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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. Unplanned pregnancy and troubled children who grew up without fathers sell too? Ee http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wacko.gif Cruel...


    I kinda wish females PC's would get treated more fairly, it seems like the whole world sees them as men except they're not considered attractive or something.

  2. http://s15.radikal.ru/i189/1102/20/963810f191ec.jpg


    What armour is this?


    where is that sword from?


    Excuse me but why would you want a sword like that? You can clearly see how awful it looks with that poor quality. It looks like a five year old put it together in Blender with models from differen games. The armor also doesn't belong in Oblivion. If you want that I recommend that you play Fallout instead.


    Aw it doesn't look so bad, it looks like a very unique and interesting model and I'd like to re-texture it or something to make it awesome :)

  3. What is with so many male characters in video games being put forward as "ladies men" and sexually promiscuous and such? Like why is there so much sexual stuff being pushed on male PC's but not really so much with females? And how come in a lot of stories the male PC ends up having some illegitimate child with some fairly random woman or some such thing? But stuff like that never happens to female PC's, ever... is this some sort of empowering "manly" thing that I obviously could never understand? Yuck... I especially think the "bastard child" thing is a rather cruel thing to put in a story since most of the time they also end up abandoned somehow by Protagonist Dad.


    Like in DAO... actually I won't even get into that.


    Or in Fallout 2 where the PC has a bastard child with a married woman, or that married woman's daughter who is a hooker and will accuse him of raping her if he refuses sex from her...


    Or like in the Assassin's Creed games...


    etc, etc, there are more but too many to list.


    I don't really get what the deal is with this kind of thing...:wacko:

  4. I enjoy roleplaying thief and stealth and adventurer type characters. :) I enjoy exploring a lot. And stealth, so my characters are all like that. Assassin/explorers are also pretty fun to RP too, as is being an ambitious and adventuring mage character:)


    Also, all of my character usually end up being vampires. I really hope we can be a vampire in Skyrim and that they do it a lot better than they did in Oblivion. Vampires are just oozing with awesomeness. I have no idea why but I just LOVE playing one. The fact that I'm something feared and widely despised makes it even more appealing. So... I usually RPing as a thief/stealth/adventurer/mage/assassin vampire :D It's fun being in some position where things would probably go crazy if people discovered your little secret. Imagine if anyone found out the Archmage was a vamp :laugh:


    The Dark Brotherhood obviously welcomes vampires and doesn't care if their leader is one, but I wonder what the honorable Blades would think if they found out their comrade was a vile "monster". Or what your fellow thieves would think of their fellow thief being a vampire, especially if it's their leader, the Grey Fox. Or what would happen if the head of the Fighter or Mage guilds discovered it.

  5. I hope it's the PC character. I so want to be a Bosmeri Empress. Or at least worthy nobility . <3 :D


    From what little we do know already though, it's looking very likely that we will be le Dragonborn in Skyrim!




    And it isn't at all implausible that a non-Imperial could also be Dragonborn. If you ARE Imperial you could pretend Martin had a kid at some point that you're descended from. If you're NOT Imperial, you could pretend that it happened through some interracial relations generations back in your family. Or that, as has been said, you were simply "chosen" by the Divines and granted the status of Dragonborn.

  6. Guess I'll play the bad guy....



    I think the reason why nobody replied is because you kept answering the same question over and over.

    Or perhaps it's so obvious that nobody wanted to reply...

    The armor is from the game "Halo" as you might have geussed now... the armor would also be called "Halo"

    Which would mean every item in there is from the game "halo"which you can find here on tesnexus



    A little history background of the Game Halo. The game Halo is so well known in the gamers world. Not knowing halo would mean you have slept under a rock for many years. Or never played a videogames in your life untill very recently. The character which you play in the game with that armor is called "Masterchief" from the genre game First Person shooter FPS for short on the XBOX & XBOX 360



    In any event I believe the obsession wanting to know what the armor name is finally at an end.

    Trust me I know the feeling. happy downloading and play safe :-)


    Excuse me? How dare you, you fool. I was only asking about the sword in the image, look at the goddarned quote info and notice I was not the one asking about the armor. I haven't posted in this thread for over a week. You are so rude, how dare you. Don't post in here if that's how you're going to treat people.


