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Everything posted by Thandal

  1. Topic locked. Duplicate of post in another thread. Double topic posting not allowed on Nexus. (But "reply" double-posting happens all the time. :laugh: )
  2. Try using this: "The Winter Forge". :thumbsup:
  3. @Kalfireth; Sorry you're having problems. Don't have time to layout all the troubleshooting steps for you right now, but this Nexus Wiki article might get you pointed in the right direction: "Using DA Mods for Dummies". Let us know if you make any progress. :thumbsup:
  4. Not sure what you mean. Report feature works great for files, file comments, images, forum posts, and the Chat Room. The staff here deal with Reports from all of these every day...
  5. Whenever I read anyone saying that "modders should..." do something, I always think "or else... what?" In this case it seems to me that the "or else" is that they won't be able to post their mods here. The more speed bumps placed by others between a modder and a player, the less likely the modder will bother. Sure, SOME modders will take the time, but requiring ALL modders to do so? Simply for some added convenience for the player? I think that's a way to discourage contributions.
  6. Well, you definitely have SOMETHING from a mod affecting the damage you take (or enemies deliver). Almost everything in the Tower of Ishal should be able to beat a naked PC. :laugh:
  7. It is exactly what it says: The author/uploader forgot to set ANY category, so it's assigned to the "Default". What you're asking is really that modders do a better job of describing/assigning their work to the "proper" categories. But as has been discussed many times in other threads, what's "proper" for one might not be for another, even when pertaining to the same mod. And expecting all authors to agree with ANYONE is pointless. Key words, tags, categories. These are all aids to finding what you want. But in a strictly voluntary environment, unlikely to ever be "the answer". Suggestions for new categories are always welcomed, but don't take it personally if they aren't implemented. And they are almost impossible to apply to the already existing materials. Too labour-intensive. (Not the clicking, the deciding...) My advice for searching is: "Learn to use all the tools available". My advice for helping is: "Go on a tagging spree!"
  8. :tongue: Already done - by BioWare! "runscript zz_jump_around" :tongue:
  9. alex3474 banned. Unauthorized use of another's mod as basis for own. After being reported and PM'd to explain, claimed it was all own work. Examination by those familiar with modelling checked that claim. Here are the results: Mod deleted.
  10. Ahhh... you didn't say you were working with a Steam install. The specific locations for a variety of things is ever-so-slightly different with a Steam install. I would start looking at the default paths for the various elements in the Compiler (last tab) and make sure that everything is mapped correctly for your rig.
  11. Can almost guarantee you've got something left from a mod. Anything that installed as a ".dazip" would not be in your "\override" folder, but in your "\addins". It should also be visible on the "Installed Content" screen, where you can disable it.
  12. Thanks for the update. Your experience adds to the body of knowledge supporting the notion that "mysterious bugs that suddenly appear" are due to mods. Removing them all, then re-installing in batches to isolate the problem child is the best way I know to fix it.
  13. Just happened to be in the FO3 files section, so I tried to duplicate this behavior, but everything worked normally. This is the link to the mod: "Underground Hideout".
  14. Moohoo627 banned. Used copyrighted material in mod. From the Description Tab: Mod deleted.
  15. This is what happens when the CC can't find the resources that a slider position points to. Sounds like you did not get everything merged in the single CGMC.xml that the CC requires. I would: a) Have a good copy of all of the cgmc.xml files for all the mods involved, direct from the mod packages. b) Place each mod and its cgmc.xml in a seperate folder under my "\overrides" folder. c) Delete my chargenmorphcfg.xml. d) Re-run the latest version of TerraEx's CharGenMorph Compiler. I have every one of the ones you list installed, (and many, many more) and don't have this issue.
  16. IIRC, the full descriptions only appear in the Skill Tree when you have the Character Sheet open. I think you might still have a mod-or-two leftover from before, since "Pummel" isn't in the vanilla game. Or did you mean "Pommel Strike"? Here's the info from the DA Wiki for "Pommel Strike": So not a lot, (or too much) to list in a pop-up tag.
  17. urecheureche issued 2 Strikes for posting a mod page with no file and for naming it "01..." in violation of the ToS. Mod deleted.
  18. magicCap banned. Using portions of others' mods without permission, and then getting snotty with those authors when called on it: Quote from uploaders' reply in file comments: He's the one who can leave. Mod deleted.
  19. (Ummmm... did you read my reply directly above your most recent post?) Yes, most of us do a new Class or a new Origin story at that point. I've finished at least eight complete playthroughs, and have several more partials with other characters. :thumbsup:
  20. Saltso banned. Insulting mod author in file comment thread. [troll] Reference post Also for redistributing someone else's mod without permission. Mod deleted. --Thandal Alt account isilvar Now also banned - The Vampire Dante. Member created new account and spammed threads with complaint about ban (instead of contacting staff to discuss it.) But for those interested, here's the report that brought the mod to our attention in the first place. It was submitted by the member who was credited by name in the mod that was removed:
  21. SyncErr0r banned. Advocating and assisting piracy, and using others' mods without permission. Quote from Description page (before it was deleted): 'nuff said.
  22. WackaMacka banned. Flaming and inappropriate language in file comments. Reference post
  23. I'm not one of the "Writers", and no one was "hired", in the sense of getting a paid position. Just one of the volunteer Moderators who try to keep things relatively civil here, (at least when compared to the rest of the wild-wild-web! :laugh: ) And the "Reporters" who were selected are also doing it pro bonum communitatis. :thumbsup:
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