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Everything posted by Elsarian

  1. Let's all put it this way: People who are going from Oblivion to Skyrim are saying the same as the people who went from Morrowind to Oblivion. Those who went from Morrowind to Oblivion said that the game was simplified, very dumbed down, smaller and suited for a wider audience. The same is being said for Skyrim. Now look at what people have done to Oblivion as far as mods are concerned. It made a complete transformation so much that the vanilla game seems like a completely different game altogether and, in a way, it kinda is. So now that people are going from the greatly modded Oblivion over to vanilla Skyrim will of course say that Oblivion was better. However, in terms of the vanilla game, Skyrim is much much better because the game hasn't had to deal with new and unknown hardware and be stripped of content because of it. However, in terms of mods, Oblivion is a slightly better game. But just imagine what modders will be able to do with all this content that is in Skyrim. I am not focusing on how the game is now, I am awaiting for the days ahead and see what this beast will transform into. -Elsarian
  2. My hardware is up-to-date. I check steam for driver updates every two weeks just to be sure. I make sure that everything is up-to-date on my system at all times. Especially for gaming. I have already validated my files with steam. The only thing that was modified was the .exe. I was using a separate LAA mod for skyrim instead of the new one that has been released here on the sites. When I tried the mod, it didn't necessarily like that the executable was already modified. So, I had steam validate them and so on while at the same time, I hoped that it would also fix my CTD issues. Now the problem is starting to occur with the Darkbrotherhood. After I finished the Darkbrotherhood and did a few extra quests, I randomly started to get instant CTD's when I would try and enter the new sanctuary in Dawnstar. And this is after I have been going in their numerous times. So yeah, I blame the increased "Instability" with the patches. And how can I not blame Beth for it? I mean, they were the ones causing resistance magic to not work, their patch was causing Dragons to start moonwalking, A.K.A flying backwards, in the 1.2 patch, and a slew of other problems. Thankfully I didn't get that patch. And seeing that I had not ONE issue with the day one patch and then all of the sudden start having things go crazy with my game after updating just goes to show that it is in fact Bethesda's fault. So there you go. Thankfully all this new stuff that is happening with the DB is happening after I completed the guild. I can not even go into the sanctuary now to retrieve some of the things that I have stored there. Oh, well. Elsarian
  3. I fail to understand how blocking in oblivion is more strategic? There is no bashing. There is no reason to time your blocking. There is none of that. Whereas in Skyrim you must time your block if you want to make the block more effective and you want to bash at the right time. I really do not understand how you think that. Plus you can wield spell, weapon, and shield at the same time. In skyrim, dual wielding called for a completely different approach to combat. So yeah. That is just what I think though. Even though Is aid there was no bashing in Oblivion, that isn't entirely true. It is random though. Just like the blocking in Morrowind was random. Never liked that at all.
  4. There is no option in the advanced graphics settings that says "Level of Detail". Please be more specific as to what option you mean. Do you mean Distant Object Detail?
  5. What am I doing on it that is wrong? Apparently using a 64-bit operating system. You know, the kind that can actually make use of 4gb+ RAM, improving performance overall. I had no crashes at all before patch 1.2, since that patch (as well as since 1.3) I see a crash every day or two, but I am one of the lucky ones (I am using the 4gb enabler, which does help). Other folks on this forum as well as the official one have repeatedly reported their high end systems are suffering more crashes than lower end hardware rigs, in some cases as often as crashes every 5-10 minutes. This is not a case of faulty or subpar hardware, this is something inherently wrong with how Bethesda coded their software. Edit: All this on top of the UI designed purely for console controllers, which happens to be downright terrible for keyboard/mouse users. Bethesda rushed to meet their artificially self-imposed deadline, and managed somehow to completely forget their original core user-base was on PC, so they could slam out a game designed to run on 5+ year old hardware and draw in large quantities of sales from people who neither know nor care about the lore behind the game, or the previous games, let alone the RPG genre. Face it, Skyrim straddles the line between RPG and action/adventure game. My hat goes off to you my friend. No one could have said it any better. Especially the last paragraph. No matter who says what, you are correct. And it is becoming evident that even amazing games like the TES is slowly becoming "consolized". I believe morrowind was the very last game in the series that truly stuck to it's roots. Then along came Oblivion and the new 360. Oblivion was going to have dynamic shadows that rivaled that of Skyrims and so much more content until the new xbox came along and they had to cut so much stuff due to hardware limitations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de1M4Q_g2eg Does that look like the oblivion that we have been playing for five or six years now? No. Todd Howard was demoing this at E3 on a PC! Not a console.
