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Status Updates posted by grannywils

  1. Just a quick hello to my friends here on Nexus. Sorry I don't come around anymore. But I think of you and hope you are all well and enjoying your games and your lives!
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted54170User
    3. Harbringe


      Just checking in , hope your doing well.
    4. Deleted54170User


      I'm getting in another round of peeking. DUCK! Not like before when I first started leaving each of the friends a pie in the face. Splat! Tool late! Runs away!
  2. Thank you for your lovely comment and for adding me as a friend. BTW, I love your photo as well!
    1. mythicdawnmaster


      Think nothing of it, It's an honour to be amongst your friends list :D And thank you! It is the Duchesse De Polignac (Gabrielle to Marie Antionette) or, at least Rose Byrne's portrayal of her :D
    2. AurianaValoria1


      I think you both are doing a fantastic job in the court RP...love the references to big hair. XD
  3. What great news..!! I could not be happier for you both. Will keep sending positive energy and lots of warm hugs your way.
  4. Hi Naomi. Haven't been around in a long, long time and I've been missing you. Wanted to stop by and give (and hopefully receive) a great big hug... I hope life is treating you well. I know it is though, as you treat life so well. Sorry you had a tough weekend. I've had those, but I see you bounced back. Glad to hear it. Love and kisses and hugs. Granny
  5. Hi RZ, thanks for stopping by. Hello to you too. I've not been on much myself, so a belated Happy New Year to you as well.
  6. Happy New Year to you Silver!
  7. Merry Christmas, Silver. That was beautiful work you did on the UNP Jewelry mod. I love to see that you are sharing your remarkable talent!!
  8. Hi Wiz. Merry Chrismas to you too. Sorry about my profile page. It is all facacta!!
  9. Hi Wiz. Merry Chrismas to you too. Sorry about my profile page. It is all facacta!!
  10. Sorry, Ginny. It is a glitch on my profile page. Thank you for your wishes though. I have put up a message on my page advising others of the glitch.
  11. Sorry, Ginny. It is a glitch on my profile page. Thank you for your wishes though. I have put up a message on my page advising others of the glitch.
  12. Just stopped by to say hello. I happened to catch a glimpse of your avatar on Nintii's profile page and was intrigued. I have seen your name before but never your face. You certainly look as though you are in pain.... ooooohhh. I hope not. Anyway, I love tomatoes. Happy Christmas
  13. Just stopped by to say hello. I happened to catch a glimpse of your avatar on Nintii's profile page and was intrigued. I have seen your name before but never your face. You certainly look as though you are in pain.... ooooohhh. I hope not. Anyway, I love tomatoes. Happy Christmas
  14. Hope you have the best Christmas ever!!
  15. Wishing you a lovely Christmas and a joyful New Year. Keep up the writing.
  16. Wishing you a lovely Christmas and a joyful New Year. Keep up the writing.
  17. Oh darn! Sorry I missed your birthday. Well I hope you have a wonderful holiday and get some rest and do whatever suits your fancy!
  18. N. I hope you both have a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. I will be thinking of you.
  19. N. I hope you both have a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. I will be thinking of you.
  20. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
  21. Merry Christmas to you too!
  22. Merry Christmas to you too!
  23. Here's wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas!
  24. Here's wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas!
  25. I, sorry I have not been around much. I have been busy with life and not been on the site much lately at all. I see that you found the SAT's to be better than expected. Somehow that does not surprise me. Let me know when you get your scores.
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