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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Might just be as simple as changing the depth-of-field settings in the game, either in the launcher, or via the game settings. This would cause objects in the distance to lose focus, if you were looking at something closer...
  2. I use Vortex for the mod management (largely automated process, but a steep learning curve), but there is soon to be a replacement from Nexus, ETA - ???. There are a LOT of hard core mod users that use MO2, and can help with its rather steep learning curve.
  3. Yeah, each has its own set of enhancements and/or biases in body shapes and textures.
  4. Have you checked the write permissions on the destination parent folder(s)?
  5. Slightly different case than back-lit device screens, with different black levels and intensity levels...
  6. I am only on AE version 1.6.640, haven't 'upgraded' yet, so I may well be wrong... The files for Racemenu and its supports are VERY picky about having the correct match between the game version, SKSE version, and Racemenu version. Double- and triple-check your mod list for anything that might be mismatched. There is a modding.wiki here on the Nexus to aid in locating the proper versions for SKSE-based mods. https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins
  7. There is a mod, Yield To Me (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55623), that pretty much does all of this, I got rid of it, because it was not an intuitive process for me. That might be different for you. Had to look it up, but I also saw this as a result - Knockout and Surrender - Non-Lethal Pacifist yielding options (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/40556).
  8. For the Dark Brotherhood, I use Penitus Oculatus (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21061) combined with Dark Brotherhood Rising Revengeance (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57157).
  9. There are several orphanage mods, of which I currently use two: Kinghall Orphanage (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/64908) and Stonehall Orphanage (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29747). There is also Dragon's Keep (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/271). BTW, this is a general modding discussion, you might get more specific results if you go to the Game Communities tab, above. Look for Skyrim, and look for Skyrim SE or LE, whichever you are using. Join to post.
  10. Thieves Can Be Choosers (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45159)?
  11. Another thought - have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling the OCW stuff? Might just be a corrupted file in there. Also, a LOT of problems in your crash log with Realm of Lorkhan's alternate start stuff - does it add some sort of area/cell to the College area, or edit the College area? You could ask on that mod's comment section on its Nexus page (or use SSEEdit to see - information overload for an xEdit novice). Once again, if it does those kinds of edits, it could just be a wayward/corrupt file in the installation process. I think that I would disable this stuff, first, and try to enter the area. Might have to start a new game (under a new profile w/o Realm of Lorkhan) to keep baked-in info from carrying over and repeating the crash. It might also be as simple as making some sort of change to Faralda in her posting at the College bridge entrance, but it would have to be nested pretty well in the Lorkhan stuff not to be showing up on its own in your crash log, I would think...
  12. I have used the Steam Overlay method pretty much exclusively, do not upload to the cloud. I was taking 'bursts' of screenshots before I paused in playing, but now there is only single, lagged shots. I have no idea what might have brought this on, aside from the Adrenaline update. Ugh.
  13. Used a restore point to roll back the driver, BUT, the driver did not restore. Installed and uninstalled driver, used cleanup utility, installed the driver I thought I had. No change, nor was there any change for the last two drivers for 2023. I have no idea what might have changed... I also reinstalled the WU from last week, still no change.
  14. Yeah, in Win 7, my Notepad and Firefox both had cream/khaki backgrounds and a deep brick red text, and it was perfect for me.
  15. A little msg spam here, b/c CF blocked my full entry for some reason: It seems that those options fell out of favor/became out of style because of the difficulty in formatting for different display sources (PC monitors, gamepads, consoles, phones, etc.). I really liked having a soft buff background with a dark text, not necessarily black. I have pretty strong astigmatism, and a bit of a color tint mismatch between my 'cool' left eye, and 'warm' right (I don't think that this is too uncommon amongst people). I just wish that there were some adjustable themes that could be options. BTW, Windows cornflower blue kills my eyes. Always has. I don't know why the above was blocked when combined with this msg, but oh, well...
  16. I grew up on books as well, but most books were not printed on stark, bright white paper. Glossy magazines, yes, but not the books. I simply wish for an older set of style choices where I could choose the background (color and intensity) and text (font and color), like I could in Windows 7.
  17. I am not yet certain it is the driver, since I probably last played Skyrim somewhere around Christmas. That's three plus months of MS updates, and this driver update on top of it... I routinely move screenshots into a different folder, and pack them w/that character's saves, and use the deletion tool in Steam to clean up the thumbnails. I am pretty sure that it gets the .vdf file at the same time, since my current .vdf file is only 107 kb. Will have to check next time that I do a move/delete routine. I had about 300 screenies to move, so I went ahead and did so, using the deletion tool in Steam afterwords. The .vdf file is now only 1kb. I also disabled the sound for the screenshot, but no change on the lag. I guess that I will try to roll back the driver in the next day or two, after all. Unless someone comes up with a better idea...
  18. It takes 3+ seconds to make a screenshot after I press the F12 key. I have just updated my driver to the latest Radeon 24.3.1 in W10. I don't want to try a rollback just yet, anyone have an idea on what might be jamming it up? Thanks!
  19. Take a look at College of Winterhold - Quest Expansion https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/66666. I believe that it allows you to state that you are Dragonborn, and gain admittance. It also has a few other tweaks that you might choose, instead.
  20. There is a forum for RDR2 here https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8913-discussion/. You will have to join that game community to post. BTW, that is where the individual fora for games can be found.
  21. Blood on the Ice Redux ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6126 ) and Delayed Quest Starts for BOTI ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/72751 ) can both help with the quest bugs, I believe. There is also a patch for the BOTI redux and BOTI Delayed. Look and see.
  22. Try this - click on the last arrow between the Save the Ice Runner patch and the Alternate Perspective esp. Flip it, so the save the Ice Runner loads after it.
  23. I have not used DynDOLOD 3 yet, but I am pretty sure that your grass mods should be loaded before you run the TexGen and the final DynDOLOD overwrite. You should probably ask at the DynDOLOD 3 forums to make sure.
  24. I could swear that I have seen this before, but I just can't remember when/what. Do you run Majestic Mountains, especially in conjunction with the lightside/darkside underlayment?
  25. To make sense of this, you kind of have to keep track of what you have done in patching, etc. If those files are ones you intentionally changed, then use the 'Save all changes', and Vortex will save them, and back up the previous version of the file for you. If one or more of those files are ones that you decide that you don't want to save right now, or an official update has just been d/l, then use either the 'Use newer file', or revert, as you choose. I am pretty sure that the individual choices are there to allow you to make different choices for the separate files.
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