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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. So, we know that elves and humans can breed together no problemo. And we have confirmation that they can also breed with orcs. I am going to be logical and assume that the Argonians are the exception; they're not mammals so their biology simply is not compatible with the other races, so crossbreeding with them and the existence of part-Argonians is a definite "Not gunna happen, ever".


    But what about the Khajiit? Nothing is ever said about this in the TES lore. Do you know if, or do you think the Khajiit are capable of breeding with men and mer? They ARE mammals... http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/confused.gif

  2. But the rest of the Collectors were controlled by the General, who was in turn being directly and completely controlled by Harbinger. Right before the end Harbinger accused them of failing (even though he was the one controlling them) and released his control over the General.
  3. Are you an organ donor? What are your thoughts about organ donation?


    A long, long time ago, I met a certain girl while I was staying at the Ronald McDonald house in Ottawa. She was convalescing after having recently undergone a heart transplant - I don't know exactly what it was, but due to a condition she was born with, by the time she reached age 14 her own heart was failing badly and on the verge of shutting down. And she would have died for certain, if the parents of 19 year old boy from Edmonton who was killed in a snowmobile accident had not agreed to donate their son's heart. It must have been an enormously painful decision to make, right after losing their child, but they absolutely made the right choice - someone else got to live because of it.


    That's why I'm such a huge supporter of organ donation. :)

  4. No, it's fine, I have both games and I'm not handing out.


    What file path does the sound files go into? I couldn't find where they are located in the BSA's

  5. Dear god, the Morrowind theme is one of the most hypnotically beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard. Is there any way to get into Oblivion to replace the dull default music? I have an MP3 file of the song.
  6. Granted, but you find that there aren't enough bricks in the bucket to build what you envisioned. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif


    I wish for orange juice! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/happy.gif




  7. Are you allergic to anything? What things cause you to have reactions?


    The only thing I'm allergic to is penicillin, had it after surgery when I was a baby and I had a rash everywhere. I also had an allergic reaction to "One Step" brand hand sanitizer, but only the scented ones - they had some pink colored blossom berry scented stuff and some green "aloe" stuff, both caused me to develop a hideous purple-blue, bruise like rash all over. The regular clear kind didn't, but all the same I'm never touching One Step again. Bad.


    Aside from that I'm not allergic to anything. I feel really sorry for people with food allergies though, I'd really hate it if there was a food I couldn't eat because it could seriously hurt me. My Dad is allergic to pistachio nuts, which really stinks because I absolutely love pistachios.

  8. Use a certain cheat item to temporarily turn your gender to male so you can do it her yourself. That's what I do. I'm cool with girl-girl babies nut not so much with boy-girl created babies. (I'm usually not a fan of straight men IRL...) http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sweat.gif


    For some reason doing it as a woman is so much easier on my psyche, idk. But it's just better this way, even though the Wardens in Origins are still profoundly sucky.



    Though it's still so horrible and overwhelmingly repulsive, the idea of Morrigan being a mom is so astoundingly alien and nigh incomprehensible to me... http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wacko.gif

  9. Alistair is dead. Correction: Loghain's kid!


    I wonder if they're going to feature the kid the the third game, if there is one. I want to find out what happens! How abnormal is this kid going to be? is it going to be some supermage or something? http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wacko.gif


    Poor Loggy. I hope he doesn't have to deal with any problems with the kid, if they arise.


    I hate Morrigan. How dare she hurt and torment and use my characters this way. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/down.gif

  10. Can someone help me? I already had this huge mod with a huge amount of Coolsims hairs, but I accidentally delete and now I can't find it anywhere. The meshes and textures for the hairs were under folders called "001_EpicElves" but I can't find any mod with anything call epicelves in it...
  11. He's a bug :blink:


    But I think he has feelings. The way he looks around all confused and lost, and then turn his head slowly towards the explosion right before it rips through the base and kills him really struck me...

  12. I don't care what anyone says, I felt really really and truly sorry for the Collector General at the end. He was totally used and victimized by Harbinger, poor thing. :(
  13. It's true. He is dead. There's no doubt about it - DNA has confirmed that it was him.


    I'm not American so it really isn't significant to me but... I feel for all the Americans out there. It's been a very long time in coming, but I hope you can feel that justice has been served at long last.


  14. Is there still no fix for this bugged quest? I'm still really annoyed that it keeps showing up in my quest log when it shouldn't. It's only supposed to be available to male dwarf noble characters, so I don't get why it shows up as failed in the quest log for characters of every origin. It isn't even supposed to trigger until you go and talk to Mardy, but if you didn't sleep with her or you aren't a DN, she doesn't even appear anywhere in the game so what could even be triggering it?


    I'm currently playing a female dalish elf and this mysterious quest that I never even recieved pops up in my log saying I failed to give my son the life he deserves blah blah blah... um wut? A son? What in the world? Uhh... http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wacko.gif

  15. Well he's a product of his society - Qunari simply believe that fighting is something that men should do, because males are generally better suited for the job. Qunari society has a strong belief in gender roles, they believe that people of one sex will always be better at specific things than the other. Behind the scenes, Qunari society actually a matriarchy - the Tamassran, and their leader, the Ariqun, are all women. They're the priests, teachers, record keepers, and the people who raise all children and decide everyone's place in life, so that means they're pretty much the top bosses of Qunari society.
  16. Let's see, our options are:






    I don't care who wins as long as it's not Harper, I absolutely can't stand that guy. Unfortunately there's no way Layton will win, even though I dearly wish he could. Hopefully if Ignatieff wins he'll at least do SOMETHING to pull our health care out of the crapper. That's really all I want in our next leader, because I'm still extremely upset that I had no doctor for eight years after moving to Ontario.


    Seriously, people. When a hospital has to use a freaking Tim Hortons as a temporary ER, that's how you know things are really going downhill.


    At least, for my Mom's sake, Ignatieff is a better friend of postal workers and unions across the country. I hope he wins. Hope, hope, hope...


    I'll be of age this year, but not soon enough to vote in this election. But by the time the next one rolls around I'm definitely voting NDP. They appeal to me so much more than our *other* two main choices, but it's also because I'm sick of the Liberals and the Conservatives and I want someone new. I want someone who, hopefully, may actually change things for the better. We wouldn't even have our free, public healthcare system if it weren't for the NDP.


    We need a fresh face in the Parliament building. We need change. I hope, someday, NDP or at least someone besides the Liberals/Conservatives will win. :(



  17. Is it stupid to hate a holiday because you feel it's tarnished by a bad memory? I'm not really sure.


    Personally I despise Victoria Day Weekend because, once upon a time, that's when a certain someone that I love was killed. So therefore it will always hold a certain darkness, a feeling of melancholy for me.


    I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way...

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