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Everything posted by nosisab

  1. Surely is possible, It happened to me for Steam saw my upgraded computer as new computer and asked confirmation to make the transition. What you can't do (I think) is to have the two machines sharing the same Steam account, once you copy all the Steam folder to the new machine (the easiest way), Steam will remake all the other folders spread across the machine without need to actually download all the games again. The laptop will lose the ability to log into Steam, of course, unless you revert the whole process.
  2. For all I can say SkyUI is working fine with the new patch. Maybe you should post your mod list and load order, Informing If you have Steam workshop mods, Nexus based mods or a mix of them may help pinpoint the real problem also.
  3. All these comments are about technical and graphics details, that's OK but is not what I and, I believe, a few other are seeking in a game. The plot looked to me something between Dear Esther where you are driven by the story with almost no interaction at all and combat oriented game (although I did not see any actual combat also). This alone may be enough to make me give it a try. Yet, the Engine looks good and might make for a factor as well. For sure the game seems to bring a totally different kind of experience to the point of comparing with Skyrim and many other games pointless, they have almost nothing in common.
  4. I don't have the game but I can say that changing official files is ... bad... not ideal but better approach is using some kind of injector and making mods as plugin for it. Will not solve the problem of still needing to wait for the injector update but is a lot more secure. Sometimes the injector may have a kind of backward compatibility and if so eliminates the need of updating every mod, otherwise,,, o dear, c'est la vie.
  5. You are right, would be a huge mod (reason it is only implemented in games where you play a forced character or at most can chose between genders, "And" the game is not so full of talking). In the case of TES games you would need the voices for every playable race and sex, at least. And the game has a lot of speech all the way. Besides, one could simply not stand the voice for his/her character even when might suffer it on NPCs :) And finally it's a bless for quest modders,
  6. There is some other message stating a cause for the hidden status?
  7. Yah, one could even make another orphanage to compete with the kind one :) I'm in the same situation, I would love to help those many children around and the dogs also :) albeit I'm sure the brats will prefer a spider or an ice troll as pet maybe.
  8. The option to play offline does exist but you need to be online to set it. So it will fail when you need it more, for example if you aren't connected for any reason at the moment. So, to anyone planning to play in a place without connection is advisable to put it offline while still can. Once it is offline it will nag every new PC boot but will allow to continue offline mode. All in all, Steam itself invites the user to stay offline all the time he/she is not actively seeking for patches or for any reason other than just playing. Besides, be aware that a few games seems to enforce Steam to be online. As one example the modded Civilization V, for although allowed me to play the game, simply deleted all my mods. Maybe I did something wrong, I was just pissed when it happened and have not played the game since.
  9. SKSE, Script Dragon and plugins based on these two are dependent on the current official patch version. SKSE is fast to update, some it's plugins may be slower and so you need to disable then till a new version comes or, like in the case of the Community uncapper, to allow it to autoupdate (what may be risky but not necessarily fail). Since you could start the game without SKSE it means you don't have Script Dragon installed so will be OK once you get the new SKSE version.
  10. what's clamping the FPS at 30? if is vertical aynchronism that may be the answer for the bad mouse lagging. Try disabling it at your card control panel (catalyst the name, I think). Edit: You may want to include the following line at the Skyrim.ini (found under My Games at the Documents folder): iPresentInterval=0 under the [Display] section.
  11. she likes her life and that's her disguise as well. She does have a huge stash hoarded somewhere she never told anyone (neither told how she access it)... ok, there is a lot of speculation here :) There is a lot of peple (me) who believe she gives up all her money to that courier guy who with his magical intuition is able to know wherever someone is or what is going on... and is able to be at the right place at right hour all the time.
  12. Because that CPU bound "feature", be aware that even mods not directly related to graphics but with heavy scripts can push your game to a crawl in cities or wherevever there are many NPCs as well.
