armor that I am wearing. Stuff like that. But when I go into towns I will be in first person, when I fight I will be in first person, when I go into a tavern it will be in first person, and even when I got into a dungeon. Pretty much I will be in first person all the time. Except for brief periods here and there.
  4. Most of the screenshots of Skyrim that you have seen, are actually taken on a PC. And the game footage is all xbox, so yeah. You have already seen what it looks like on PC, you just didn't know it :thumbsup:
  5. LOL nope, steam releases go by reigns not time zones. i dont know why he says that. Yup, that would appear to be the case; Skyrim unlocks at 2 am for me. So your Centeral Time as well?
  6. And even though I am a PC gamer, I agree with you completely. Because I used to be an 360 gamer and all matter of consoles before that. Then I discovered what could be done with PC's. But still they are impressive. And convenient. I am actually very interested in seeing what the new 720 will look like. And also, I will still play consoles no matter what because there are some games that just do not come out for PC's. And I am a sucker for a good story in a game. Or something new. Like Red Dead Redemption which is consoles only and I loved that game, and not mention Gears of War! So yeah, I will continue playing on a 360, and 720 with games that I can not play on my pc and so on, but use my computer as much as possible.
  7. No it means that you will not be able to install the game at all until it is unlocked on steam. Because in order to install the game, you also have to varify that it is a legitimate copy with steam. And you will not be able to do that if the game has not been unlocked. Which will be 2AM Central Time apparently. So that means that I will get the game at 12 AM come home, and then wait until 2 AM to install and play the game. That is my understanding so far.
  8. yeah that is the next game that I am looking into getting. After a video card update of course. It looks like a pretty interesting game. It doesn't remind me of fallout though. And that's a good thing.
  9. It matters a lot! Lol because I want clothing and armor to move. Whether it be animated or dynamic. Instead of it just sticking to the character like it's been glued on or something. The green robe that the character in the first trailer was wearing seemed to be moving while he was walking. Or so it seemed.
  10. Skyrim will use DX11. But it will be limited. Todd has stated that Skyrim is meant look pretty much the same across all platforms. Mainly just so console gamers will not be left out and what not. Skyrim is a DX9 game with SOME DX11 compatibility. So there you go. Sorry my friend. But, either way the game will look amazing either way. I just hope that Skyrim will use DX11's tessellation effects. That would be awesome.
  11. I agree with Jedi. That pretty much covered it I think. And no I wasn't being sarcastic lol. I really enjoyed the video because it had a lot of new gameplay and footage of the towns and a few weapons and dungeons that I haven't seen before, so yeah. Kudos to you my friend!!!! And is it just me, or is the characters armor moving in the video about halfway through when it shows him walking in third person? Tell me what you think. -Elsarian
  12. That isn't the only case. The 360 version of Skyrim can be optimized to run better and faster because the consoles can be optimized more due to the fact that every 360 is the same. No 360 is different than the other (recent 360's I mean). Whereas Bethesda can only optimize the PC version just so much so that the game will run on most pc hardware. See what I am saying? It is very hard to explain really. And plus, 360's are built as pure gaming machines. PC's are not even if you are using it for just gaming. A computer's operating system has to take more into account than just games and so on. That is why i can not wait for the day when there is a machine that can game as powerful as a computer with the simplicity of a console. A hybrid of sorts. And be able to mod the games and so on just like you would on a PC except you would also have the simplicity of a console. That would be nice would it not? But anyway, yeah. The consoles can be more optimized than a PC because there is no difference in hardware, whereas there can be tons more people on PC's who are using very different types, so Beth has to optimize the game just enough to accommodate a wide variety of hardware. I hope all that answered your questions lol. I know it was a lot said. But you should be fine if you score above the recommended requirements. Pete said that the minimum requirements will get you running the game, whereas the recommended requirements will get you playing on high. So if you are above the recommended, then you should be fine! Happy Gaming -Elsarian
  13. Ok, so this is the first ever time that I have preordered a steam game at gamestop and the first time that I will have ever attended a midnight release. I live in Mississippi (sadly) which is central time. So what time will the game unlock? Will it be 12:00 AM everywhere? Or different?
  14. Wait, you mean 10 or 11 in the morning of 11- 11- 11?
  15. Yeah I know exactly what you mean headbomb. Thanks for the feed back. The card has really served me well though. I am looking into a 6950, but for the time being, I am going for a 5870 until next few pay checks XD.
  16. You have a beasty rig my friend. You should rock Skyrim. No if, and's, or but's about it!
  17. And I only said Crysis because that is the most taxing game that I have XD. Sorry for the double post.
  18. I have an AMD Phenom 965 Black Edition Quad Core CPU, 8 Gigs of Kingston Hyper X Blue 1600 MGhz RAM, Windows 7 64 bit, and an Sapphire Radeon HD 4670 1 GB GDDR3 video card. How well do you think I could run Skyrim with that headbbomb and Jedi? I can run Crysis with everything set to Very High except for Shaders, which is set to High with a constant 30-35 FPS. Also running in DX10 mode, so yeah. What is your opinion?
  19. You really need more RAM. 4-16 gigs. What ever you can run. Also, you should definitely get a new video card. Nvidia 450 or Radeon HD 5670, 5950, or 6950. Plus a good quad core processor with at least 3.4 ghz on each core. And maybe two hardrives if you can do that. It all depends on your budget though. And I love AMD so all my parts are AMD. Asus AMD Motherboard. AMD video card. AMD processor, and Kingston memory. Kingston Hyper X Blu to be exact. Amazing gaming RAM. But again, it all depends on how much you are willing to spend to get the parts that you need. -Elsarian
  20. It may sound strange coming from someone, but I don't really care about hair, all I want is for clothing to flap or flutter like in Fable, The First Templar, and so on. Even if it's just an animated effect, it would still be better than nothing. There was a little glimpse in the first trailer of the character walking with a hooded green robe on with a piece in the back that seemed to be moving while the character was walking. It would be nice to have that. Watch some of the trailers and see if you can find an npc with long hair that is walking and try to see if it flutters or something. I just want that for clothing. Dynamic, or animated. As long as it moves realistically.
  21. I will be watching it the night (Or morning since it will be 12:05 CT here). Because I don't want to have to wait to see it online haha.
  22. I'm sorry, I meant to put PC in place of 360. And what I said below that was for the PC as well. Meaning, I didn't think that they would release images that were taken on the PC considering that it far surpasses current consoles and so on. Sorry about that. I can't help but wonder whether this weeks new footage will be anything groundbreaking.
  23. Sorry for the double post. Scratch most of what I said, I just read an article that states that Skyrim will have DX 11 support, but it will be limited thanks to the 360's lack in hardware. So yeah. -Elsarian
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