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Everything posted by StarMystyk

  1. In my game when I enter workshop mode my companion will wander over to the workbench and just stand there. I've never seen them sandbox. If combat happens while I'm in workshop mode that's annoying. Afterwards, while I'm still in workshop mode, my companion will follow me around as if I wasn't. So I have to exit and re-renter for them to go away. It's always been like that for me, even before I stareted using mods, so I assumed that was normal :huh:
  2. I'm pretty sure knuckles are unarmed. So no pistols or rifles at all huh? You must be a terror at close range! I mean with your institute char. I wonder if there is a way to make some underwater battles? Just not with sharks! It was going to be only unarmed but as I wasn't sure I put points into both. I managed to loot Maxson's gatling laser. As much as I like them I modded it up a bit and gave it to a companion. Most unique guns I give to companions. I prefer my fists: :D She's level 63 at the moment. Wears a marine suit with ballistic weave (version 5), and pieces are mostly disciples except the chestpiece and helmet which are metal. All various legendary effects. Even though it seems like she's overpowered a high level assaultron I still need to run away from or let my companion be the target while I stand over here and watch and loot.
  3. My female Institute character is melee/unarmed only. She only has a fully upgraded Disciples blade with a wounding enchantment and some Kneecapper Knuckles. One thing I would like to know - do knuckles come under melee weapons or unarmed? My male BoS character is mostly rifles. Plasma. He's currently armed with a plain gauss rifle (haven't decided on a legendary effect yet), a wounding Gatling Laser, a backup Disciples blade (good for cave crickets and other small critters), a wounding plasma rifle (fully modded, no scope. I hate scoped weapons) and a menagerie of grenades. As I run War of the Commonwealth, sometimes with Endless Warfare, there's no such thing as too many weapons. It's usually ammo that I run out of. I still can't remember which settlement I kept my stash of 167 fusion cores as I only have 21 on me :D
  4. I've had that happen when one of my mods had a WIP thread and the file available for testing. I never did it that way again. I abandoned the mod not long after due to several that took it and ran with it, putting their name on it.Had one similar years before that. Reported it several times and it's still here to this day. On this very site. So, I don't do WIP threads, ever. If you report it (with evidence) and nothing is done about it what can you do? In my experience, nothing.
  5. Soon I shall have a new video card. Wish I'd never bought this potato that I have now.
  6. Mount & Blade Warband and Subnautica. Two totally different games but both a lot of fun for me. I'm bored with Fallout 4 at the moment.
  7. Edit: My issue persists. The only thing that will fix it will be a new video card, I think. My R7 260X is just too old and weak, now. Next card will be a RX 480 4GB (8GB is too expensive here). I've tried all the .ini edits, using ENBoost, and nothing works. Googling my issue and it's not a very common one - rainbow textures are far more common but, I don't get those. I'd glady trade for that problem, though :smile: Â Edit 2: Meanwhile 3 months later, I have a new monitor and video card (MSI RX 480 8GB) and the problem is still there. It can't be a ram or vram issue (I have 16GB in my system and 8 GB on the card). My card never goes over 60C so it's not overheating and there's ample cooling inside my case. Been trying to fix this stupid thing myself - blue is a mesh issue, right? You'd think extracting all the meshes (or just landscape) from the ba2 would fix it, maybe even all the landscape materials as well, but no. I'm sure if I extract all ba2's it'll still be there. It's only this game that I've had this annoyance. Very few people have it (Google "fallout 4 blue terrain" and there's only a couple of results that aren't rainbow textures. Plus there's no fix. Edit 3: Looks like I might have eradicated it, at last. Had several long gaming sessions where I had to go into interiors and back out (which is when it happened, when the world loaded). What has so far fixed it for me is Vivid AIO. I'd used parts of it before but now I use everything. Well, except some trees that FO4 Seasons overwrites (so I can have leaves). So it looks as if Vivid fixed it. Hopefully it stays away for good this time :) (Edited without bumping for anyone who comes here from Google like I did).
