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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. You can use the console command 'disable' to remove a tree. You just have to walk up to the tree, enter the console, and click on the tree to be able to use the command. Make sure that you have the tree, and not some other object. More Informative Console ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250 ) might help a bit with more information. If the wrong thing disappears, just immediately re-enter the console and type 'enable'. This will probably be tedious.
  2. Don't know about CK availability elsewhere, I am still running on 1.6.640, and avoid using the CK at the moment.
  3. If I remember correctly, you simply unselect all masters, then just check the mod as master that you want to load. Open the mod, and push to data file, or something similar. Once you have pushed it back into the game, the form should be changed. CK is supposed to automatically load any masters required, similarly to xEdit. I have not used the newest CK yet, just the older Beth version.
  4. You could also try installing More Informative Console ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250 ), then clicking on the red icicles when in the console, and seeing which mod was the last one to change them. Make sure that you install the version that matches your Skyrim SE version.
  5. Go to the mod page for the Serana replacer, and ask what the npcweight setting is for that replacer. Such gaps are often caused by differences in the weight settings between the face model and body model. Such a gap might also occur from a difference in the skin textures of the replacer and the body, so you could also ask about the skin textures used in it, and find a way to make the textures match. Such texture conflicts can also cause a difference in color at the border of the two textures.
  6. Well, a LOT more should be going on in your vortex.log. Mine is 69.3 kb in size, and has a raft of [DEBUG] and [INFO] statements. Maybe you should try a polite, short DM to one of the Vortex developers, and ask them to take a quick look at your log. I bet that Vortex is not properly installed in your system, for whatever reason. I wish that I knew more about what should happen, so I could be more help. A quick question for you - how many files and folders do you see in the AppData\Roaming\Vortex folder? My system shows 55 items, the last 5 of which are the current and 4 previous vortex.log files. One more question - what is the file path to your Vortex installation? I seem to recall older posts where Vortex can have problems if not installed on the C drive, but I am not sure. I made a separate Program Files folder on my C drive to install stuff that I did not want in Windows' Program Files (x86) location.
  7. Have you looked at the log for Vortex to see if it can tell you what is broken? The latest is labeled vortex.log, and is found in C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Roaming\Vortex.
  8. Have you verified your game files? A corrupted file could easily cause your problem. Another hint might be in the fact that you seem to have several audio processes in the crash log. I don't recall seeing them in other crash logs, but I don't look at all that are posted. Time to double-check that your PC sound drivers are updated, as well as whatever sound mods you have for compatibility with v.1.6.1170, check their settings, maybe even uninstall them, re-download and install fresh, as one or more parts may also have become corrupted.
  9. FYI - latest Vortex version is 1.11.6. It may be hanging up trying to update.
  10. Yep, the 'disable' command works like markfordelete, it is just immediate, and does not remove the item from the game, so hopefully it won't be replaced... Try disabling just one, and come back later to check on that object. If it works, then go crazy disabling stuff.
  11. There is also Resistances Rescaled ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20503 ), which will allow you to change the damage minimum for melee and magic.
  12. Tip: Use the 'eye' icon from the menu bar when you post a large amount of text. You should copy/paste your crash log into the window that opens when you click on the eye to post hidden content. Makes it much easier to scroll down the thread during discussion. I am afraid I don't have much to offer, except that I have NEVER seen such a spaghetti-like tangle of problems as show up in line RSP+920. Almost like some type of leveled list is missing or corrupted. From the information there, I would guess Precision, but I have no experience with that mod, and someone else needs to help. Maybe post a little of that line on the Precision mod comments page, and ask? That stuff may well be from something else, but that is my wild guess. 1. Do you actually get into the game before the CTD? Describe when it occurs (before Bethesda screen, main menu display, etc.) 2. Did you run a verification of your game files? One or more may simply be corrupted. 3. Have you made a bashed patch to smooth out conflicts between leveled lists of your various mods? Good luck! I hope someone with more knowledge comes along to help.
