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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. A mod updated? Have you purchased/downloaded the Anniversary Edition/Creation Club expansion? That might have updated, and required new patches, including for Racemenu. I am still on v. 1.597, not any of the v. 1.6+, so I don't know what might have changed.
  2. LOOT is included in Vortex, it's how Vortex handles its initial load order settings. You can change things by setting 'overrides' in the dependencies column, or when a conflict has to be resolved during program installation (the red/green lightning bolts). Check your mods for requirements, one of which is sure to be some kind of skeleton or animation... You can see LOOT warnings/messages on the Plugins page in Vortex. Once you are at the page, look at the column headed 'Flags'. There is a dropdown menu that will allow you to see LOOT messages, among many other things. Just double-click on the 'balloon' on any mod entry, and a sidebar will open showing you the messages/warnings.
  3. Are you using a mod manager, or did you manually install your mods? Vortex comes with a built-in LOOT, and I don't run LOOT separately any more.
  4. A suggestion - look at SKSE Modding Wiki (https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins) first, looking for SKSE plugins that you might want, and if they are updated for v 1.6+ yet. If there is/are some you can't live without that haven't yet been updated, or may not ever be, that could answer your question for you.
  5. There is a mod, Scrambled Eggchantments, that is supposed to correct this, but I think that it might have been merged into another mod, Scrambled Bugs. Look it up and see if it might help. I think that it has not yet been updated to v. 1.6xx.
  6. Have you seen this one Nebarra - Fully Custom Voiced Altmer Follower (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42343) - haven't used him yet, I plan to install him when I make a new character under v. 1.6xx. That's the only voiced male follower that I have. Citizens of Tamriel also has one male outside of Windhelm - I don't know how 'independent' he is in terms of interaction, I have never picked him up. There is also The Ancient Falmer (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16854) it has one male and one female companion available, I haven't installed it yet, either. I have two female mods yet to be installed, NWK's Viconia DeVir (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6873), and Remiel-Custom Voiced Dwemer Specialist and Companion (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/51874) - both look better to me than most female companion mods (and I have plenty of them). I forgot, Anna's NPCs (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1163) has one or two male characters included.
  7. You are very welcome, glad you could get it fixed! I have had a lot of troubles w/dark face issues.
  8. Thanks, anjen, I forgot about the .tri files. It has been awhile since I converted most of the characters.
  9. I just copy and paste the basic female character meshes from the data folder, into the installed npc files. There is also a method I got from a post on this site, I haven't had to go this far, but now you have it...
  10. When this happens on female NPCs, it usually comes from a body mismatch - UNP vs CBBE. I am not well versed in male body styles, but check to see if one or more of your mods has a requirement for a certain body type. Have you tried posting this problem on the Kaidan 2 comments page (not the bug page)?
  11. You might try to post your problem on the Vortex forum, where the experts might see it quicker...
  12. Go to the plugin status site (https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins), and look at the plugins listed there, compare them to your load order (LO). Make sure that any that you have downloaded and installed compatible versions for your version of Skyrim. Disable/remove all others. I think that the Data folder in Steamapps has the SKSE folder that holds the .dll files that any SKSE mods use. This could be a second way to verify which of your mods are dependent on SKSE compatibility. I am pretty sure that if the mod does not have a .dll in the SKSE folder, it will be compatible w/any version. Address Library for SKSE plugins can help with some of those. Make sure to start a new game/character to clear all conflicting data.
  13. What version of Skyrim are you using? What mods do you have installed, especially animation and physics mods? Your load order (LO) could need adjustment. What mod manager are you using? Are you using XPMSSE? There is a debug page in its MCM. See if anything has overwritten its files.
  14. FYI - there is a way to force your own body presets onto npcs... There is at least one mod to adjust body styles on some of the most popular follower collections.
  15. The options for nude/nevernude are in the CBBE fomod installer, if I remember correctly. Try re-installing CBBE?
  16. Are those the only animals "standing up"? Look up T-pose, as this usually indicates some sort of problem with the skeleton files in your game being overwritten or corrupted. Do you use an alternate skeleton, like xpmsse? You could try to re-install it. Is the bone hound the bone wolf cc mod? Look for bugs reported in CC mods, and the full AE version.
  17. Try one of these - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9513 or https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30215 I am currently using the first one, but I am on SE 1.5.97, I don't know about conflicts with later versions. DUH - rechecked my mod list, seems that I have BOTH installed. Will be removing the older one on a new character.
  18. What I meant to ask was - are you using CPBC or HDT-SMP physics? Probably doesn't matter. Maybe you just have a corrupted file in your download? Have you tried uninstalling, removing it, then repeating the download to reinstall it? Invisible textures usually come from the base mod not being installed properly, or at all. The blue textures often come from missing or corrupted textures in the conversion mod. If d/l and reinstall doesn't work, try to post on the mod page itself, you might get better answers.
  19. Nether's Follower Framework has an outfit function. (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55653). There is also an MCM settings loader (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57022) to help you maintain the base settings.
  20. Re - Racemenu, AFAIK it will still allow character changes, BUT you need the proper versions of both SKSE and Racemenu for your version of SE(AE). See this skse status page for information (https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins). The outfit changes could be one of many mods, especially one of the follower framework mods. Hair, could be one (or more) of the wig mods.
  21. It seems to me that lighting mods and patches SHOULD force overwrites and conflicts in worldspaces, just like water and landscape mods.
  22. How many .esp files are there, >600? I have seen discussion of there being some sort of undocumented limit to the number that can be in your data folder w/o problems (512, i think). Could just be a bug from a heavy LO. I assume that you are using the Engine Fixes mod, or something similar?
  23. Have you used SSEEdit to check for conflicts? I see several mods that may interact oddly - Thunderchild and its patches, adjustible shout timer, animated wings ultimate, shouts cost one soul, Rotmulaag (I love this one, BTW), the spell/magic mods, even your bashed patch may have some hidden problem... I am not using most of your LO, but I would load it up in xEdit, and find all the conflicts, then look for ones that are shout or spell specific.
  24. DuckDuckGo search for "mod conflict resolution SSEEdit - xEdit" The long answer: https://tes5edit.github.io/docs/5-conflict-detection-and-resolution.html There are also some YouTube videos and shorter passages returned by the search.
  25. DuckDuckGo search for "mod conflict resolution SSEEdit - xEdit" The long answer: https://tes5edit.github.io/docs/5-conflict-detection-and-resolution.html There are also some YouTube videos and shorter passages returned by the search.
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