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Status Updates posted by MonsterHunterMaster

  1. Thanks, Happy Easter to you too push!
  2. Muhahaha, first I only played stalker and now I'm allowed to stalk others >:D

    THAT'S EVIL!!!

  3. lol, thanks for that.

    I'm pretty lucky to be on your site, I'm afraid of your tickets...

  4. You better stop spamming or you will get banned/a strike! xD
  5. Yeah, I own one..

    Right now I have:

    Dead Space

    Viking Battle for Asgard

    Prince of Persia


    Resident Evil 5


    Battlefield Bad Company

    The Darkness

    Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (I wasted my money on this one...)

    Soul Calibur IV

    As you can see, I have old games, I haven'T played ps3 for about half a year now...

    But I pro...

  6. So is that you in your pp?
  7. Now that "leaving the nexus story" was a REALLY GOOD joke.

    I really believed it at the beginning..lol..

  8. omg...I was focusing the sig and after a while nothing happened but then I saw the face of joker..I was so frightened, I accidentaly hit my screen and now there is a big black "hole" in my screen :P
  9. Oh man...

    I tried to see the joker in your sig but somehow nothing happens..O_o

  10. Muhahaha, making a self-drawn sig, you gotta vote for me when I finally upload it! :D
  11. Everybody gives CommanderCrazy Kudos cuz this guy is simply awesome!!!

    Yes, I'm talking about YOU my friend!

  12. Hey what's up?

    Haven't talked to you for a while...

  13. Hey, what's up?

    How's your wife and your kids doin'?

  14. Nah, I did it myself. It looks like I got a warning ;)
  15. So...did sitebot asked you out for a date until now? Or are you still waiting for it?
  16. Gosh, I gotta change that...
  17. Thanks! I make a new one soon, Maybe you will like it too :)
  18. Is anybody able to see those Youtube videos on my profile?!?
  19. Where can I get the game you're currently playing?!? ;D
  20. XD where did you get this from?
  21. You play Vikings? How do you like it?
  22. I dunno the names of any person in the game except the main character... I always skipped the videos, you know, I couldnt wait to cut the people into half...^^
  23. Yeah, the game really kicks ass. Would be cool if there is going to be a prototype 2 or something like that..would be cool if it was more like Gta, you know, changing clothes and stuff like that..
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