  13. Sorry, didn't realize you were in FONV until after I posted. Maybe try posting this in the Fallout NV forum, go to Game Communities, and join that forum to post there.
  14. The only thing that I can think of, is if you somehow activated the 'wrong' version of the outfit in BS, where you have to select which of the outfit versions (CBBE, CBBE physics, etc.) that you wanted to actually be activated. Sometimes, it is not easy to tell which one to grab.
  15. If you are running Windows, those file paths are there, but you have to enable the 'Hidden items' in the menu ribbon 'View' selection. Open up your directory for your C drive, double-click on the 'Users' folder. Select the folder with your user name, and you should now see the 'AppData' folder. Inside that folder, you should see three choices, Local, LocalLow, and Roaming. That is where you will find the Vortex files and folders in the last part of the file path.
  16. Did you try the ~disable console command on each item instead?
  17. Sorry, misunderstood your situation. The only solution I know is to use SSEEdit to manually add perks to the NPC character record. It can be quite tedious. An alternate way is to use the mod Perks Beyond Reasonable ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22015 ), and craft better/stronger enchanted weapons and armor. The bad guys have a hard time killing a follower with a 5000+ armor rating, and 125% resistances. You get to level your smithing, alchemy, and enchantments more quickly, BUT you cannot use the outfit function in NFF for those NPCs, as the outfit function can only store unmodified versions of outfits and weapons.
  18. Spell Perk Item Distributor (SPID) ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/36869 ). It is a rather common requirement for many mods that allows the game to give (distribute) many different things/attributes to NPCs. Use it with Nether's Follower Framework ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55653 ), which has many optional settings, one of which applies perks to NPCs.
  19. When you start the game from the Steam launcher (or other source launcher), a configuration window with mainly graphics settings will open up. Not a launch through the SKSE loader. That is what Sheson is referring to. If you are loading from a downgraded, or less-than-latest version of Skyrim, make sure that you have protected your game from updates, and set the applicable appmanifest files to 'read only'.
  20. From my response to a different thread: C:\Users\(Your Username)\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\skyrimse\profiles. Look for the most recently used profile, if you have more than one. There are two .txt files in mine, a loadorder.txt, and a plugins.txt. The loadorder.txt seems to be aligned with the load order in my Vortex plugins tab. I say 'seems', because I didn't check my 1500+ mod list line by line...
  21. The short answer is, you probably have skin textures that do not match the female default body that you have installed in your game. AFAIK, there are two classes of female body styles, CBBE and UNP, which emphasize body proportions and geometries differently. If you have a skin texture mod that is for CBBE, but your game has a UNP body (or vice-versa), you will get such gaps and discolorations. Look at your mod list to see which general body type it has, and then look at your installed skin texture mod. You will probably have to go to those mod pages to check for that information. There are a series of CBBE-based body mods (CBBE-3BA is the mod that is SMP physics enabled), and there is a BHUNP style that covers the same for UNP, if I am not mistaken. Both body styles have various other iterations, as well. I believe that the reason that your clothed body looked normal, is that the outfit was made to match whichever body style you have installed.
  22. The settings section contains 'switches' for deployment behavior. I only use 'deploy when enabled' because I d/l a lot of mods for future use, especially updates for newer Skyrim versions. The other two choices immediately below that one might be of interest to you, however.
  23. How old is your GPU, maybe the TIM (Thermal Interface Material) that connects the GPU to the heat sink is going bad? Check the manufacturer's site, Reddit, review sites (I like Guru3D), etc. for any common thermal problems on your specific card.
  24. Possibly confusing the issue, there is a mod ECE Sliders Addon for Racemenu ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/75686 ) and ECE Ear Shape Sliders for RaceMenu ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/76792 ). Just in case you HAVE to have the ECE looks. Don't know for sure how well they work.
  25. Thx, Aaron - I get the keys mixed up all of the time. Corrected in the post, now.
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