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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Many work it that way. I'm a rather poor one to give a subjective answer to that as any time I run into a mod that only comes distributed as an OMOD I only use OBMM to extract the OMOD to a folder and then do my usual manual install. I do use Wrye to handle the installation of a bit more than a handful of mods ... primarily Arthmoor's villages and HUD Status Bars (and probably a couple more I'm not recalling right now). I thought that WB could install some OMODs, but could be I'm mis-remembering (and I haven't ever tried myself).
  2. In my opinion BOSS is the best tool for Oblivion load order management. It is being kept up to date by mhahn123 (so if you run into an unrecognized mod report it here). Run BOSS from within Wrye Bash (tool bar in the lower left).
  3. If your BSA timestamps on Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa aren't year 2006 then that is likely your problem (the other times the "eyes and a mouth" problem was reported the Oblivion Reloaded skin shaders were at fault ... I'm not seeing OR listed in your load order).
  4. Be aware that when version 2.03 of Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 was uploaded a single eye texture file was missed (eyebosmer_violet.dds). If you extract the version 2.01 download (bottom of the file download list) to a folder you'll find the missing file in the Textures\characters\eyes folder (which is also where it needs to go in your game's folders). Without specifics on the "missing textures" there's not much I can do ... pretty hard to come up with a root cause for a problem that is not defined. As a shot in the dark I'll say you are using the Steam version of the game. Steam (using their infinite wisdom) changed the file dates on the vanilla game BSA timestamps, thus breaking BSA Redirection for all their victims ... err, users.
  5. Start by sorting your load order with BOSS. In my own slightly larger load order Enhanced Weather is number 09 sorted with BOSS for example. BOSS will also fix your missing master (noted at 22 in your load order ... you're lucky, as usually missing master = CTD at save load). Best way to run BOSS is from within the Wrye Bash interface (lower left button bar after you've installed it).
  6. Umm ... did you by any chance read the post that you necroed? Right after where it says "EDIT: FIXED".
  7. Load order is another important thing with OCO v2, so try putting Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp to the bottom of your load order. I also see that you do actually have a "beautiful people" type mod installed that could be overwriting eye meshes/textures (Beautiful PeopleV22 - MaleReplacerV4.esp). When using Roberts male you don't need the MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp ... the one from OCO v2 replaces it, and when you put the Roberts male ESP below the OCO v2 ESP it undoes stuff from OCO v2.
  8. If you are trying to play a Wood Elf/Bosmer and have selected the violet eye then you are seeing the black missing texture error texture. When version 2.03 of Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 was uploaded one eye texture file was missed ... eyebosmer_violet.dds which should be in the Textures\characters\eyes folder. There are also some eye textures for Bosmer that are intended to be almost completely black (see the OCO v2 mod page for examples). The way to tell for certain that you are seeing those intended textures and not the error texture is by looking for highlights from lighting in the area reflecting off the eyes (the error texture will show absolutely no reflections). Version 2.01 (down at the very bottom of the Files tab download list) includes the missing violet eye texture, so you can manually download and extract it and copy the file from there and paste it into the correct folder in your game.
  9. "Remove Oblivion_default.ini (Oblivion.ini, changed its name because of Oblivion Reloaded, I presume)" Nope, Oblivion_default.ini is the file that is installed with the rest of the game files that is used to build your Oblivion.ini after it detects your hardware. NEVER touch Oblivion_default.ini, especially if you are in the habit of doing stuff without making backups so you can't recover from experiments gone wrong. Don't use any UI mods myself, but from everything I've read about troubleshooting their installs it always seems that at the heart of the problems is not following install instructions to the letter (most often related to using Nexus Mod manager (NMM) when Oblivion Mod manager (OBMM) or Wrye Bash is specified in the installation instructions). - Edit - Oblivion.ini is found in your Users\[username]\ Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder for Windows version Vista and newer or the Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder for WinXP.
  10. Have you looked at Female Body Retextured? For males the only choice in Oblivion is Roberts Male ... and not many alternate textures are available, but there are some.
