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Everything posted by Elsarian

  1. Nice to meet you. My name is Justin, AKA Elsarian. Nice to have someone new here on the Nexus. What type of mods do you plan on creating? Or do you wish to keep that a secret so that you can surprise us?
  2. No wonder Bethesda became lazy...after reading something like this, why would they even bother to make some ui and fix things..."look they are happy even with this!" This is not about being happy and all but about quality...the game is fun certainly but if im buying a PC game i expect to have it some pc game standards like the ui for example. You say people are whining about everything..surely some things are overreactions but this is also bethesdas fault for hyping the game to heavens, so im not surprised some people are pissed. They havent done any QA testing on this...and just becouse you are happy with it dossent mean we all have to be...if we dont point the flaws and lazyness of bethesda they wont bother to do anything properly...and if this means we are whining, then let it be so...but please realize you are whining about others whining...same deal. Your accusations of lazy are pretty poorly thought out. I would be lying if I didnt say it bothered me when individuals like you and others make these kinds of statements. Many at the studio have spent many nights, weekends and holidays working to try to bring you the best game we could within the time we had. All this we did of our own accord without any extra compensation and we did it with the fans in mind. Sure were not perfect, but being called lazy is just plain insulting. We take great pride in our work and we do listen to fans quite a bit. Dont be so quick to judge us so harshly, we do what we can for you guys, unfortunately you cant please everyone. Also, bear in mind this game is made for millions of people. What some of you may like others may not and vice versa. Take it easy my friends You guys have done a wonderful job with this game. I am astounded at it. I enjoy every single minute of firing up Skyrim and playing it for hours on end. One of the most well done games that I have ever played. And hands down the best open world RPG that I have ever played. Thank you for the hard work that has been put into it. Also, the complaints can't even scratch the surface, or hinder my experience at all. Thank you so much.
  3. No wonder Bethesda became lazy...after reading something like this, why would they even bother to make some ui and fix things..."look they are happy even with this!" This is not about being happy and all but about quality...the game is fun certainly but if im buying a PC game i expect to have it some pc game standards like the ui for example. You say people are whining about everything..surely some things are overreactions but this is also bethesdas fault for hyping the game to heavens, so im not surprised some people are pissed. They havent done any QA testing on this...and just becouse you are happy with it dossent mean we all have to be...if we dont point the flaws and lazyness of bethesda they wont bother to do anything properly...and if this means we are whining, then let it be so...but please realize you are whining about others whining...same deal. My entire argument was based on the fact that the game has just been let out of the gates. And I must disagree with you when you say that they hyped it to the heavens, because you know for a fact that it was also the fans that got so epically hyped by just seeing the game play footage. I have my complaints about the game. But I am definitely not going to let that hinder my experience as long as it isn't game breaking. I do not like the third person only horse riding. I don't like not being able to use my own custom key bindings, and some of the towns weren't as I expected them to be. I could go on and on and on.But none of this is worth complaining about because I just got it. And i will continue to play and love it because I know that there will be mods to fix it later down the road. And the last thing I said also shows that I wasn't speaking for the developers when I said that "there will be a mod for it", I was talking about that that helps not loose interest in the game. Which can never happen anyways. But that's my own opinion.
  4. I just do not understand why so many people are whining and griping! Skyrim is only FOUR days old and everyone is complaining about Horse animations, no first person horse riding, no horse combat, the jumping animations are bad, the textures look like crap, there are texture bugs, the walking animations are terrible, the towns aren't that great, the females don't look like hot anime chicks, no instead they look like hardened women in one of the most harshest areas in Tamriel, NPC's have blocky looking faces; I mean really people? Really? Please just enjoy it and not look at every little thing that you think is a "flaw". There is a reason that this game is moddable. Rant ended. -Elsarian
  5. I do not believe that you can make your own spells in the game. Then again I might be wrong there. As far as I know, Todd has only said that finding, or buying, spell tomes is a way that you can learn new spells. It wouldn't hurt to google it though.
  6. I only craft the type of armor that suits my characters current level and gear. I am level 18 and still have had only one enemy using a glass weapon. So since I was on the hunt to find dwemer armour at the time, I instead, crafted it and upgraded all to Superior and then destroyed an enchanted dwarven sword so that I could learn the enchantment and apply it to my current Superior dwarven sword. But, I do not want to spend the time and waste the gold to train up my smithing skill to 80 just to be able to craft ebony at level 10 or something. Sounds lazy to do something like that. But then again, everyone had there own playstyle
  7. it was also in Red Dead Redemption. Now that we have seen that the wagons can move in the beginning of the game, there will no doubt be a mod for that later. And to be honest, I was actually surprised that they work the way they do. I didn't expect the player to be able to climb in the back of the wagon. I was actually impressed that it would be that good. But like I said, there will no doubt be a mod for it later. Just give it some time and enjoy the game. I think that Skyrim is amazing even Vanilla. That is saying something coming from a person that is never really happy with vanilla games. There are some areas that could use more polish, but I mean Skyrim as a whole is just plain amazing. The best Bethesda game that I have ever played hands down. -Elsarian
  8. Granted, but then the guards register everyone in the area as a sex offender. I wish Horkers could be pets. Granted. But your Horker turned you into a Porker. I wish that there would be true cloth physics.
