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Everything posted by 363rdChemicalCompany

  1. subaverage is correct as usual. I also like the fireplaces from this mod. Not as fancy as the one in your pic, but more immersive perhaps. Burning ones are in there also. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1478
  2. PS: speaking of leaving things "Vanilla" These 2 files will either delte or manager ( postpone to a level of your choosing) the new CC content that the user gets spammed with when starting a new game stepping out of the vault. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/82345 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/82311
  3. I dont have that level of skill. My male settlers I simply create via cheat menu, which is basically an automated console command (and I run "Better Settlers" which hooks into console command spawned settlers, to buff thier levels) . They are not unqiue coded so I cannot change their looks, but I dont care since they're dudes. My female settlers I get from "Commonwealth Captives" (not unique coded for looks, but most girls "found" like this are attractive), or Settler builder (which makes unique coded setttlers I can use presets to make them hotties) or "spawnable unique settlers" ,( also to apply hottie presets) I also equip the women/girls with various Vtaw and lazman555 outfits. I no longer go crazy and make them all run around half naked in lingerie anymore. That doesnt make sense when they are doing farm work and/or its chilly.etc. But more normal clothes albeit hot ones. The hottest girl in the settlement gets the Clothing Shop. (For those who dont know, in most countries wealthy men, which the Sole Survivor quickly becomes, often buy their favorite girl, a Boutique to own, which, of course, is a dream business for most women) I also use the "Special Zapper" to fine tune settler specials based on who they are (my female settlers get a huge buff , 5 points or more, in charisma/charm if they are hotties, my male settlers get 2 point buff each in strenght, agility, endurance). Doctors get a big buff in Intelligence and a smaller one in perception, traders get same buffs except smaller, but also a charisma buff, specific "anchor" guards with my best equipment (power armor and heavy weapons) get buffed to Courser level for Specials.
  4. Hmmm, Player faction. Good point. But why then do my settlers sometimes call me "General" even if I have not yet joined the MM?
  5. I dont see any issues as in I dont see mods that are obviosuly dependent on another in wrong order. But I am not a Guru with these things. Seems like a fairly moderate modlist. Have you had problems with it?
  6. I usually play the Minutemen, but getting Called "General" makes me feel like sucha goodie two shoes. I want to be a bit more edgy. Not evil-raider-boss-murdering-psychopath-edgy, but maybe a bit more feudal Lord type who is mostly benevolent, but likes his Gold and his farmgirls. And my faction could be its own Nation, kinda that the SS builds up in a benevloent way like the minutemen do. But as feudal lord it wont feel so odd if I decide to exact tribute via taking all the bottle caps from the workshop, or have some of my pretty farm girls give me some physical "tribute". In a feudal society those things are 100% normal and many noblemen that history records as good guys and great men, did exactly that But as "General" I feel a bit too much locked into a goodie two shoes role, especially with Preston nagging me. Also this would allow a user, to use the mod that locks out the minuteman questline and still do the settlement aspect in a plausible way. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/85410 Just an idea I hope someone more gifted than me might consider...
  7. Thank you for the kind words. BTW CBBE recently has been updated to .984 but some users still report issues with this updated version. My current load order is SO stable, offers 4 times the vanilla map size, 2-3 times the quests, 3-4 times the NPCs, With female NPCs being much more attractive than in Vanilla, Locations such as Diamond City expanded, made more plausible full of NPCs, Game Armor and weapons updated to make them a bit more realistic w/o turning the place into COD. A complete suite of working AAF mods, so the hotties I rescue will show their gratitude in all ways.. (also a realism mod IMO) So yeah, I am happy with my set-up and see little reason to risk it. Maybe in a couple of years there will be some major .984 mods that would get me to switch but not now.
  8. Depending on my playthrough I run between 280 to 360 mods, Am I still locked on game version .163. And the arguments for that were strong back when I decided to lock it down ( via never updating and setting my .acf file to "read only") But as modders have mostly caught up with .984 the areguments agasint it are, perhaps, not as overwhelming as before. Still some of my mods including some of my main must-haves, only work on .163, so this is where I am right now still. Also the worst feature of .984, spamming the user right on vault exit with all sorts of goofy and terribly unbalanced CC quests that were added for free to the game can now be prevented or managed: Disablement : https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/82345 Postponement: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/82311 A couple decent new mods have come out in the .984 BA2 format ( thought there is a conversion app on Nexus, for BA2 files, you can use if you run .163, no guarantees though. I gave it a try once and had issues, but that does not mean you will). I would also check the status of your favorite must-have mods to see if they are unupdated. That could sway you either way. I still prefer .163, but perhaps the case is not as overwhelming anymore, as it still was, say, late last year.
