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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. Their Americans' fight for their independance was a very long and bloody battle, lasting almost a decade.


    In the end, there were many dead on both sides. Despite the heavy cost, the Americans had gained their freedom. The British, on the other hand, had absolutely nothing to show for their immense troubles.


    My question is... why the heck didn't the British just let the Americans go free in the first place? They would have saved themselves a lot of money (over 250 million British pounds, which I assume would equate to considerably more nowadays), and more importantly, a lot of lives...


    The Americans didn't want them anymore. Most of them had been living there for many generations, they considered themselves American, not British, and they saw Britain as nothing more than another land across a wide ocean that they felt they had no connections to. Were the British really that desperate to continue leeching money off of them?


    Terrible. Just terrible, all of it. IMO the whole thing was mostly just a massive waste of life and should have never happened. The British should have let them go.



  2. It's nowhere. Since they've somehow kept it from being leaked and haven't gone "public" with the thing yet, it's still a no go. They said in January, but with five days now left in the month, it's not looking that hopeful IMO. Sigh. I'll check back every day and there will still be no news, so I'm just staying away from the Skyrim nexus altogether until after exams next week...
  3. OMGWTF moment. Has anyone else seen the Headless Horseman wandering around Skyrim at night?!


    I've seen him once so far. I was just running around near Whiterun and he just seemed to appear out of nowhere and rode right past me. Scared me half to death. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/down.gif


    Even creepier is that he's just there, the game offers no explanation whatsoever about where he came from or why he's there. Very creepy.

  4. Is there anywhere I can find a guide that explains each of the NPC outfit item names?


    Yeah, apparently all NPC clothing is grouped into a single item, which really sucks because none of the names clearly correspond those of the playable versions. I wan't to change certain NPCs clothing and stuff in the NPC editor, but I have no way of knowing what is what. :(

  5. So... it's not possible to get two or more different items from smelting with Bethesda's vanilla coding? Has anyone figured out a way around this yet? For example you need quicksilver and moonstone to make Elven weapons, could it not be made possible to melt and Elven sword back down into quicksilver and moonstone ingots?
  6. If it ever happens, I'd like to start with basic fixes, and filling in some empty areas that Bethesda left behind. ...Seems like they're jealous because they sorely lack our creativity and talent.
  7. After setting "playable" flags, I noticed that the first person meshes for the Executioner clothing were very weird. Then, upon inspecting the files, I realized that it's because it does not have any first person meshes at all. (which is weird, because several other armors/clothing that weren't meant to be worn by the player still have 1st person meshes...)


    How would I go about adding 1st person meshes so that they work in game?



    In Oblivion you could walk around in your birthday suit all you wanted, and nobody would ever notice... apparently not in Skyrim. I just found out there's actually idle dialogue that people will randomly say if you're walking around with no equipment.


    First, I was running around naked in Whiterun a bit, testing out a new skin texture, and a little girl runs up to me and says "Hey, you're naked!"


    And then in Riften I did the same thing, and a female guard says, "Gonna cold tonight, you should at least cover your delicates."


    Apparently it's not illegal though, even if there's kids around.


    ROFL. This is so awesome. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

  9. What the hell? These are supposed to be feet?




    Holy smokes. Skyrim has the ugliest feet I've ever seen. Even worse than Oblivion's. At first I didn't even realize those were supposed to be feet, I thought everyone in the game was wearing walrus socks or something (cause that's exactly what it looks like.) The pic is of a male's feet btw, but I've also realize that the female feet are equally as bad. I don't have an obsession with feet or anything, but this kinda breaks immersion for me because it just looks really, really bad. Are there any body replacers out yet that fix this? :(

  10. Which one? I know about the "nude females" mod but I'm not sure, in the screenshots there's something a little off about the meshes.. there some odd shapes and angles that don't look quite right.
  11. I would certainly think converting the meshes to Skyrim should be possible. I don't even have a slightest clue what game those hairs were originally made for - I've seen them converted for so many, many, MANY vastly different games, it's unreal.
  12. Could I use the Astrid body meshes to replace the default female ones? The textures do fit exactly the same over the meshes so I think it would work, but do the Astrid meshes adjust properly to body weight ingame?
  13. Has anyone else encountered this glitch?


    I keep getting hit with a serious bug with those lifts in Blackreach. And it's most definitely not "rare" or random - it happens consistently, every time I try to use any of those lifts. Upon either going up to the surface or going down to the cavern, after exiting the loading screen the game enters an infinte loop that cannot be stopped. No menus can be brought up, so the only option is to use the task manager to forcefully close the game and then reload a previous save.


    This is... not good. I'm not sure how something like this could have gone unnoticed by a beta tester... did they hire any?

  14. Well you never know, like I said they've broken their word repeatedly: first the CK was supposed to be released with the game. Definitely did not happen. Then it was supposed to be "soon after Skyrim was released" (over two months and counting is not "soon" imo). Then it was supposed to be between late November to early December. The given dates came and went. Didn't happen. *sigh* It's not a healthy thing they're doing to the fan base.


    Not sure where you are getting that they broke their word, they never said by xxx date, ever. They said they hoped and would try, but never gave any due by date at all. They never committed to any date in Nov or Dec either. And in relative terms, we are still at the "soon after release" point.

    IMO, the only unhealthy thing happening is some users expectations.


    Well since the game was released so close to Christmas it's a terrible shame they didn't try to get the CK out for the holidays, before a lot of people have final exams and projects and stuff.


    And like I keep saying, I don't see why they won't just hand out the program they already used to build the game with. ..


    Plus, they've been completely and totally silent about it for some time now...

  15. Well you never know, like I said they've broken their word repeatedly: first the CK was supposed to be released with the game. Definitely did not happen. Then it was supposed to be "soon after Skyrim was released" (over two months and counting is not "soon" imo). Then it was supposed to be between late November to early December. The given dates came and went. Didn't happen. *sigh* It's not a healthy thing they're doing to the fan base.
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