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Status Updates posted by MonsterHunterMaster

  1. Lol, how comes that you know that I played prototype? O_o
  2. Somehow you look like the singer of the band "one republic" imo..anybody else thought of this before? O_o
  3. Yeah, I wasn't very active the last time..you know, lot to do in school..but now I have holidays too, I can start to work on my mod..also, Yay, now I can be a bit more active here now. So how are you my friend? :)
  4. Yeah, finally some time to work on my mod. Maybe I can finish some swords, that would be awesome..
  5. Yeah I'm fine too. Now I have school holidays for 1 week. YAY! :D
  6. Oh I'm fine too thanks..I don't have much time too, we have lots of exams in school and I need to learn for them..then I want to finish my first real mod..(well, I should really start with it first..). You see a lot to do..and yes, I get tired too! XD
  7. Hey, how are you, push? Haven't talked to you for 2 while now...
  8. Why don't you ask him yourself? O_o
  9. I dunno...would be cool if he would had left a comment..
  10. Lol, I just saw that Dark 0ne visited my profile...
  11. Lol down there...

    Havent commented here for a while now, so...how are you? Is everything fine?

  12. I meant the places like bagdad, the ones you listed in the section where it says its not how many you kill, its how many you save...somehow I have to read through the whole text everytime I visit Your profile...somehow I can't wait when I have to join the army...
  13. Yeah, but I guess I find it out soon...at least I hope..xD
  14. lol...I knew something was wrong with that guy...

    Same with aaabanned..

  15. I can't tell you who downrated you. All I can say is that I didn't do it.
  16. Your sig is huge...

    I suggest you make it smaller a bit..or a mod/admin will do it for you!

  17. YeahIwouldlikesomecoffeecuzIjustgotupandImtiredashell!
  18. Hey, how you're doing in university?

    Is everything fine there?

  19. have you been to these places you listed on your about me page?
  20. So how does it feel to be 18? :)
  21. Hey Ivan, I just recognised that it's your birthday today O_o

    So Happy Birthday (even though it comes a bit late...) and I hope you had an awesome day today! ;)

  22. Hi buddah!

    Your title says Official Old Fart, but a german song says "Mit 66 fängt das Leben an".

    Translation: Life really begins when you're 66.

    CHEERS! ;)

  23. Das würde ich NIIIIEE machen! ;)
  24. Ooooops, ich hab nicht gewusst dass du deutsch kannst...

    OOooops, ich hab nicht gesehen dass du aus der Schweiz kommst..xD

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