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Status Updates posted by MonsterHunterMaster

  1. I'm fine thanks. Making a mod for oblivion and all is fine...except school xD
  2. Hehe, for luck I'm from austria, so I can watch your video :)

    So how are you?

  3. Hey, I added you to my friends list.

    I hope you're fine with that ;)

  4. lol, this suicide-on-a-computer guy in your sig is also in a youtube video called "no life" from slipknot...I like it! ;)
  5. Ohh...thanks for your comment :)

    I hope you had a nice celebration! ;)

  6. Happy (too late) birthday! :)
  7. Naja, bis auf die schule läuft alles ziemlich gut...danke für die nachfrage :)
  8. Hehe, started to play Dragon age again today..this game is awesom...
  9. Hey, how are you? Haven't talked to you for a while..
  10. Nice profile picture peter griffin, äh I mean Pushkatu!
  11. I'm second in command, so don't try to be the tough guy, I'll get you anyway!
  12. Ja, zwischendurch hab ich mal hin und wieder die seite besucht, da konnt ichs doch nicht so richtig lassen, aber jetzt hab ich wieder mal zeit dass ich wieder mal täglich meinen senf dazugeb :P

    wie gehts so?

  13. Hey push, how are you?
  14. Yeah I know...I can't wait till everything is fine..
  15. Hehe, congrats!

    I take a break from the nexus for some time, I hope you're still here when I come back!

  16. Hab dich jetzt in meiner abschiedsrede. ;)
  17. Otherwise I will get you!



  18. Sorry everyone, due to several problems in my life right now, I won't visit these sites for some time now. I will come back here some time, that is for sure. I hope you're all doing well in this time. And of course you can still comment on my site or ban me in the Lounge. ;)

    And please, don't think that you can do anything during the police chiefs asistant isn't here....

  19. Where do you want to put Your photos? On Your profile? You have to upload them on a site like tinypic.com. Then you copy the url of the picture (after you uploaded the picture a code appears on the site) in Your profile and the picture appears.
  20. You upload something? You're a modder?
  21. Lol, no I don't have it yet. I don't even have a wii cuz I don't like the other wii games and it Isn't worth to spend my money on a wii just for one game..also, school pretty f*#@s my life right now, so I don't have the time to play games...and I want to make mods for fallout which takes pretty much time cuz first I need to learn how to make all this weapons and stuff...not ...
  22. Thanks for that fifoo. But right now I'm a part of the team until the rules get changed. Maybe we will see us up there in the Battlefield and then we get the +20 count!
  23. Unfortunately, I still don't own a wii..you must know, I'm not very interested in most of the other wii games and I thought, I should not spend my saved money on a wii just for playing one game...
  24. Lol..you don't want to know what Your nick means in german..Hehe..
  25. lol, you're name is funny...XD

    Let me guess: You are either from germany or austria (just like me)?

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