  9. Well is Steam required to play? I don't have a steam account and don't plan on getting one. Im just going to get it, install it, and play it. simple as that. No you won't be playing "As simple as that". Steam is required no matter what. No if ands or buts. You will have to get a steam account, which I recommend you do now, and then once you do that, you can go get the game, come home, install and activate it through steam, and then play as simple as that. Sound good? -Elsarian
  10. First off this goes to anyone who thinks that they can "Complete" Skyrim. Todd has said recently that the Radiant Story actually generates an endless amount of quests. Meaning that, based on your character type, there just might be some "little" mundane quests that you might repeat, but in a different way. Not one quest is completely similar to the other. Which means that if you are at level 10 for example, then there might be this lady that wants you to go and save her daughter from a dungeon that you have never been to before. Then after you complete that quest, radiant story may pick another quest for you at level 13 and there might be father who had his son carried off by bandits to a different dungeon (that you haven't been to before) and you would have to do that. And of course there are other types of quests, like picking some flowers for a town maybe. No one will really know until friday. You will be able to complete the main quest, but you will never be able to complete "All" quests. That sounds so cool to me. And that could also mean that many other modders would be able to add more quests to the game as well. But that is getting a little to ahead of myself. I want to play it for a while, yes vanilla, before I start to mod the hell out of it. Plus that will give the modding community some time to get mods pumped out there. -Elsarian
  11. That was actually very funny Sepherose, and very sinister as well :devil:
  12. Well I am speaking in terms of getting the game form Gamestop. i will not be able to get the game until Midnight which will be 11-11-11. And seeing that the game will be unlocked at 11 PM, then that means that I can play as soon as I get back. So the release is dead-on for me.
  13. Many people don't have home internet connection (including myself) and Steam is known to have occassional connection problems. Just google "Steam won't update". Also many resent paying for a game disc only to have a program try to download the game and be treated as criminals. Any software can and will be pirated, DRM only serves to punish those who legitimately purchase the game. The only game that I have used steam with is New Vegas. And right after I install steam from the disc, it starts to DL New Vegas. Even though New Vegas was already on the disk. I was told by a person here that that can be avoided due to there being a bug in the installer. You can bypass the DL somehow and have the game install directly from the disk just like any other game. So, hopefully, this will be fixed for Skyrim because I connect to the net by tethering my iPhone to my PC and that only allows 4 gigs of data a month. So I can not afford to download a game. To me, that is what some publishers fail to understand when they put their games through certain DRM's that require a DL or do something stupid like New Vegas when some people don't have good internet connections. Rant ended. -Elsarian
  14. Well if it will be unlocking at 1 or 2 EST, then that means that it will unlock here at 12 or 1 since I am Central Time. If that is true, then that means that I will be playing as soon as I get back home. Awesome! steam clocks are wrong Pete say they're working on releasing the game at 12am EST in north america. they gave up on the 11/11/11 release on every timezone like i knew they would. No I don't think that they have given up at all. The game will be released on 11-11-11 everywhere just like they said. However, that does not mean that it will be releasing at 12 o' clock sharp all over the world. That would just be too complicated. Some will be able to play it at 12. Some will be able to play it at other times. But still on 11-11-11.
  15. Well if it will be unlocking at 1 or 2 EST, then that means that it will unlock here at 12 or 1 since I am Central Time. If that is true, then that means that I will be playing as soon as I get back home. Awesome!