  13. Also, depending on the textures resolutions being used it may surpass the 1GB limit in most cards (I don't know how much VRAM at yours) causing slowdown and stuttering. That's specially true if there are some other application open (like browser for instance) and background applications "stealing" part of that memory. On a side note you can push AF to the limit of your video card with perceptible increase in graphics quality (16x is most cards) at low performance cost. Sometimes it is better than having some other demanding graphics features taxing too much the system for small or no significant improvement at all.
  14. It's not restricted to the console, some changes can be made directly into the ini files... Myself don't get red or be ashamed from using console or changing ini files if I want to do it. Sometimes is even better than having an ESP just to do some things that could be done by those two. Still there are other factors to have in mind, Some people may think it as a cheat the simple fact of opening the console, besides some mods can be merged relieving ESP slots and finally there are things that can't just be done from the console and from the ini files. If there is any taboo it is very subjective in a single game having no kind of policy against the way you want to play it.
  15. The mistake is you did copy the bin folder itself instead it's content. I mean, you must have the DInput8.dll and the other files there in the main Skyrim root folder and not inside a bin folder (which needs not and actually should not be there). Edit: Steam being installed at C:\Program Files (x86) is already bad news. If you haven't yet a big library you should consider reinstalling Steam in a user created folder. example: Install it directly at the C: so it will create it's own Steam folder there. You could even install it in another partition case you have more, like D: and so on. This alone will spare you from many issues associated with access rights in most modded games, like Skyrim itself and many others.
  16. Wait, do you mean that mine level 2 character wearing modified Triss armor (featuring total Armor rating above 600 at that level). who somewhat managed to be master in (optional: enchanting, smithing and omnipresent speechcraft mastering) is a cheater?! Not to mention she is able to find all kind of useful (and expensive) gadgets in every chest/urn/barrel and such... so I don't ever need to open the console, then I'm no cheater :)
  17. There are some mods in this line already. Because the way Skyrim was hardcoded most of them mods calls for external programs to allow it. One mod I remember uses Dragon Script and creates a hotkey (default "home" if I remember) that moves whatever is in the right hand to the left hand, perfect to a combo making dual weapons a breeze. A second mod is a script for an external program called Autohotkey (a good program that can help a lot in the lack of a macro able keyboard/mouse). this last is originally meant to make ease the dual casting or auto cast continual spells with both hands, mage driven characters love it. Search with the keyword "hotkey" and you'll find them there among other. Edit: for example I use the first mentioned mod in a combo where I hotkey the weapons to the 1 and 2 slots (could be any other vanilla slot or even expanded by mods). The macro calls the slot 2 what puts the weapon in the right hand, next it calls the home key what puts the weapon 2 in the left hand, next the slot 1 is called what equips the main weapon in the right hand and presto, dual wielding at a press of a mouse/keyboard bottom. Although I do it directly from the keyboard or mouse, it could be done in common devices with help of Autohotkey as well. If already dual equipped the macro unequip both weapons, good for brawling. All this without need to open any menu at all. I have some other macros, the second more important is the one dedicated to healling, which calls the fast healing spell to both hands and dual cast it faster can I could hope to do personally.
  18. Ban Naomis8329 for expecting people to be reasonable :)
  19. Looks like patch/version issue. The first thing is to grant SKSE is indeed working, open the console by the tilde key (the key above the TAB key) and type GetSKSEVersion that should print it's current version at the console. If it is not there use the first information to start the troubleshooting. Edit: Notice that each part must be in the correct version toward the other, is expected your game is at the last patch version, SKSE must be the correct version for that patch and finally SKSE plugins should be updated to that SKSE version.
