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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Did you check the Plugins section to make sure that the plugin or plugins for that mod are enabled? It is possible to enable a mod w/o enabling the plugin.
  2. You probably need to give more info about your game version, and the mod manager used. I don't see a crash logger installed, you could use Crash Logger ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 ) or Trainwreck ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106440 ), I prefer the former, as it has a log reader (CrashLogger Reader) to help simplify the crash reports, but both require the matching SKSE and Address Library for your game version. I see no installation of the Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Patch ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18975 ). Lux seems to be rather tricky and picky in use, carefully review what you have done in your installations. The crash could be from a random encounter having a bad mesh, texture, or poorly formatted NPC in the Falkreath area, maybe even one introduced by some expansion on the Thieves' Guild questline. A crash log is really needed. You could try to look at the SKSE logs in your ...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder, arrange them in descending Date modified order, and scan through the last ones to update, maybe one or more has noted a problem or problems.
  3. Maybe something modified the settings to change everything over to console controller input? Check the settings via the main menu before starting the game.
  4. @alphafr Yours was the solution, thanks. I have used setlevel before, but one or more of the comments I saw claimed that NPCs who were marked essential could not be affected by it, so I didn't try it right away.
  5. Have you got the Vortex Extension - Import From Bethesda.net? I don't know if it is bundled in Vortex, or not. Jumping back and forth between Vortex and Bethesda mod managers is a bad idea.
  6. You have to find the Settings Loader mod(s) for the very mods you are trying to save the settings for: Immersive Wenches - Settings Loader, for Immersive Wenches, etc. Search for MaskedRPGFan in the Search box at the top of the main page by selecting the Users filter on the right side of the search box, and look at his mods. Way too many to list. Should you choose to use them, remember to keep one save from a previous character in your save games when you start a new character, so the settings will carry over into the new start.
  7. Yeah, it is a follower mod, don't know why author did the level set. Will take a look in NFF to see. Just tried setting the level to 0, and using disable - recycleactor - enable on her in the console, no change. Thanks. Edit - could only find ability to edit this NPC's stats in NFF, not allow auto-level w/player.
  8. I have Laurana - The Fallen Princess ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27140 ) in my LO. The author has set her level to 35, even though the min level is 0, and her max lvl is 150. This can make it tough to bring her along, and she never levels up. Is there any way to change this w/o CK? I looked at her stats in xEdit, and can change her level to 0, but I can't simply remove the entry altogether, as far as I can determine. Thanks!
  9. Removing mods during game play can cause problems with information stored, or 'baked' into the game saves. Read up on the console command pcb (purge cell buffer), which helps to remove some of that stuff, and see if it might help.
  10. This is a general mods forum, so you should state which game you are needing help with, or tag your post with the name of the game... Good luck!
  11. I think that MCM Helper is a requirement for the Settings Loader mods.
  12. Just do an internet search for "windows system file checker". This is the first link that came up, from MS: ( https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/use-the-system-file-checker-tool-to-repair-missing-or-corrupted-system-files-79aa86cb-ca52-166a-92a3-966e85d4094e )
  13. There are a number of "settings loader" mods by MaskedRPGFan. Either use the search at the top of the Skyrim Special Edition mods page, or search for MaskedRPGFan in the Users filter, and look at what he offers. I think that FISSES also can do something similar, but it has been hit-or-miss for me when trying to use it.
  14. Have you run SFC (System File Checker) for the Windows files?
  15. I cannot help you with your question, but would encourage you to join the Skyrim Game Community, and post this question there. Many more users of Skyrim SE will see it. Go to the 'Game Communities' at the menu bar, above, and select the Skyrim forum. Join the community to post there.
  16. Two options, AFAIK. You can do it through a drag-and-drop process in the Dependencies column on the Mods page, or if both have a plugin, you can do it likewise on the Plugins page. I suggest going to the plugins page first, to see if the built-in LOOT has already arranged them appropriately. Do not make the mistake of running a separate installation of LOOT, as it won't see the internal modifications that Vortex handles. Be warned - the drag-and-drop interface can be very tedious, especially with long load orders. You simply click and hold on the interconnect symbol for one of the pair of mods involved, and drag it to the location of the symbol of the other mod, a green arc will appear to show you are attempting this. Be patient if you have to wait for the page to scroll as you approach the other. You may have to try a few times to get the 'feel' of the interface correct. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to set which one must load before the other, and Vortex may have to move both to maintain other dependencies.
  17. Save it in the same place it came from (...\Data\SKSE\plugins). That is why I suggested you rename an original copy, first.
  18. Yes, you can search for 'Skyrim SE loose files' to possibly get a more complete description. If texture files are in there, they will be preferentially used over other matching textures referenced by the game.
  19. Did you try disabling/deactivating AddItemMenu, the first process listed in your crash log?
  20. From my earlier post. It had the file path included.
  21. One more guess - are there any loose texture files in your Skyrim data folder? They would automatically overwrite anything else...
  22. Search for 'false save corruption'. SSE Engine Fixes has a solution, I think. Use the search to confirm.
  23. Go to ...\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins (or the equivalent for non-Steam installations). Find the BetterJumpingSE.txt. Copy it, and save as BetterJumpingSE.txt.orig, ignore the warning about changing the file type. Now that you have a backup, open and edit the values in the BetterJumpingSE.txt to suit your desires. Descriptions are in the file.
  24. If you are modding Skyrim with Vortex, you should NOT be using a standalone LOOT to order stuff as well. The built-in LOOT in Vortex (which runs upon Sort Now in the Plugins page, and I think when you Deploy your mods) recognizes all of the conflict resolution stuff in Vortex, but the standalone doesn't necessarily do so. You will get different load orders. I made this very mistake a couple of years back. Did you check your SKSE logs in your ...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder? Arrange them in descending Date modified order, probably one of the latest logs that updated contains a description of the problem.
  25. Not a user of MO2, but did you check your overwrites folder for files that needed to be moved to a more appropriate location/locations?
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