  9. What do you think is the last version of UFO4P that is still viable on .163?
  10. There is a mod that shut down automatron altogether even if you do, like many here, have the game of the year edition.
  11. 1. As a general rule yes, they do get affected and buffed by buffing items. It is most buffing items do this. However I have observed exceptions. For example I have not observed the 2 Agility Specials the DC guards are supposed to get from military fatigues when I put them into military fatigues via a mod and/or via console commands. However the buff of 1 strenght and 1 perception from Army fatigues seem to apply. I have 2 mods that let me see NPCs SPECIAL stats and for many but not all buffing items such as clothes or armor I see a SPECIAL buff occurring. 2. Yes 3. I do not know, but I doubt it. 4. They generally do not benefit from mods like that.
  12. I belive there is no such sonsole command. What you want is the Creation Kit and your resulting change would be a mod you could publish here
  13. I belive there is a console command to reset NPCs, might work on your character but alas I do not recall what it is. Might want to rummage throught he published comnsole command lists.
  14. I use this mod to freely put my Settlers into PowerArmor (and they dont step out when I leave the cell) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10792 But I want to put a couple of DC guards in them. I also tried this "cloning" a Power armored NPC to equip amother NPC which usually works fine (with some bugs) to equip non Settler NPCs like DC guards, but with PA it resulted in very badly distorted NPCs: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/68030 Any thoughts ideas?
  15. I use the waternorads.esp and never looked back. (its not on Nexus, the one on nexus doesnt work) Real world water is a great shield against rads and does not retain them like in the Game. radioactive elements which are all hevaier than H20 would be flushed out of rivers to the sea and there go to the deepest areas and stay there. Also with nuclear explosions the Istopes responsible for most of Fallout are the most active ones and therefore decay the fastest, thier halflives are measured in hours. Cobalt 60 could in theory stick around longer ( from purpose designed bombs to impose long term fallout which in our timeline at least have never been made as far as we know) but even that would be all gone within a few halflives. 200 yrs after the war there should be no rads anywhere. Now there is a mod on Nexus that rewrites all the dialogue to be 60 years and makes Shaun stolen shortly after the bombs. If it was a lot of Cobalt bombs there might be still some measurable residual radiation after 60 years, though nothing hazaourdous or on the level as described in the game.
  16. Sorry, I didnt mean to lord it over other posters with my gear list. I got into gaming relativly recently and am excited to have a nice rig. It pains me to know that sanctions make life harder in other countries to include computer gear... ..part of me just wants to fly to some members places, with a care package of nice CPUs/GPUs and other parts to give out, alas that is not realistic.
  17. I was gonna give away my 4080S to a deserving celebrity modder (I already had one picked, so no new Applications please) when I was resolved to get the 5080 when it came out. But the 5080 generational uplift is so minimal over the 4080S, that I decided not to bother with the upgrade. I would consider a 4090 if prices were to drop with the 5000 series coming out, but thaty is not happneing at all due to a) no availability of 5000 series product and b) generalized disapointment in the new generation. So my spring update this year will likely be AMD 9950 X3D, with maybe, just maybe, a new/faster drive and maybe move up from 64 GB DDR5 to 128 GB DDR5 RAM (if the bigger RAM does not drop my RAM access speeds too much, the jury is still out on that) My cooler (360mm) and power unit are still sufficient.
  18. I seen it happen but not until my 10th playthrough or so. Usually I a) either dont often return to that area or b) many other times I was too bored with that quest and never redid it on subsequent playthroughs which left the area as it was.
  19. Maybe Better Console is my best bet then. I do not have or use CK (yet).
  20. This is also my exact setup. I wanted two times 4T 990 PRO but they only had the 2T ones in stock when my current rig went together in July. When the AMD 9950X3D comes out I may upgrade my hardrives to bigger ones. Not sure how much faster I can get than Samsung 990PRO w/o going to gen 5. My ASUSTeK . TUF GAMING B650-PLUS WIFI (AM5) is supposed ot support gen 5 SSDs but I hear mixed reviews for gaming on those. Not sure what the verdict on those is for gaming yet.
  21. Maybe But I dont have this mod in my download list ( though maybe I should it looks just as good) Also I dont see any mods in in Vortex profile with the name katana in it. So I figure it might have bene part of some kind of pack.. But I am unware of any such in my Vortex profile. Odd. its not Vanilla is it?
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