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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. I think if you look closely vampire NPCs ingame do have vampire fangs... but if I make an actor copy of my own vampire PC they don't appear to have any fangs when they're speaking? Why? :(


    Exactly how do you modify the vampire traits that are applied to characters? Changing the eyes is easy, but what about the hair color, face paleness, and fangs? Does modifying the Vampire Race in the construction set change anything on actual ingame vampires? :(


    Do you have to edit the human head EGM file or something? Exactly how do you do that? :(

  2. Does anyone else find themselves feeling extremely sad and sorry for the Collectors? I don't think they we're consciously allied with the Reapers. I think they made it pretty clear Harbinger was fully controlling the poor Collector General against it's will...


    They got a raw deal. The Reapers used and abused them so badly. :(

  3. Is there any easy way to convert face textures made for the vanilla head mesh to work with the head06 mesh?


    Or are there any other good hi-res head meshes out there that are well supported or easy to convert textures to?

  4. Well yes, I making a custom ear mesh, and I want the way the texture (I'm using the vanilla basic ear texture) is mapped over the mesh to be the same way as it is on the vanilla ear mesh so it's aligned properly (which you can do under the "Edit UV" option if you right-click on the mesh) :(
  5. Not meaning to be too horribly depressing, but let's say that one day, some utterly tragic accident happened and you (yes, you) died. As in, actually died. You were killed. But then let's say that a secret organization wanted to test some futuristic prototype medical tech, and by chance they decided to use you as their test subject. So they used a good amount of money to bribe the funeral home to give them your corpse and lie to your family saying that you'd been embalmed or whatever as intended.


    Then over some period of time (can be any amount of time you want, months or years), they used their technology to repair the damage to your body, to fully restore your vital functions, bring your brain cells back to life, etc, etc. Ultimately their project is successful, and one day you awaken and you're fully alive again, exactly the same person you were before.


    Now this is the part I really want you to think about... how would you feel about the fact that you were dead but have been brought back to life? Aside from that, of course the first thing you would probably want to do is tell your family that you're alive.


    But, exactly how would you break the news to them? What words could you possibly use to explain things to them? What if they reacted with anger and denial, thought you were some cruel prankster and refused to believe it's really you? What if they threatened to report you to the cops? What would you do?



    What do you think would happen if you were to just go up to your parent's house and knock on their door?



    How do you envision your family's reactions would be, what your reunion would be like?



    Probably, above all else, you'd be aching to just go home again. But what if, even if they saw you with their own eyes, your family refused to believe you?


    What if they wanted to get a DNA to make sure it was really you?


    And how do you think you'd go about getting back to your life, depending on how long you've been gone? Things will very likely have changed a lot since your "death". If you have a significant other, what would happen if they've already gotten together with someone else? What about all of your money, your personal belongings? What do you think you'd say to everyone back at school or work, or whatever? And how would you go about getting your old job back, getting back into school, re-opening your bank accounts and everything? And what about your old house or apartment, if you lived by yourself? (I imagine that would be an unpleasantly messy and difficult affair...)


    ...And what would you do with the grave stone they probably had put out in the cemetery for you?




  6. I'm positive I installed all the components, I've got Python, Wrye python, everything, the installer ran fine and everything was installed but Bash still won't start, can anyone help? :(


    edit: nevermind someone told me what to do and I got it working :)

  7. This morning when I was walking downtown under the train bridge, a complete stranger stopped me and told me to be careful walking further up the sidewalk. I thought it was strange but thanked her and kept walking...


    Then right near the end of the tunnel there was a bag of dirty used needles and empty syringes scattered all over the ground.. eww. Both gross and a serious health hazard.


    I wonder if they're still there, I hope someone cleans them up.

  8. Second shot is a Shriddan with most of the stuff coming from Romuska Fantasy Store and some pieces from R18PN Der Tod Armor. You'll have to go through some of the dungeons to get some of the items though.



    Does anyone know what Morrowind mod looks like this? Is it Morroblivion?


    Also what mods (weapon, armor, race, tower) are in the second picture?