  6. Yeah I completely agree with you there. It is super annoying that I am still having problems that were supposed to be fixed back during the 1.2 patch. Such as dragon souls not absorbing properly at times, micro stutter issues (that I seem to have fixed), oh and my favorite part of what they said with the 1.3 patch. "Improved stability". I never crashed once when I was running the 1.1 version of the game. All I had was the day one patch and that is it. I never had a single stability issue at all. No microstuttering or anything of that nature. Now however, since I have updated sadly, I am experiencing about 4-5 maybe even more crashes a day, and I am not able to go into Jorrvaskr. Once I try to exit the building after going in, I get an instant CTD. Very sad Bethesda. Hell, Oblivion was more stable than this lol.
  7. I am pretty sure that we all will lol. I am currently looking to put skryrim down for a bit and see what the modders will do to it. By putting it down, I mean that I want to give it a rest for a little while and not get to burned out with the vanilla game and play some other games at the same time. Specifically games like Rage, Battlefield 3, Metro 2033 and games like that. Simply because I am getting a new video card soon and I want to play some more system demanding games and such. But I will be playing Skyrim for the years to come. I played Oblivion for five years. Yes that long. So, seeing that Skyrim is a thousand times better, yeah I will be here for a while XD
  8. Here is the link to the conversion mods website:Andoran: Prologue
  9. I have 216 hours clocked on my first character. I have 58 hours on my Battle Mage character and then I have about 22 hrs on my thief. And I am still enjoying the heck out of this game. I am still finding new things to do with my oldest character. I didn't even start pursuing the main quest until I was about level 36. There was just to many other things I wanted to do. And plus I thought it would be better to just halt the main quest for a little while and become familiar with the landscape, the towns, crafting, and all the other new additions in this game before diving headfirst into the main quest. Pretty much just get my bearings and stuff. The farthest I got into the main quest before stopping was where you fight your first dragon outside of Whiterun and then go talk to the Greybeards so that I could get the second word of power for Unrelenting Force. Then once I did that, I just stopped there. I had dragons that were spawning so that I could get their souls while also working with Guilds and doing the many side quests that are out there while discovering more Shouts and words of power along the way. That was pretty much how I went about doing my first play-through. Now here I am hundreds of hours, and hundreds of quests later, including and amazing main quest and still going. Now I can't wait for the Creation Kit to be released and then really see what can be done with this game. There is just so much content here for modders to work with. I can't wait to see what will be done. Also, has anyone heard of the new Total Conversion mod for Oblivion? I'm not talking about Nehrim, but a new one that was supposed to be released sometime after the launch of Skyrim. Will any of you pop in that old Oblivion disk to check it out? I know I will. -Elsarian
  10. Has anyone really heard anything about the next patch? Has Bethesda said anything about it?
  11. Some hardware runs differently I suppose. I will try the fps limiter though and see how that works. I wont let it limit my fps though due to massive screen tearing. I just can't do that. It bothers my eyes. But I will definitely try it. Thanks everyone.
  12. What my description is trying to say is: Has anyone noticed that there is a slight stutter in first person perspective, but when switching to third-person, it is virtually non-existant? If you have this issue, and have fixed it, what did you do to solve this issue? I have tried nearly everything under the sun. I run this game at ultra settings without a problem at all. I have between 40-50 frames constant except for the micro-stuttering that just won't go away no matter what I do. I have tried all the .ini tweaks, the large-address-aware, and everything else that I could find, but to no avail. I just got the 1.3 patch and it has caused this issue to worsen. So I am reverting back to 1.1 until this can be fixed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Elsarian P.S. I do not use keyboard and mouse to play. I use a controller since that is more comfortable, so it isn't a mouse-lag issue. Just to clarify that.
  13. This is an epic find! Kudos to you for finding such an epic masterpiece. Elsarian
  14. Interesting. I will definitely see what I can do. Thanks for the tip Monkey. Also, where is it that you got your .ini edited to different values so that I can follow the same path you did. Just in case the plan I have doesn't work. Thanks for your time. -Elsarian
  15. I really do not know what the issue is. Earlier today I downloaded the arrowsmith mod along with Skyrim Improved Performance just so I could try them out and see if they work well or not. Well, as soon as I installed SIP and started up the game, what you see in the image is what I see. Notice the symbol is now reddish instead of silver, and picture all the load screens having a reddish tint to their model. But nothing is changed in the game at all. I run this game maxed with great performance, but for some reason I downloaded this hoping that it would remove pointless stutter here and there when pulling up the game and so on. Well this is what I got. The mod came in the form of a d3d9.dll. Well I deleted that and replaced it with what I had previously and generated myself a new .ini to no avail. Pretty stupid for this to still keep happening. And even though it is not game breaking, it is so very annoying. And also, my map is screwed up as well. Everything is blotchy and unrendered. Pretty much my map looks like crappy LOD with mapmarkers instead of the crisp pretty landscape that I used to be able to see. Thanks for your time, and sorry about the bother. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. If none can be provided, then I guess I will just have to reinstall when the next patch comes out and deal with it until then. Thanks. Elsarian
  16. And keep in mind that my DT value is 625 and my daedric sword does 76 damage. I have a much higher armor rating than you, yet I can still get killed within reason and still have to whack a dragon (elder to be specific) to get the job done. It take me around 5 hits and a powerattack to take down a normal dragon. There you go. Perfect balance of difficulty, equipment, and level.
