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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. .esl files are treated as master files (or .esm) by the game system, esp-fe are treated as .esp files by the sorting rules, and there are some few mods that have both an .esm and .esp (or esp-fe) included together in the mod, to work around load order problems.
  2. FYI - a wiki for SKSE based mod compatibility is here ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ).
  3. This is a general forum, not game-specific. You should include the name of the game in your title, OR tag your post with the game's name. If there is a game-specific forum for it, you can look in 'Game Communities' under the 'Browse' menu item at the top of the page, and scroll down/search for your game. You can browse it/them, but you must join any forum to post there.
  4. Two things: Learn the usage of the spoiler tag (the 'eye' icon in the post window menu bar), so anyone else doesn't have to scroll through a wall of text while looking for the reason for your post. You should probably place a comment/question at the top of your post that describes that post's reason for being. Just as a simple courtesy to those who scan the forums looking to help those with problems.
  5. Have you searched the BG3 forum for a solution? Go to 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page, then scroll down/search for your game. Join that game community forum to post there.
  6. @InverseEffectYou should probably start a new post, since this one almost certainly started off being about Skyrim LE problems. List your game version, along with a mod list placed in a spoiler tag (the 'eye icon), and anything else you have done to address the problem.
  7. You should probably check off the Gender Specific Animations (some animation mods do separate them), and the File Redirection patches (if you are using Vortex or MO2). Then, see if anything has changed, if not, uncheck them and re-run FNIS. Then, look for your problem in one or more of your animation mods...
  8. Welcome to the "zoo"! Be patient as you find problems, and have fun.
  9. Did you launch the game via the script extender launcher? I know that is necessary for Skyrim. Launching the game via its own launcher or Vortex isn't sufficient (unless there is some good way to configure the extender launcher to start from Vortex:Tools that doesn't simply consume more machine resources by having Vortex running at the same time).
  10. @pipponelloNo, I don't think that it changes the dialog. It's funny, though, how different people perceive things. In that mod, Sofia seems a bit more wild-eyed and malevolent, at least in the pictures on the mod page. I love Sofia's barely repressed she-crush on the PC (amplified by her lack of conversational/emotional filters), I just wish that it moved along in more detail and complexity over time. It just gets too monotonous after awhile.
  11. @scorrp10Not to hijack, but did you see Sofia Visual Overhaul ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37175 ). I really liked it when I used it. I simply got tired of Sofia's dialog, I think that it seriously needs some kind of overhaul/expansion. Don't know how it could be done, though. Christine Slagman just is too good at her attitude/tone of voice...
  12. You should be posting this on the Skyrim (SE?) forum, so more people with knowledge can see it. Go to 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page, then scroll down/search for Skyrim. It is usually near the top. Select the game version forum and join it to post there. Good luck!
  13. Which game (you can tag your post)? If your game has a dedicated forum, you can find it in 'Game Communities', under 'Browse' at the top of the page. Scroll down/search to find the game, then join the game's forum(s) you wish to post in.
  14. You should probably tag this post with the name of the game you want the follower in, at the very least, since different games have varying requirements for mod files. Even better, maybe post this in that game's specific forum. If there is one, you can find it in 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page. Scroll down/search for your game. Good luck!
  15. @JaxomPern I just checked via search engine, and the latest Firefox for Linux is 132.0. Any reason for staying on the version you have?
  16. If you are running a separate installation of LOOT to sort your mods, that is a bad idea, as it totally negates the internal processes Vortex uses for certain parts of LO considerations, notifications, and determinations. The Autosort settings in Vortex should be sufficient. Another possible cause is an improper installation/outdated version of Engine Fixes. One more, is if you accidentally/on purpose open up the Beth mod manager in the system menu. Check here on the Nexus wiki ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) to make sure that your SKSE dependent mods are the appropriate versions to match your version of Skyrim.
  17. Are you sure that you have the proper version of Racemenu, and that you removed the older version(s)? That could cause such problems if you didn't. Check out the Nexus wiki for SKSE mod compatibility with the various versions of Skyrim ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) to make sure that your mods are really updated.
  18. I use Trade and Barter ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23081 ) for merchant stuff. It allows you to set barter rates based on location and racial preferences, along with options to change how much money each class of merchant has. It adds a lot of flavor to those interactions.
  19. I am not sure, I disabled One Drive in Windows 10 as soon as it came out. I also disabled Steam Cloud backup in the Steam interface settings, under the 'Cloud' options, where 'Enable Steam Cloud' is toggled to OFF. The GitHub access is necessary for Vortex to run and stay updated, so I would ask more about options on this thread. A search for 'disable one drive in windows' turned up this result: ( https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/turn-off-disable-or-uninstall-onedrive-f32a17ce-3336-40fe-9c38-6efb09f944b0 ). You can also keep One Drive from running by using the Startup settings to keep it from starting at launch. I don't have/use an MS account, so I don't know about any options there, including how to remove files saved in One Drive.
  20. Did you select/activate the Skeleton arm fix patch checkbox in FNIS?
  21. AFAIK, the 'cloud' that Vortex accesses only deals w/Vortex internals, and LOOT info (this through Github IIRC). However, there are problems with having One Drive backup or something similar running. Make sure that you have disallowed access to the cloud routines for Skyrim and Vortex, (and any other game you might be managing through Vortex?).
  22. You might want to also post this in the Skyrim SE forum, so those familiar w/Lux have a better chance to see it. Go to 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page, scroll down/search for Skyrim (it is usually near the top), then select the individual forums that you wish to post in, and join it/them. Good luck!
  23. One article from Guru3D ( https://www.guru3d.com/story/amd-ryzen-9-9950x3d-cpu-tested-leak-indicates-faster-than-7950x3d/ ). I hope that it has some information that is useful. This site is generally 'geeky' enough to make sure that stuff is accurate. Can't help w/the vidcard info, though. You might try asking about it in the Guru3d forums, though.
  24. There is a mod that does a bit of this, at least for those in a temple or military camp. Here to Help - Tend to the Sick and Wounded ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59944 ). No quests involved, however.
  25. I know that this is an old post, but there is a wiki on the Nexus to help with updated replacements for obsolete mods. It is here ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). I don't know how well this works, but QUI ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65343 ) is an AddItemMenu replacement found on that wiki, along with an update ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/124796 ) to make it work on 1.6.1130 and 1.6.1170.
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