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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. AFAIK, FNIS and Nemesis are not too compatible with each other. You may have data baked into your game that disrupts each when you start up. Did you make sure to start a new game when changing over?
  2. I think that there is a working kukri in The Secret of the Silver Blades ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13561 ), and its permissions are almost completely open. SOSB is a rather non-ornate blade, however.
  3. There is a mod that allows you to destroy the TG, part of it sets conditions that make YOU talk to Brynjolf to start the TG stuff. You choose which path to take. Here it is: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/43244
  4. When you talk about 'older' armors, are you referring to LE mods? That would probably be bad news, if it is ported incorrectly. Did you start a new game after installing the Himbo body? If you didn't, you might just be falling victim to baked data in your save game.
  5. Are you sure that your male body is physics (and SMP) enabled?
  6. Forgive me for asking, but I do not use Survival Mode. Do the Cure Disease potions not work in that mode? Could you tell your follower to ingest a hawk feather?
  7. I did this ages ago, may be a simpler way now... From this topic ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/10176613-does-anyone-know-how-to-get-a-usable-mod-list-from-vortex/page-2 ) This routine got my modlist from the Vortex Staging Folder, using Powershell in Windows: Hit Windows Key + X select Windows POWERSHELL Rem - Went like this, in ps: cmd [return] [drive letter holding Vortex]: [return] cd [path to vortex mods\skyrimse] [return] dir . /b > [chosen title_for_list.txt] [return] -- Important - no spaces in name for modlist text file, underscores are ok! Rem - (the modlist txt file will show up in the skyrimse folder listed above, after a refresh) Rem - this just prints out the directory file, but it shows the mod name and version number.
  8. 1. SSEEdit is xEdit, xEdit is a base for many Bethesda games. 2. Go to the CotR page, and ask if it really introduces a new race for your char. While you are at it, check there to see if anyone else has seen, and/or solved the problem. Maybe a search for "Charmers of the Reach, Skyrim SE, and Bond of Matrimony" may find a discussion or two on the web. 3. I don't know an easy way to find the slots, but I first became aware of the problems when doing a general conflict search in SSEEdit on my entire modlist, and several char mods were overwriting each other WRT stuff in body slots, powers, and racial abilities. BTW, slot 51 default is 'Decapitated Head', and something, or several somethings in your load order after CotR may simply be resetting 51 back to default. 4. To find the slots, it may be as simple as loading the LHR mod in SSEEdit, and checking the included records. I had an easier time finding this info from a conflict search. Once you find it, just click on the cell to highlight it, change 51 to 52, and close out, making sure SSEEdit saves the edited file.
  9. Hey, BBTBBN - I forgot about this ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/68942 ) it specifically alters the Bond of Matrimony (I d/l it, but holding on install until I ramp up everything for v.1.6+). In the posts, the author suggests using xEdit to change the slot to 52. You might see if that helps...
  10. I did not find a way to change this behavior for a Sun Elves mod in SSEEdit. Sorry. Maybe post this problem in the Creation Kit and Modders section (just two topics below the troubleshooting section), see if anyone has any ideas?
  11. From the mod description: Your character must have something else equipped in slot 50 (Bond of Matrimony), or that slot is reserved in COR. Maybe you should ask there if there is a reserved slot, and how to change it.
  12. AFAIK, ColdSun's pack has a body mod in it.
  13. Check the LHR mod description (or maybe the 1st person view)- I think that it says that only standard races will benefit, modded races can not. Could this be the source of the problem? Additionally, is something from another mod taking up the ring's body slot (I think that it is slot 51)? The wrist seams in you picture may also show that you have some kind of problem with your body model. Maybe someone with more knowledge will respond.
  14. If you have installed SKSEVR correctly, check the log file. I do not run VR, not sure of the log's location. Look for that information in the documentation. You may have installed incompatible mods without realizing it. Check ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) for latest versions for your Skyrim SE and SKSEVR.
  15. Yeah, I just assumed that "the latest Papyrus" probably referred to AE versions.
  16. noamazia, there is Blackthorn ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2242 ), check and see if it is what you are looking for. There is a patch to help with Hearthfire ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20072 ). One more set of patches ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/68517 ).
  17. Perhaps po3's Papyrus Extender ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22854 ), or Papyrus Util by exiledViper and meh ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13048 ) - this is listed as a requirement for 3BA.
  18. I use Trade and Barter ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23081 ) - you use an MCM to set variables for trading, buying and selling on a global basis. Check it out.
  19. To make sure I am understanding, normally hostile NPCs that are NOT magic users are not hostile now. Just a guess, you are probably running a mod (or two) that conflicts with FG. You should try to go to the FG page ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5941 ) and present your problem there. You will need to list your game version, and a load order list for your mods. When you post your LO, you can use the 'spoiler' tag (the third icon up top, in the reply window, with a little green highlight in it) to hide it so it won't take up so much room on the post.
  20. AFAIK, anything stored in memory can become corrupted over time. Bethesda mods are not necessarily cleaned, since their own system doesn't get affected in the same way as third-party mods. A hardware issue is possible, but I would have no idea how to check. Have you blown out your console with compressed air, and made sure that there is plenty of room for ventilation.
  21. You may have a mod or two that needs v. 1.6+ (AE), and is conflicting. A site to help find SKSE compliant versions is https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins A lot of TK stuff was broken by the AE updates.
  22. Actually, the limit is 254 non-esl flagged mods. Glad you could get things sorted.
  23. This is a pretty common occurrence, the weapons simply clip through the walls and floor of the cell, and go bouncing off to who knows where. I think that there are a couple of mods that will change or remove the disarm shout from Draugr. Just do a search.
  24. Version 1.597 is an older version, and I would suspect some of the mods that you downloaded for your recent reentry into Skyrim SE expect version 1.6+, often referred to as AE, or Anniversary Edition. Check your version of SkyUI (and SKSE) to make sure that it works with v. 1.597. If you want to continue with 1.597, because some of your older mods will not function with the newest version, you might want to investigate the 'downgrade patcher' and its requirements. Look at the SkyUI mod page for more information. There is a page that helps track which SKSE mods are working with each of the recent versions of Skyrim SE: https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins You might wish to edit your original post, the proper term is MCM, not MSM.
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