  17. Whatever your level is eric, the npc's level with you. Therefore that means that if you are a low level, then they are as well. They have little health, low level equipment, and so on just like they are supposed to. Now, since you are a low level and breaking the game to get these overpowered armor types at your level, what did you expect? You deliberately put yourself in this position when you knew that you would get better equipment in the near future by raising your level. But no, you did not do that. You stood at a forge or enchantment table, gave yourself all these buffs, so that you could quickly craft the best equipment out there at a low level. I mean what the hell did you think would happen man??? My character just hit level 41 and I JUST got a full suit of daedric, including the weapons, and they are all upgraded to legendary. And I can still be killed within reason just like I am supposed to. Like when fighting 4 very powerful mages with powerful spells that can take me out rather quickly if I don't play my tactics right. All I ever did was craft and upgrade what I needed for that level that would get the job done well. That's it. Not shooting for tons of enchantments that I have made myself to put on pieces of clothing and jewelry so that I could stand at a forge and craft the best equipment super early in the game. That is your fault my friend. Good luck playing Skyrim now. Elsarian
  18. Well 2012/2013 will be the unveiling of the Xbox 720 with new and up to date hardware. Yes it will FULLY support DIrectX 11 in all it's glory. Remember Crytek? The devs of crysis? Yeah, there making a new game that will be the first game for the 720 and will be used to show off the new hardware and so on. So, by then, maybe we pc gamers will start to really be able to make these games shine. The new fallout. New TES later down the road, and any other games.
  19. I sure hope that it does. That or I will just get used to it and not notice it to much.
  20. It happened to me as soon as I started playing the game. I don't have a clue as to what it is.
  21. Skyrim is not buggy, I speak from experience. Not once have I come across a single bug. Not one! Why you say? Because of the day one patch to fix the issues which i got as soon as the game finished installing. I have not had a single problem with the game at all. It runs like a charm, looks so damn gorgeous, and plays so much better than Oblivion. Hell, even M'aiq is back and guess what he says about Cyrodiil? "M'aiq hears that people from Cyrodiil are really ugly. Would have never known." And yes he is obviously telling the truth. The game world of Oblivion felt so small. Felt like all you were doing was running around in a bowl compared to skyrim. It will be a very long time before I return back to Oblivion. For now, it shall lay in it's dusty grave.
  22. And by the way, you can get AMD video cards that are in the 6000 series (6970, 6750,6550, etc.....) for around eighty bucks or a little higher on tigerdirect because they put them on sale from time to time so there you go. There really isn't much reason for a die hard pc gaming person to not build up a good rig. It took me three years for me to get where I am at, so go figure.
  23. For one, I love Skyrim to death. Two, Skyrim actually runs BETTER than OBLIVION due to the immense improvements to the new engine. Skyrim is way more optimized than Fallout 3, Fallout NV, and Oblivion. I do not have the best rig in all the land: Windows 7 64 bit, 8 gigs of ram, Radeon HD 4670, Asus gaming mobo, two HDD, and an AMD Phenom X4 965 Black Edition Quad Core Processor running at 3.6 gHrz. Now all these parts can be bought for less that 1000 dollars. Not that expensive when you look at the cost of most other gaming rigs. And guess what? I have Skyrim maxed to Ultra and running with a constant 40+ fps. And it is all thanks to dual harddrives, lots of ram, good mobo, and a nice quad, and a near 3 year old graphics card with 1 gig of ddr3 vram. Which is now a casual gaming card. Not hardcore like you would think skyrim is. But in reality, Skyrim really does not take that much to run and look good. I mean what did you expect to run skyrim on with a middle end all purpose computer?
  25. Indeed. It is always good to have new and talented people here on the nexus. Because if it weren't for those types of people, then we wouldn't have the amazing classic mods that we have today. And who knows, maybe the name Tytanis will soon be up there with the mod gods such as Oscuro, Martigens, Sloth, SkyCaptin, and so many others. I really look forward to seeing your work Tytanis. Best of luck to you. And yes, welcome to the fun :devil:
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