  11. The three primary body mods (Roberts Male, HGEC and Roberts Female) in themselves just use the vanilla game skeleton.nif (safely stored in Oblivion - Meshes.bsa). Where you need a different skeleton.nif is when you want BBB (better bouncing boobs). Female bodies that are set up to use a BBBed skeleton.nif (as well as clothing/armor that is set up to use BBB) will exhibit the famous 'boobs to infinity' problem when used without the correct skeleton. - Edit - The original BBBed skeleton is Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons, which will work for most BBB applications. The more recent version is Universal Skeleton Nif, but be aware of the limitations and workarounds required by the TotalControlableSkeleton version (the ControlSkeleton version is recommended unless you have a mod that specifically requires the TotoalControlableSkeleton version).
  12. Sometime the game gets it's shorts all knotted up. One method of trying to get it to sort out the mess again is to use the "coc center and wait trick". Open the console using the tilde (~) key and type "coc center" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You will be transported to an open plain with a few trees visible in the distance. Using the game's wait menu (default t) wait for 72 hours plus a bit for good measure (so three full days plus a bit). Open the console again and "coc weye" and you will be transported to the fisherman's shack at Weye (you could also use any other location that you know the correct location code for). Travel to your problem area and see if it is now OK.
  13. I don't use Oblivion Reloaded myself, so I can't say how to disable the skin shaders except that the info will be found in the Oblivion Reloaded manual. You could also look through the OR mod comments ... I'm sure it will be mentioned in there somewhere. - Edit - Thanks for the backup Contra ... big wave from across the pond.
  14. Try turning off Oblivion reloaded's skin shaders ... I seem to recall that was the fix for a similar issue recently (probably back a month or so ago in the OCO v2 mod comments, though it may have been a forum post here too, can't remember).
  15. Do not use the ESP from Roberts Male ... Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp replaces it.
  16. That mod is not designed to be installed using Nexus Mod Manager (NMM). The three options available for installing EVE are using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) (meant for the OMOD download ... top of the download list), Wrye Bash's BAIN installer (the BAIN download) and manual install (which will also require the BAIN download). The reason the "Download with Manager" green button is there is that when NMM was first released that button was enabled for all mods on the site, without any concern over whether or not NMM was actually able to install that mod. Mod authors can turn off that green button, but EVE has not been updated since long before NMM was first released.
  17. All I can suggest is to install the UOP and Unofficial DLC Patches before you start the KotN quest ... as far as I know that is the only way to prevent it from happening (all the other suggestions are to try to fix it after it has already affected your character). And just so you're clear on this ... the fix suggested where you go into 1st person mode, attempt to sit, don't touch a thing on your mouse or keyboard, wait ten seconds and then allow the game to go back into 1st person mode (i.e. you don't switch modes, the game switches modes as the animation plays, or doesn't play), then get up from the chair in 1st person mode, allow the game to cycle through 3rd person and leave you back at 1st person mode. If you don't wind up back in 1st person mode then that "fix" isn't helping you (at least the way I read the instructions ... never had this glitch as now I use the UOPs and before that I didn't have the DLCs loaded for those characters).
  18. Have a look in the Bugs section of these two pages ... The Ultimate Heist and Umaril the Unfeathered (quest). Note that in each the best recommendation is to use the Unofficial DLC Patches. Also note that in the Umrail page's Bugs section it gives very specific instructions on something to try (don't miss the part about waiting ten seconds).
  19. Don't know what else to suggest then ... that's the usual cause. I don't fast travel at all and never use the console to move my character about so I have no first hand experience at fixing the problem (only can go by what has been reported in the past).
  20. If you were on the Shivering Isles side of the gate when you fast traveled then that is your problem. You must always exit to the strange island through the portal before you fast travel to anywhere in Cyrodiil. The fix is simple ... go back to the Shivering Isles and then exit the proper way.
  21. Have you either fast traveled from inside the Shivering Isles or used the console to go directly back to Tamriel?
  22. Which is why BSA Redirection isn't working. The simplest way to fix it is using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) ... it's just Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> click on Reset BSA Timestamps -> click on Update Now -> done. You can also use a utility like File Date Changer 1.61 to manually change the dates on all of the vanilla game BSA files to year 2006.
  23. Good ... that's what you should be using. If you use the Steam version of the game check the file dates on the vanilla game BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa and Oblivion - Meshes.bsa), they should all be year 2006.
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