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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Uninstalling a scripted mod (or any mod that is not just a texture mod) once you have started a game with it installed will leave some scripts behind, called 'orphan' scripts. This could cause just as many problems as the mod. Resaver may allow you to continue your game. Otherwise, you will have to start a new game once you uninstall the problem mod.
  2. You are most welcome! Bugs have driven most of us crazy in the past...
  3. Or, you could just go farther on, and see if things work out, first.
  4. If I remember correctly, yes. Now, I play the SE version (1.597), but I don't think that this quest has changed any. Do you use the Unofficial Patch for Skyrim? There may be some sort of bug fix included in that package... BTW, the diary itself may have been sufficient to initiate the Folgunthur stages, w/o starting Forbidden Legend. I also thought that a copy of that book is somewhere in Folgunthur.
  5. Are you referring to the part where the It has been some time since I have done this one, but this is my remembrance.
  6. It is very easy to make the mistake of using outdated SKSE mods. There is this site (https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins) that shows which ones have been updated to the latest version... WRT AE - the Anniversary Edition includes a collection of mods from Bethesda's site, in addition to some (4?) included in the 1.6+ update. You shouldn't have to purchase and d/l it to run 1.6+. Just be careful to check the 'Requirements' tab on each mod page, and make sure that AE CC content isn't on the list. Vortex should also tell you about missing/mangled dependencies. If you start a game, and find problems, just make sure to delete that start, and start a new game before testing a new arrangement.
  7. Yeah, EXCEPT for the ones that have a prerequisite that requires SKSE. I am not trying to be difficult, it just took me very many hours and trial-and-error to get my LO squared away a couple of years ago, and I certainly haven't gotten any more proficient during this interval, due to no practice. Personal preference is to be able to make some kind of plan before I actually start, as I get too confused and frustrated any other way. Just to be clear, I accept your arguments, your responses were what I needed, and will be looking to narrow down my new game candidates, and refreshing myself on which of my self-made patches must be removed...
  8. Thanks for the responses, I just found one mod not listed on the modding.wiki site: No Follower Attack Collision (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65037). I was just trying to see if there was a simple(er) way to narrow a search for version specific mods. It will be bad enough for me adjusting/dropping/patching 800+ mods from my 1.597 set up...
  9. Like SE 1.5.97, 1.6+, or specific 1.6 version? This could/would make finally changing over to 1.6+ much easier... (Please forgive if this has been covered, I did a search for tags, and saw no specific answer, maybe just looked in wrong forums.)
  10. 1. Make a copy of your SkyrimPrefs.ini - I usually just add .orig to the end of the file name and save it as a new file. 2. Try adjusting the individual sound categories in the original .ini one at a time, then loading up Skyrim to see if it is what you want. If you mess it up, just look at the copy to see the initial value. BTW, do you use the Unofficial HD Audio (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18115) mod? That might help, all on its own.
  11. You can try these: Dawnguard Delayed (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2399) Shut Up! Can't You See I'm Busy Fighting (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9513) Fugitive Piss Off (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30215) There are conversation limiting mods on the Nexus (reduced activation radius, activation fov 'cone'), but I haven't used any...
  12. Cleaning the DLC masters can cause problems in the final boss show down in Dragonborn. The final boss level doesn't load properly. Last I saw, the general consensus was NOT to clean the game masters. Since I reverted to the original versions to fix this (I am still on 1.5.97, btw) I seem to have fewer crashes during the game...
  13. Do you know how to use SSEEdit to find conflicts? If so, then run a conflict check. It may find the change(s) for you. I looked at Conner's Survival Mode, and it does change number of food drops, maybe it has something buried in it? You could also try opening it (and any other file that has changes to drops or merchants) up in SSEEdit individually, and look for the actual numbers for the drops. Maybe something got bugged.
  14. Most of the mods that depend on SKSE and include a .dll must be updated to be used in v 1.6+ of Skyrim SE. A site that keeps track of the update status of SKSE plugins: https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins If you try to update w/o updating any of these plugins, your Skyrim will not start, due to SKSE mismatch.
  15. Check the downloads folder/location for your mod manager. The download might still be there.
  16. There is this listing of master volume controls in your SkyrimPrefs.ini from (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=934896199): [AudioMenu] fAudioMasterVolume=1.0000 (this setting controls the game's master volume. according to gamerpoets, this can be turned up to 2.0000 before audio distortion occurs, however, after increasing this value to 2.0000, the voices became far too quiet. I don't think the voices scale evenly with the other settings. Consequently, I highly recommend keeping this setting at 1.0000. Moving forward, the fVal settings below can be adjusted, but the uID settings CANNOT BE CHANGED. fVal7=1.0000 (ambient) uID7=522251 fVal6=0.6000 (magic) uID6=106685 fVal5=0.7000 (menus) uID5=410705 fVal4=1.0000 (ambiance) uID4=218105869 fVal3=1.0000 (music) uID3=466532 fVal2=1.7000 (voice) uID2=554685 fVal1=0.6000 (footsteps) uID1=1007612 fVal0=0.4000 (effects) uID0=94881
  17. There is also some kind of prompt to ask Keerava about Esbern. To check for solutions to a bugged quest, you can try (https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:A_Cornered_Rat), which discusses that the quest can hang up when talking to Esbern, but it also has a lot of spoilers. If you are running on a system that allows mods, you should be running the Unofficial Patch (https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim_Mod:Unofficial_Skyrim_Patch), which squashes many of the bugs in standard quests.
  18. I am not a modder in any sense, but maybe you should shoot for refraction as well, check with the mod authors who have done refraction and transparency for glass, Stalhrim, and ice... skysan4298 and SparrowPrince (maintained by TechAngel85) have mods w/ transparency.
  19. This one is an oldie but goodie: LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2017). Just changes the meshes of the weapons a bit. Quite a few patches/additions are available, too.
  20. TYVM, showler - I have yet to update, waiting for a couple of QOL mods to be changed up.
  21. I'm Walkin' Here (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27742) addresses the problem by turning off collision between the PC and party members. It is not yet updated for v 1.6+ (AE base).
  22. It may be that Dragons My Way baked something or some things into your saves, and reloading won't help.
  23. Is there not any way to turn off the features of Survival Mode?
  24. I know that I have something like that in my LO, but I can't find it - it must be included in something else, so I found these three for you: You Handle Yourself Well (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/60502) Stronger Companions Giant (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31263) Impress the Companions (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13521) Have fun stomping the Giant (h/t to The Princess Bride)
  25. Maybe this one? (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24898)
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