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Status Updates posted by MonsterHunterMaster

  1. No, I'm sure there were only to options and there was surly no safe option X(
  2. WTF?!? 0 Kudos for you? I gave you one cuz you deserve it :)
  3. Did I read the words hot girls and up skirts?

    Gimme a link ;)

    Oh, hey sly, how are you?

  4. Why? There was a bluescreen for about 3 seconds, then it restarted the computer. There was am option to choose at the start. Either start windows normally (then the bluescreen appeared) or repair windows. I tried that but the bluescreen still appeared..
  5. No, no, just a simple option, that it should start up using all 2 processors (Yeah, I got two of them in my laptop, also called dual Core, lol) and all 4 gigs of ram for maximum speed, then I got the bluescreen...(afterwards I'm thinking Why the heck I wanted it to boot using all 4 gigs of ram...lol)
  6. Oh sorry, this is a misunderstanding. I did not mean a game called the thief, I just made one of my typical writing mistakes. I meant the big black monster in the game (prince of persia warrior within) is called dahaka. Sorry my friend, my mistake :)
  7. So you're two years old? Wow...
  8. Wow, I'm programming in C in school..almost needed to revisit my class cuz I almost failed at it...
  9. Yeah, warrior within was the best game of the pop series. Oh, and in the german version of the game tief big black monster was called dahaka ;)
  10. Thor told me that his computer boots in about 15 seconds and he told me I can google that tweaking stuff. So I googled and tried to make it faster, but in the end it wasn't fast enough...so I tried to do it myself, I changed one starting option, restarted the computer and then there was a bluescreen...it sucks so much..
  11. Nice :D

    I got a bluescreen yesterday cuz I tweaked windows myself...Definately never do that again...

  12. Ja ich habs erst gesehen als ich dein profil angeguckt hab...
  13. Danke ;)

    Ich hab zuerst gar nicht gemerkt dass du aus Deutschland kommst. Wie geht's so nachbar?

  14. Gosh, I have the feeling that I'm talking to myself...
  15. Yeah, see you later! ;)
  16. Yeah, same here...it was nice to talk to you!
  17. I'm fine too..you know, modding and stuff like that..
  18. I'm fine, thanks...what about you?
  19. I'm fine, thanks, I just pretty probably passed this school year and everything seems to be fine now. How about you? :)
  20. Who gave me my 18th Kudos?
  21. Haste zeit das du deine stimme für mich abgibst, so von kollegen zu kollegen?

    Ich muss mal wieder beweisen wie "Crazy" ich bin...wäre nett von dir..Link ist in meinem Profil oder in der lounge ;)

  22. I need you to vote for me...AS THE CRAZIEST!!!!



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