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Status Updates posted by Thor.

  1. lol i like your quuote Vagrant0 lol. I have something in the Hyperloop thread that you might fiind interesting, i found a updated actual kickstarter'sh demonstration, they have a website and everything. (:
  2. hey TheCalliton, did you ever fix that troublesome tv of yours (;
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      You miss TheCalliton! Really bad?!
    3. Deleted54170User


      So what if you're possessed and riddled with spirits. Maybe they want to talk with someone or, if you're like me the inspiration to write is fired up and I write until I stop and then I save it to my computers Wordpad. If it's something I think really has anything that I would post where I got my inspiration I post it back on the Thread here. If I feel like a nut after reading it, possible story folder.
    4. Deleted54170User


      I'm getting in another round of peeking. DUCK! Not like before when I first started leaving each of the friends a pie in the face. Splat! Tool late! Runs away!
  3. Was up TheCalliton, long time no see.
  4. Sheogorath thread in the forum games has turned into a role playing thread :D
  5. Works like a dream, best Investment ever!!

    Oh and Merry Christmas to you (:

  6. Oops late comer
  7. Welcome late coming to the contest, Nice to see new people around here, Welcome to the nexus.
  8. Thank you , and you to have great Christmas, i hope Santa treats you well (:
  9. Yup Christmas is just around the corner (:
  10. Hello there Agana, i have came back from building the ultimate amd system. Check out my pics and benchmarks (:, i used the H80 and its working as advertise so far, i cut down the noise and heat by 60%. (:
  11. Your a late hat user, your on the poll if ya like or not, if thats okay with you :P
  12. Hello there, update on my journey to water cooling (:
  13. Thor.

    Hey KOOl was up, maybe you should change your link to the new poll (:
  14. Hello we have a nice contest happening right now in the lounge, if you want now is the time to join. just look for the Christmas hat contest in the lounge, prizes await.
  15. Your on the christmas hat contest, sense you have a hat already (:
  16. Come down to the Christmas hat contest for its your duties to fulfill as queen to join, its only far for you to set an example fro the rest of the nexus.

    http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/850768-the-christmas-hat-contest/ (:

  17. Hello long time no fsee friend, hows it hangen.

    If your interested, there is a great contest in the lounge. Of course if your interested of course (: :p


  18. Come one, come all to the greatest contest on the nexus, the Christmas hat contest.

    you must have a Christmas hat to join


  19. Your welcome, your up int he polls now.
  20. Hello Vagrant0 if your interested in joining in the festivitues, there is a nice little contest going on. If ya want to join in on the fun, Christmas hats are required.


  21. Hello there is a nice little festive contest going on in the lounge if your interested.

    (: and welcome, i haven't seen you on for a while now ("


  22. K i thought it was you,hmmm strange then who was it????
  23. Hmm that wacky cow kart follower friendly catapult mod, with the cow blowing out smoke.

    Remember, i think you where the one that took on the task to make it happen. (:

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