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Status Updates posted by MonsterHunterMaster

  1. You know that your sig says Captianscar instead of Captainscar, don't you? :P
  2. I'm not able to play COD: MW2 cuz Steam isn't finishing the update...I'm angry
  3. Yeah, I have some friendly profs too. And even though some profs are REALLY piss you off here, there are always classmates who make you smile.
  4. Yeah, that's right. It's Funny in movies, but it Isn't in real life. You gotta meet my prof, he forced us to stop any activities we in our free time where we weren't in school. This sucker was like "hey, stop all activities at home, stop meeting friends 'n stuff, learn for school" And he is my prof for the next 3 years...
  5. Who force you to learn something. It's really great..probably the best time in my life
  6. Lol, if I was a student, I would party all night long...oh, I would learn of course too...but still I would make a big ass party...Maybe I'm goin to study too, but first I have to finish the HTC here. It's awesome there. Havin some awesome friends and fun and all that stuff, but some kick ass teachers, win force you to learn sth.
  7. Hey, that sounds funny. What is it like being a student at a university? Is it like fun like these guys (and girls oc) in american pie or other movies have or is it more... "sucky"?
  8. Umm...I'm fine..summer holidays here and I have a lotta time ruining my back by lifting weights and having fun with my friends...but I can't wait for my next schoolyear..so you study? What?
  9. I stuck here since a month cuz I have work for school and cuz of that I have to be at my dads place..I hope you're fine my friend :D
  10. Hey man..I'm sorry, I can't make Your post cuz I'm at my dads place and I forgot my wireless internet stuff for my laptop at my moms place and I can't copy Your text with my mob Phone..it sucks
  11. Leave some comments here I'm bored
  12. Hey she, hows it goin? Lol I always thought you're a dude..
  13. Yes, it really looks like facebook. Especially with those status upgrade and comment thingy..weird..
  14. Lol, those nexus upgrades killin me..
  15. Es läuft bestens. Du weißt ja: Sommerferien, die beste Zeit die es für Schüler gibt. Wie geht's dir so?

    PS: Glückwunsch zum 3 Platz bei der WM ;)

  16. The new forum update confuses me O.o
    1. ytsejam91


      looks like facebook, doesn't it?
  17. That's 12 bottles of beer. So...come over and grab one buddy!
  18. Where was I? Yeah, the tournament. I played against 7 old people, one on one. Guess what? I lost all 7 games. But...I GOT 6 BOTTLES OF BEER for being the 47th. My dad played too. He was the 48th. He got 6 bottles of beer too.
  19. Since everyone is spamming Your profile, I gotta say something too...where should I start? Hmm...today there was a tournament. It was about a card game. No, not poker. Also, no not Blackjack.
  20. Lol...yea, I finished this schoolyear too, 3 years left...
  21. Gosh, I'm too tired. My summer holidays start next week..sorry for my writing mistakes...
  22. I'm fine thanks. My Summer holidays are begin next week. What about you?
  23. Lol, I heard Your "set a man on fire"-quote from Your signature in a vampire movie yesterday...
  24. Lol, I heard Your "set a man on fire"-quote from Your signature in a vampire movie yesterday...
  25. Oh, alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
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