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Everything posted by tunaisafish

  1. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/369524-console-modding-is-not-supported-here/
  2. Place the sound into the cell, and edit the reference so that it is 'initially disabled', 'persistent', and give it a name like 'KlaxonSndREF'. (I think) you should then be able to use the KlaxonSndREF.enable and KlaxonSndREF.disable commands to turn it on/off in your switch script.
  3. Drag FalloutNV.esm to the top and try again.
  4. when you load FNVEdit with those mods, do any of them give errors? If so, remove them while making an automatic merged patch. You can put them back after and manually update your merge file if needed. My guess, Willow. (This does not mean that the Willow mod is broken) Edit: Changing my guess to an outdated mod :) 5 PACK's were changed to REFR records in the last patch. Scroll through the 'messages' panel when FNVEdit loads to see if a REFR record is overwriting a PACK, then check for a post-1.4 mod update.
  5. Can you put that in context. Edit: sorry, I should do a page refresh before posting. I'm guessing that there's nothing actually wrong with your package. FNV file formats change sometimes with a patch, and FNVEdit will flag those as errors until it is updated to recognize them. Edit2: a PACK record is an AI package, so from the sound of it, it has nothing to do with the lantern you edited.
  6. Just curious why that is and what happens if you turn it off. The reason is in the readme installation section... "2. Launch NV via running nvse_loader.exe. Enabling the Steam Community option (enabled by default) will allow you to launch the game via Steam's standard UI." So you don't strictly need it :) I always use FOMM which in turn calls nvse_loader.
  7. You can go into the Steam Settings and disable those offers. Once you've installed the game you can also run in offline mode. Take some time to disable all the bits of Steam you think are intrusive, but if you plan to use any NVSE mods then leave 'Enable Steam Community in-game' checked.
  8. When did you last update your mods? (IIWR 2.1.0.esp is a pre-1.3 patch mod)
  9. I wish they'd actually added a flag to RemoveAllTypedItems to turn the exclusion list into an inclusion list. I use Skevitj's method too for containers in Sortomatic, but avoid it with the player because of the annoying side effects. It will always unequip any carried weapon and undo all the weapon hotkey assignments. Losing my hotkeys always annoys me when entering casinos. Edit: ta mate.
  10. Skevitj posted a link to the vanilla function that you'll need to use to do the 'clean' moving of weapons or armour. If you only want to remove a single type (all instances of them) then you need NVSE to create the exception list. Yep, as you say NVSE is in Beta, in that there *may* be some bugs. The support is outstanding though. Any reported bugs are normally squashed within a couple of days. Contrast and compare that with the game we're all modding, and 'Beta' doesn't sound scary anymore :)
  11. search for a recent mod here by 2cooldays with 'Beatrix Sex' in the name.
  12. It sounds like the quest delay time. To make the object appear smoother, temporarily reduce the delay.
  13. If you think my post was defending software pirates then you missed my point. I already said that I (or anyone) would have the right to be pissed if somebody infringed a copyright. And I'd have the right to pursue a copyright case in court. A theft case would be futile though. Would it make you happier if I said I thought software pirates were scumbags? :) I do enjoy digital media, and it's because it is covered by IP laws that this is so. If ideas were covered through the criminal law of theft, then we'd all be much poorer in the choices available to us.
  14. Yeah, as Alex states the button numbers start at 0. In 0MCSCraftingBenchScript, it looked like you had the topmost button act as a 'Cancel' button. If you are using the topmost button in FCInventoryCraftingAreaScript, then you'll need a slightly different logic
  15. Well I'd agree that both are illegal, but the software pirate is correct in law (if there's a country that classes the 2 crimes as identical then I'm unaware of it). The big anti-piracy campaigns are funded by industry, and often have catchy phrases such as "Piracy is Theft" in their literature. Some orgnisations even have 'software theft' in their names. Federation Against Software Theft. That's BS, as if they actually tried to pursue the Theft offence the defense lawyer would have an easy win. Software Piracy is Copyright Infringement. Yeah, Piracy is bad m'kay. There's no need to try to argue that it's a greater/different crime. Anybody would be pissed at having their copyrights infringed. Although some companies have stated that they'd rather see their software pirated than having the user pirate or buy their competitors wares. (See MS quotes here The effects of copyright infringement on digital culture) It makes me laugh when I see people argue "How would you feel if your items were stolen?" when arguing the evils of Software Piracy. If a big white van pulled up in the night and stole all my belongings, yes of course I'd be pissed. If the white van somehow 'pirated' all my belongings, hell how could I possibly be pissed? I'd wake up and not even know.
  16. If this is only since the patch, then it could be that a FormID change is causing the crash. It's pretty much a lottery if a particular mod breaks when the game patches, through no fault of the mod author. As crashes go though, a consistent one is the one to have :) Save just before the crash occurs and run with bunches of mods disabled. A binary search is quickest. (keep cutting the groups in half)
  17. Use GECK 1.4, and the updated patch of the game to 1.4 (just let Steam update you). Trying to modify all your files to how they were sometime in the past is not worth it.
  18. Ignore that. It just means it can't determine what version is on the website. (the part that tries to inform you of updates is broken). See the recent posts in the FOMM thread here to turn that feature off.
  19. Drag AWOP down manually below classicpack. (not sure why BOSS left AWOP first, sorts it ok on mine.) Glad you've got IIWR unticked... that's way out of date. Grab the latest IWR from my sig. erm... well that could be your BOSS problem too. The load order gets updated often. Do you see batch files in your Data folder for BOSS? Run the update one.
  20. Fixed up the script and added some comments in there where I changed. A mixup in the nested if's mainly. I notice that some of your ID's start with zero. It's better to avoid digits at the start of the ID's (as sometimes that causes an error where the scripting engine thinks you are passing it a numerical ref.) Not sure what you are using the timer for yet :)
  21. Basically, you can add a 'page' variable, and set 1 or 0 when the 'more'/'back' options are chosen. Some ideas and examples for large or multilevel menu's are here... http://www.cipscis.com/fallout/tutorials/
  22. Yeah, that whole 'Program Files(x86)' tree gets UAC 'protection'. The FAQ in the Mod Talk forum describes how to move it. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/249603-faqs/
  23. Make sure you saved the script as a quest script. You'll need to create a quest for it to run.
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