    "Keep answering the same question over and over"? What does that mean? I haven't the slightest what you are talking about.


    "Or perhaps it's so obvious that nobody wanted to reply"? How rude. I am not even the one who made whatever posts you are referring to.

  7. I've tried making good looking male characters but the vanilla male presets, especially for Caucasian are extremely fugly and difficult to make pretty. I've tried numerous times but this is about the best male I could make, honestly (the guy on the right)! They always look a lot better in the character editing screen thing then they do under ingame lights, especially inside vaults. Ingame lighting makes my men all hideous. :(








    Can anyone help me? What mods can you recommend that may help? Are there any good preset mods for guys? :(


    Also is there anything that can improve the way child headmorphs are generated and make them look better? Even my characters that look pretty as adults, look really ugly as children (this guy was an especially ugly kid).

  8. Arbiter's Grounds? Oooh that's probably my favourite too. I'm not sure why I like it so much, I think the desert theme is so awesome and was extremely well done, it doesn't get used often enough (or well enough). It's definitely better than OoT's "Spirit Temple".


    The boss battle (Stallord) was also EPIC awesome. Definitely one of my favourites, along with Morpheel (Lakebed Temple boss) and Argorok (the air temple place's dragon boss) :D

  9. Has anyone else ever played LOZ: Twilight Princess? It's a pretty darn good game. I just started playing it again on my old Cube and it's sooo good :D


    Also I'm totally into Ganondorf. Even though we've had to kill him in every Zelda game to date. Hehehttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wub.gif

  10. So how has your weekend been?


    It's a long weekend for me because February 21 has been established as a holiday called "Family Day" in Ontario. So, no school for me tomorrow...


    So far this whole long weekend has been rather a bust, though. Last week, the whole week I was so looking forward to the long weekend, so I could just sit back, relax, sleep, and play computer games. But then right, right on Friday night... the computer broke down. I have no idea what happened, I was just browsing the internet, but then the smoke detector went off so I had to rush downstairs to flip the main breaker switch so it would shut off. Then when I tried to turn the computer back on, it BSOD'd and refused to start up. We tried all night to get it to start but to no avail. So on Saturday morning we took it to Future Shop to get fixed....


    It took almost a whole day for them to back up the hard drive and reinstall windows. But, unfortunately, they still could not get the computer to start, it keeps BSOD'ing on startup. So they had to run a full diagnostic test on it, which took a long time and they closed at 6 p.m, and they're closed all day tomorrow because of the holiday, so I can only cross my fingers that they'll find the problem and be able to fix it by then. Could that blasted machine have picked a worse possible time to go dead on me? Sigh. :(


    So by Tuesday I'll have been without a good computer for four days. I'm on my old laptop right now, but unfortunately it's a cheapie eMachines one with equally cheap and low powered hardware so it's completely incapable of running any games. Also I can't do any homework since it was all on the main computer, which won't be out of the shop for another few days at least...


    Oh and also on Saturday the car got a flat tire. When it was taken to Canadian Tire they discovered that for months we've been driving around a car with a severely worn and damaged front axel that was barely holding the wheels on, and could have failed at any time and caused us to get in an accident. Now we know what was causing that mysterious creaking noise under the floor at the front of the car for months that we'd every time we made a turn... that's pretty scary.


    It isn't entirely so bad though, nothing else has gone wrong and I've been keeping myself entertained well enough, so I'm holding out! :)


    But enough about my weekend, how about yours?

  11. I still refuse to believe that Morrigan ever loved or even cared about the Warden in any way shape or form. Heck, come the endgame, she even flat out tells you she and that crusty old bat of a mother of hers were just using you for your you-know-what from the very start. And I still refuse to accept any reason for her scramming with your kid. Sorry, but that doesn't sound very loving to me. You don't pull crappy things like that on someone if you love or care about them at all, you just don't, and there is absolutely no excuse in the world for a stunt like that. She remains an icy, selfish, evil little wench even into WH and her whole "romance" is a hollow and painfully dissatisfying bust...