  16. Time Begins Akatosh appears in the void of formless Aurbis and imposes his regulation of existence upon the universe. Many et'ada recognizable to modern mortals begin to coagulate. Nirn is conceived A Padomaic being named Lorkhan envisions the creation of a new kind of divinity: a planet called Nirn. This realm will fulfill the urges of his sphere by serving as a construct that will allow him to achieve ultimate liberty- Nu-Mantia. Aedra and Daedra Lorkhan convinces the modern Aedra and other Anu-aligned spirits to give of themselves and aid in Creation. Magnus will serve as the new world's architect. A collection of prominent Padomaic spirits reject his proposals and decide to create worlds using only their own divinities. They are now known as Daedric Princes. After several millennia have passed, a particularly powerful Daedric Prince, Jyggalag, is cursed by his peers to become Sheogorath, the embodiment of his sphere's polar opposite. Creation The Mundus is formed, the hub of the wheel that is Aurbis, and most of its creators die or are crippled by their sacrifices. They exist as shadows of their former selves. The new land is a chaotic place where time follows no clear path and creation is constant, following a downward spiral that causes levels of existence to create lesser levels beneath themselves. This results in the dissolution of many spirits and the creation of mortals, whose memories from this time result in their creation myths. Discord Magnus and his followers, the Magna Ge, perceive the trap that is the Mundus and abandon their creation. They flee, ripping holes in the sky in their desperate departure to Aetherius. The sun and stars now allow magic. The Twelve Worlds of Creation flourish. Convention Akatosh sees the trap as well, but does not flee.[citation needed] Instead, he throws himself into Mundus. His capsule lands in what will become the Isle of Balfiera in High Rock and becomes known as Adamantine Tower, the world's oldest structure. His full presence causes all spirits and chaotic forms of creation to crystallize, and time becomes linear and ordered. This is the end of the Dawn Era. He calls a council of the gods and the Aedra elect to punish Lorkhan. As punishment Trinimac tears Lorkhan's heart from his breast. Auri-El fastens the heart to an arrow and fires into the sea where it lands as a fiery meteor to form the Red Mountain and Vvardenfell - the Star-Wounded East. Mortals The development of mortals now follows slow, comprehensible paths. The diverse people of Tamriel become the Mer (Elves): The Dwemer (Deep Ones), the Chimer (Changed Ones), the Bosmer (Green or Forest Ones), and the Altmer (Elder or High Ones). The fracturing of the Aldmer along cultural and racial lines is the Sundering of Aldmeris, and the continent no longer exists. The other Ehlnofey became the Hist, beasts, and the humans of Nirn, who will eventually split into racial groups, including the Nedes, Nords, and Tamriellic Aboriginals, as well as the Redguards of Yokuda. This is a rough idea of how the Aedra and Daedra came into being. Along with the creation of Mundus and eventually Nirn. -Elsarian
  17. Hey how have you been? Haven't seen you on it a while. Where did you run off to?
  18. Haha thanks Nebrule. I like the layout a lot because I can apply it easily to other games as well like Crysis, Battlefield, CoD, and many others. It is a very comfortable control scheme and it is easy to customize. Like adding on to it. For example, I just downloaded Deadly Reflex 6 the other day, and all I had to add to the scheme was X for bashing and G for dodging. Thats it. I can bash while running backwards at the same time due to my backwards key being W. And I can duck and attack real easy because my dodge key is right next to my attack key. Very simple and easy to add onto without having to relearn controls. See why I like to use it lol?
  19. My Thursday will consist of waking up at around nine in the morning. Grabbing something to eat, get a soda, step outside in the chilly morning to have a smoke. Come back inside, fire up my Prometheus (Yeah I had to name my pc that :biggrin: ), and then play Oblivion all day to finally lay it to rest. And to commemorate the good five years that I have been playing it. Then, i am going to leave my home at around 11:20 PM, meet up with a few buddies of mine, go to GS, get Skyrim, drool over the game box and the realistic map, grab a bite to eat, say my goodbyes, and head home to an all-nighter with Skyrim :dance: Yep, thats pretty much going to be my Thursday.
  20. Well Oblivion and Fallout, my control scheme was like this: Left Click: move forward. Right click: block (or aim in fallout) W: move backward Q: strafe left E: Strafe right A: Sneak S: Jump D: Ready weapon F: Attack Left Shift (Hold): Was to run. R: Use Spell T: Camera view. Now if that scheme was applied to Skyrim, then F would be my right hand and Right mouse button would be my left. If I am dual-wielding swords, then i would press F to swing with right and Right mouse button to swing left. Sword and board would be the same as in Oblivion. F swings, RMB blocks, or hold it to bash. Not much has really changed in my opinion. What do you think about it?
  21. I just wanted to say that, Dave, you are one brilliant writer. You had me laughing so hard in some parts of your review! :woot: It was literally almost like a short story lol. I loved every minute of reading it. Keep up the good work and I will be following more of your reviews in the future. That I can assure you. Thanks so much! Best Wishes (and pass me a drink to) :thumbsup: -Elsarian
  22. I disabled all other "Sky effects" before I installed OBGE. And I also found the problem. Using the OBGE Support plugin was causing the godrays to act like that. I disabled the plugin and activated the shader through the shader.txt file. Now it is running perfectly without a problem. Thanks for the input though.
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