  8. Lol! I guess so :laugh: It's only this game. Skyrim I use Wrye Bash, Oblivion was WB and OBMM, Fallout 3 and NV mainly FOMM. I haven't tried anything for FO4, but I will check out how Wrye Bash is going and might try that. I loved it for Oblivion, there were so many features. I only use it for load order in Skyrim as the other features I wanted aren't there.
  9. I don't use anything, just my own judgement. After adding a new mod to the load order I run the lot through FO4Edit to check if I need a patch or if something overwrites that I don't want to I move the mods position. I have a merged patch as well. No problems so far. Nothing I can't fix, anyway.
  10. Same. I hate pipe weapons. I'd rather use my fists than any of those. I'd thought about modding them out of my game but usually end up finding something else I have to 'fix' so I haven't got around to even attempting it.
  11. That one's mine, lol. It wouldn't be causing that issue. It just edits a formlist that companions pull from when you pick up tin cans and mops, etc. EFF is that a follower framework? I had that for Skyrim if it's the same one. The one for visible companion affinity I also use that and have't had issues. But I don't use the extra esp Affinity Check. But, IMO, disabling companion-related mods (including mine) might be an idea, just to be sure.
  12. For those settlers born in a cave (all of them, lol) i use a mod called Auto Doors. It has a couple of things such as a little doohickey that auto closes any gates and doors after about 5-10 seconds. With that I sometimes use a keycard panel (in the same mod). Comes in 3 colors. Using both it'll close the door/gate and lock it. I give provisioners a keycard so they can get in but the rest are mostly locked in. For settlement attacks I ignore them and instead rely on Better Settlement Defenses to decide the outcome which is more in my favor than without it. Edit: Added links.
  13. There's a mod that allows male players to use the Black Widow perk. It also changes one, maybe more, of the Live & Love magazines as well. I use that mod for my male character seeing as there seem to be more male enemies than female. Since my last post I've done a couple more playthroughs and all male. I might start another female later, just for something different.
  14. Did you read the comments on the New Vegas one? Page 2, about halfway down. To sum it up he can't port them as they're based on FO3 and NV assets, so would need to recreate them, but he may do it sometime in the future if he has time. The only mod I've found (and used to use) that included some parts of it is Customized Universal Tactical Equipment.
  15. I have just a generic trashcan from buildmode where I toss in stuff I don't want. Then, in the console, I just type resetinventory and it's all gone. You can do that with any container anywhere.
  16. I'm on my phone so can't link to it, but a mod called Faction Field Outfits has a black version of his cap. I don't know of any smaller, specific mods, though.
  17. I had a mod for that at one stage, but I can't remember what it's called. I thought it might've been No Player Comments, but that only covers terminals, chems and lockpicking. There's another way, though. I've taken to using this way rather than clog up my load order with plugins, or merging multiple plugins. It's FO4 Voice File Reference Tool. You can find the offending line, said by anyone in the game, even the player, and generate an empty (silent) voice file. If you play with general subtitles on you'll still see the words, though. Edit: I found it. In the comments of No Player Comments. Silent Harvesting. I knew I saw it somewhere.
  18. There's a mod for that. No Player Comments -- Chems - Locks - Terminals :)
  19. I haven't tried it on companions but, for the Human Armor Rack mod I change the faces to a LooksMenu preset. The same should work for any NPC. Have Piper in front of you, open the console and click on her until her ID shows at the top (2f1f or 2f1e, I think it is) Then, type slm herID That opens the character creation screen and from there go to the Presets and select the one you want. It works for my mannequins so should work for anyone.
  20. I've started doing that again. Especially as I keep accidentally selling my armor that I'm wearing. No one wants to see a guy in his birthday suit in Diamond City market, lol. Though he hasn't had any objections yet :)
  21. NCR Scavenged armor has been incorporated into Mercenary Pack. I don't have a link at the moment (searching for Mercenary should bring it up).
  22. I can't link to it on my phone but, there's a mod called No NPC Comments which stops that kind of thing. I use it as that was also something that annoyed me :)
  23. Does the mod cover all moon phases? I made my own but only for the full moon. The other phases are vanilla.
  24. I won't be able to. I've a 2gb card and a lowly i5 4590 :)
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