    Yes first picture I'm pretty sure it's Morroblivion. Weapon in the second screenshot is from tdas Scythe Mod and the tower is from Romuska Fantasy Store.


    :ninja: 'd by ziitch. :mellow:


    Thank you so much!! :laugh: <3

  9. I asked for your help and you're just mean to me.... I didn't mean to double-post because I'm tired and when I'm tired I'm prone to making simple mistakes like that... i'm sorry... but don't you dare accuse me of stuff I didn't do, I've never done or said anything bad to you ever so I have no idea what your problem is with me, but if that's how it is I won't ask for your help anymore since you obviously don't like me and you just accuse me of things I didn't do... really that's all you have to say? and then I get a message saying "i almost reported youuu!" "you fill the thread with a lot of chaatter!!!" for what? I've done absolutely nothing wrong to anyone... I almost never go off topic or whatever "chatter" is supposed to mean, all my posts are requests which is 100% relevant to this thread... I was just looking for some stuff yesterday all I wanted was a little help... Whatever I did to offend you so much I'm sorry.
  10. Those are both weather mods; they don't do anything that AWLS or IWR do so they're both compatible with either of those.


    If you want a modded weather system in Oblivion, I would personally recommend All Natural. It's the most up-to-date of all the weather mods available and has the most advanced features. The only thing is it's a little tricky to install; I highly recommend using OBMM to install because I tried to install it manually before and I messed up.


    Natural Environments is very nice; the custom sky textures it comes with a really lovely. However it hasn't been updated for over 3 years so it has compatibility issues with a lot of more recent mods. I did try before, and I used it for a while but unfortunately there were a lot of problems with it (such as experiencing rain and snow in interior cells, very bad).


    If you do not want to use NE but you like the sky textures, you can just take the textures and use them with All Natural (it's fully compatible with any custom sky textures you want to use). :)

  11. Lechar, I think you have to find the MMM, OOO, and Fran armor replacers to replace most of the FCOM ones.



    But... where? :(


    Also, if it's the teenage boy fantasy exo-jugged pr0no bodies that bother you so much, then you could simply just choose to not make any compatible textures for those body mods. But c'est la vie.


    RF = win.


    WEll I know I am getting off topic here since I have not released anything for THIS game, but as a long time modder for other games, let me tell you this:


    If you are not comfortable with what other people do with your stuff., do not release it, period. Because in the end, everything you create rightfully belongs to the original owner/creator of the game and not to you. So it is not "yours" to begin with. And once you upload it ANYWHERE, you opened Pandora's box and sign away any right or say you had in the matter. Even your "terms of use" are nothing more than a polite request to respect your wishes, but that's it. People can be cruel when they want to get their hands on something and a lot of them do not respect what you had in mind at all. That's how it goes, deal with it or don't release stuff.

    I know I am harsh now, but it is a lesson I had to learn years ago. The way users/players respect the wishes of the original creator (or not) can make or break a community, but in the end you have no say in the matter.


    Are... are you the same chakaru from the Mod The Sims community? Omg I'm a huge fan, I absolutely adored your Sims skins. You're so amazingly talented :biggrin: <3

  12. Endless quest for good gender-neutral face textures...


    If only the vanilla Oblivion ones weren't so junky, I wonder why Bethesda put them so low on the priority list? They could have easily spent a couple more megabytes on it.

  13. InAComaDail999 did an excellent job of explaining both mods. I'm just going to say that personally I much prefers AWLS (it's the one I use myself), IWR is good but unfortunately as InAComaDail999 said, it's mechanism is much different than AWLS, it achieves the effect by directly placing the light sources into the game world and that's why it has serious compatibility issues. AWLS just replaces the window meshes, without making any modifications whatsoever to the game world, which is why it's so great with other mods. I'm not sure about IWR, but I do know that AWLS does have support for Shivering Isles which is a huge bonus. I also use Better Cities (which does not have up-to-date IWR compatibility patches that I know of), as well as a lot of other town, city and building mods, so AWLS is great for those. It's the one I recommend personally.
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