    Seriously even Viconia DeVir wasn't this heartless, or brought the PC this much heart wrenching, aching misery, people... :(

  12. Try using OBMM to install those. Both the UOP and Better Cities can be made into OMODs installed with it, and it is very highly recommended that you do so because it's so much easier, and it automatically puts every file exactly where it has to go, so it's pretty much impossible to install a mod incorrectly this way. Manually installing large mods with a lot of files like UOP and BC is really messy and very easy to screw up so you should always install them with OBMM.


    You also need to use BOSS to put all of the ESP's in the correct loading order. If you did use OBMM to install the mods, then the problem could be your load order. If the files aren't in order it will cause all sorts of problems (which can range from the game crashing to desktop when you try to start it, to frustrating crashes in game, to a plethora of assorted wonkyness and glitches)

  13. I agree. Unless properly scripted, your companions will also lose disposition and/or squeal on you if you commit a crime, which is VERY irritating if you're a thief or assassin character.


    Pets behave themselves. They still love you and remain faithful, even if you are a criminal!


    Though for the life of me I can't figure out how to make my own creature comps, I still don't know how to get them to ignore friendly fire so they don't go hostile on you if you strike them by accident.

  14. Both are extremely useful and easy to use little tools and absolutely vital for me. TESEdit is great to use in conjunction with Gecko, because it lets you actually go through individual records of what the ESP edits (which are very nicely organized so you can find things easily), so you can delete stuff you don't want in there, like if something's defective or you made a mistake but don't want to trash the whole thing, or if you accidentally edited something you shouldn't have, you can completely remove it. Personally this is how I like to do it because Gecko's "clean plugin" function did not work well for me.
  15. I may not have been 100% clear here - I was going to merge EACH DLC with the relevant UOP patch and SM Refurbish patch, and store under the DLC ESP name.


    I think that would cause a lot of problems. I don't recommend it at all.





    Seconded. Merges of those would definitely not work properly and would cause serious problems.

  16. Herculine's advice was excellent. I'm going to agree that you should most definitely NOT merge the DLC files because that can seriously mess up your game.


    Every ESP mod is different, it depends a lot on what kind of stuff it's editing or adding into the game, how many things are being edited, etc. Some mods are perfectly safe and can be merged no problem, while other simply were not meant to be and cannot be merged.


    Definitely don't try to merge an ESP if there are other ESPs that are dependent on it because that will mess up your game. (it will cause your game to CTD on startup because those files are considered to be missing their master ESP). You also shouldn't merge any ESPs that edit any of the exact same things in the CS because they will clash and you could get some unexpected results. Extremely large ESP mods that make significant changes to the game also should not be merged because there's likely to be conflicts, the merged ESP won't work properly and will mess up your game.


    Simple mods, such as things that only make small changes, such as add new eyes, hairs, weapons, armor, or other items into the game, and don't edit any existing resources should be perfectly safe to merge. I'm not sure about the SM files but the DLC UOP's should be safe to merge. Try it and then test the merged ESP ingame to see how it works. If the merged ESP turns out to be causing issues, don't worry, just delete it, then go back to your data files list and reselect all of the original patch files and everything will be good again.


    There's a lot of room for error when merging files, so always be sure to keep the originals.


    A word about merging ESPs that add new eyes and hair though, it's safe to merge them if they *only* add new eyes and hair, but NOT if they actually add the new eyes and hairs to the races (if you try to merge two ESPs that both make edits to a certain race they will clash and you'll get a borked result).


    Here, there's this wonderful tool called TES4Edit . It's very easy and safe to use, this is what I use to clean the race edits out of a hair or eye mod before I merge it with my master ESP for all race related modifications, so they merge nice and cleanly with no clashes. The disadvantage is you still have to go an manually add each hairstyle and eye color to each race you want to use it on, but I say it's better than getting slapped in the face weirdness and errors.


    A final word, I'm going to agree with Herculine here about Wrye Bash. It's a very complicated tool to use and definitely not for rookies, and can severely bork your game if you don't know what you are doing. I don't really use it myself (neither do I know how) and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

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