  20. I wish it was that simple, since the 1.3 patch Skyrim is already flagged to 64 bits, the 2GB RAM barrier is no more. Notice it is not the same as the VRAM at your video cards (I suppose you have two !GB cards in crossfire, what means the system see it as 1GB, not 2GB). Besides, although significant, the amount of memory is not the only factor dictating the card power. Experience has shown that most users tend to abuse the settings when believe their machine is powerful enough, forgetting the symbiosis between the application and the machine. Maybe your machine can sustain the extra strain but that does not mean the game can do it and be still stable. To make things worse, most users install mods without second thoughts about how each mod can affect the other. To some mods is not enough to change the load order, the order in what they were installed can be defining. This is valid to mods using "loose files", things are still more confuse when the mod comes in BSA format (like those downloaded from the Steam Workshop) for in this case is harder to control and merge them. To say the least I'm very surprised that Skyrim is actually much more robust to allow the workshop to be yet active after that many mods there, my own prevision was it would break soon after the very start, mainly because that mechanism based almost solely on BSA. There was a price to this also, the loading mechanics was deeply changed and made harder to keep up the much better mod managers based on "loose files", such as NMM, BAIN and so on. That said I must tell you that I have been currently replaying Skyrim for a month or so, experimenting with several different character building and to date without a single crash or hang. On the other hand the game is only moderately modded, with only a total of 25 ESM/ESPs (although the number of actual mods is greater, many of them don't need ESPs. which include textures mods mainly). The important thing here is that those mods were chosen from knowledge the chances of serious conflicts were minimal and when unavoidable they could be merged together or overlap without consequences other than losing partial functionality in a mod or another). Finally, My rig is an AMD bulldozer 6100 (overclocked 4GHz+), 8GB RAM, 2x Nvidia GTX 560 in SLI, 2 SATA HDs (no SSD here), on a M5A99x EVO Asus mobo. A Corsair K90 keyboard and first a Corsair M90 mouse and now using a Razer Naga Hex). This system allowed me to simply put the game in the ultra setting and still keep 60 FPS in almost everywhere least some places, like the infamous Whiterun where the processor is the bottleneck, not the graphic cards. That limit at 60 FPS is due to the adaptive VSync from the newer Nvidia drivers, which activates automatically when the FPS goes up and deactivates to increase performance when it gets lower than the monitor's refresh rate. So, I really wish the stability and crash problems were that simple...
  21. or just register the BSA in the ini file, sometimes the preferable way for, if for no other reason to avoid increasing unnecessarily the number of ESPs. Steam Workshop forced some things that are far from modding ideals... PS: just take as example that official texture pack that hindered all other textures mods until was found it could be activated from the ini file and have the ESPs disabled.
  22. Then will be needed more complete information, like your load order for starters.
  23. Maybe the procedures you did to enhance FPS are the actual cause of the poor performance, No wonder you didn't notice any performance gain compressing the textures, that card should run the whole scenery at 4096+ easily, Possibly your FPS problem is in sound... don't laugh :) I talk seriously here. Try using 3rd part codecs like K-Lite, this alone should alleviate the problem but you may want to try a mod called "quiet feet" or something like this, do a search for I have not played Oblivion for a long time now. Just to do a test, disable all the sounds at the ini file located in your "Documents\My Games\Oblivion and take note if this makes your FPS rocket, if it does you already found the culprit. Anyway, follow the hints at that tweakguides site since it is still one the best collection of teaks for this game and a few more. It's a long text but you may want to read it carefully for it brings several general hints to enhance your system as a whole. PS: Almost surely is the CPU bottlenecking the game there, the main reason being it is not optimized to use multicore CPUs, so be specially careful about mods introducing to much creatures/NPC AIs and general script processing. The above site has a section telling how to make the game to use multhreading and Oblivion more than Fallout 3 and New Vegas seems get real profit from multithreading.
  24. Steam users must launch it normally (from Steam library or Desktop icon) but need to have "Enable Steam Community in game" set on at the game's properties. Do it if using Steam and get the message that it should be launched from there.
  25. If you are using Steam tools, there is only the New Vegas version there (which is not for Fallout 3) Get the correct version at the official site, both are there.
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