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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. If you use Vortex, there is an extension available to "Import From Bethesda.net". Don't know how well it works, or if it is independent of Beth's CC.
  2. If you have SKSE installed, you will need to update it to allow Skyrim to run. Also make sure to NOT use the Beth mods to manage the game, or the CC stuff, either.
  3. But True Hunter also allows you to reduce the number of predators only, so you don't have to fight through 7 cave bears to get to one deer or rabbit. There can be a more realistic ratio of predators to prey. I usually keep prey at about 85%, and predators at 35-50%. There should not be multiple wolves, lions, and bears for every 2-3 deer or smaller. Critterspawn can help reduce some lag and/or CTD, Kitty's mod gives more crafting options that involve materials harvested from your kills.
  4. JK's Skyrim - Lightened.esp - Where is this from? I do not see JK's Skyrim in your LO otherwise, maybe you are missing it? Seems like something like that would affect a lot more, though. Have you tried simply verifying your game files (only if you are not using an older/downgraded version of Skyrim), or reinstalling any mod that affects Winterhold?
  5. @lilychan01 Glad you found the correct SKSE version for your game. There is a Nexus modding.wiki that helps show which SKSE-based mods work with each version of Skyrim, and some alternates for later versions. Here is the link ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ).
  6. @CowboyBlues What do you mean by "lost of the Engine fixes mod"? Engine Fixes should work well, even on 1.6.1170 with its dedicated modified .toml ( SSE Engine Fixes - Modified .toml File Only For SSE v1.6.1130 and v1.6.1170 ), and Achievement Mods Enabler in combination.
  7. Search this forum, and the Vortex Support forum (if you use Vortex) for Creation Club mods not showing. If you use Vortex, there is an extension to allow you to manage the CC stuff in Vortex. The CC stuff should show in the Vortex plugins page, if not on the mods page as well. The Creation Club menu item scrambles third-party mod managers, if I remember correctly. There is also an Unofficial patch for Creation Club stuff, search on the Skyrim SE page.
  8. Here are a few suggestions - look at them and see if they fit for you... True Hunter ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25628 ) is configurable. CritterSpawn Congestion ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/67276 ) Fewer Septims per Firewood ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37282 ) Finally, for your alchemical experience, CG4 Horse Muck SE ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35510 ). There are also mods to help you plant stuff from the various expansions and add-ons, so you can craft your own favorite foods and potions Beyond Reach - Plantable Plants, Beyond Skyrim - Bruma - Growable Plants Patch, More Plantable Plants for Creation Club, More plants and recipes SE (with its Big Apple Trees), Mari's Tundra Berries - Plantable Plants. You can make some unique foods and poisons from these, help your kill rate, especially early on. These take a bit of effort to make them work together, check the mod comments for tips, and it helps if you are able to use SSEEdit (xEdit) to make patches and/or fix conflicts. One more Hunting and Leatherwork Overhaul ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/44012 ) - compare to your other hunting mods, and see if it is more to your liking, it also takes some 'fixing' in SSEEdit, removing an unused master in the Bruma patch, and you will have to adjust the amounts of things dropped by beasts/animals in your bashed patch, if you use one.
  9. You did not have an option to save the changes, just deleting or reverting on the original installations? That sounds weird if you are using Vortex... You are on 1.6.1170, and not an earlier (or downgraded) version? Did you try removing all of the Engine Fixes stuff, and reinstalling, making sure to install the Engine Fixes 1.6.1170 specific .toml mod?
  10. @Tim113 I forgot to mention - except for SKSE-based mods and some animation stuff ( ex - FNIS vs Nemesis, and one more system in development), any LE mods that have SE ported versions should work OK on SE.
  11. They are all SE, now, AE generally refers to the SE versions 1.6+. Since you are starting fresh, I think you should probably avoid downgrading problems by just going with the latest 1.6.1170. There is a Nexus wiki for any SKSE-compatible mod versions and replacements for .1170 incompatible mods ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). All of this goes out the window, of course, if you want to use a collection that requires a downgraded Skyrim.
  12. Get the mod More Informative Console, and install it. When in the game with Ohdaviing in the area, open the console, use the tcl command to turn off collision, close the console, and move very close to O. He shouldn't be able to move with tcl active. When close to O, re-open the console, and click on him. The info that MIC provides should tell you which mod he comes from, and which mod last modified him. You can use the 'Shift' key on any individual entries in the info box to get more details, but that system takes a little getting used to, IMO.
  13. Glad to hear from you! I was afraid that something had happened to keep you away. I really hope that you can get what you want. Good Luck!
  14. I just thought that if you search for 'Local Account for W11', or something similar, you could find a non-MS windows tweak site or two that would give you the steps.
  15. Having problems with the "pip boy", I assume that you are on one of the Fallout titles, you should probably check the Game Communities forums for the exact game, and repost there. At the very least, tell which exact Fallout title you are using, or tag your post with that game title.
  16. This is a general game forum, you should state which game you are talking about, either in you post title, or tag the post with the game name.
  17. This is a general information forum, so you should state the game in your title, first post, or tag the post. You should also check out the Vortex Support forum in the 'Home' tab, as there are several posts about .pak problems.
  18. You should look at the Vortex Support Forum under the 'Home' tab at the top. Re-post, if you do not see anything that is similar or matches your problem.
  19. It could be that some mod-added or mod-altered objects are not properly set up, or have missing files/meshes/textures. Maybe try reinstalling the mods that add/change stuff? BTW, you could also try posting this on the Skyrim (SE?) game community (you have to join that game community to post, look at the menu bar above for Game Communities), where there are more users with Skyrim experience.
  20. FYI - you should tell ppl which game you are using...
  21. FYI - this is a general mod site, you should either post the name of the game in your title or your original post, or tag this post with the game. That will draw the users that have the most knowledge to you.
  22. FWIW, there are more than a few mods that affect these locations, some are here on the Nexus (Skyrim Realistic Conquering - SRC is one example), and others on Arthmoor's AFK mods site, and various other sites. Do you have any mods installed? I even have an older, small mod that stops the random attacks at Hearthfire homes.
  23. I think that the term is 'Local Account' for a non-Microsoft account Windows install. It's been too long since I did mine, don't remember.
  24. Did you check the discord (maybe Reddit?) discussion? Look at the Racemenu mod page here on the Nexus, that link is either on the page, or in the comments (no search on the mod comments section any more, so I hope that was stickied). I think that beta versions have been posted there before.
  25. 1. Check each of the mods listed for any special LO considerations. Note any found, and make sure that the interaction menu reflects them. 2. Click (maybe double-click?) on one of the small arrows, and 'flip' the one you need to change. If you don't see any right away, then try just to flip (or remove) the rule for either the first or last interaction. I don't know why the playercomments has to load before a lighting mod, so that would be the one I would be tempted to change, but check them out first!
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