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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Could be you are suffering from a relatively recent "feature" added by either Microsoft or your browser (can't say for certain which is to blame) ... I call it "file extension hijacking". After you have downloaded the OMOD version it should be displaying the file extension .omod, but if you are seeing .zip then all you need to do is right mouse click on the file and select Rename from the right click menu. Change just the file extension to OMOD (so change .zip to .omod). You may get a Windows warning about changing a file extension, which you can safely ignore.
  2. My mantra when installing (on top of the one at a time rule) is ... install then BOSS then bash and then test. Start BOSS using the toolbar button along the lower left of the WB window. If you do that then it won't matter what you have for your WB setting for "Lock Load Order". Otherwise if you want to run BOSS from the desktop shortcut set Lock Load Order to off in WB.
  3. Never seems to fail ... install a crap load of mods at once and you have no idea where to start troubleshooting the inevitable problems. Install one mod to a working vanilla install and test thoroughly before installing the next mod and when you run into problems you have a trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting.
  4. Read the recent comments in the Oblivion Reloaded mod comments for info on how to resolve this.
  5. After looking at the pic you posted I'm more inclined to agree with bevilex ... missing BBBed skeleton.nif is the problem. If you believe you have installed a BBBed skeleton.nif in the past then what has likely happened is you have installed a mod since then that overwrote your previous installed skeleton.nif with a non-BBBed one (which is part of the reason I will not install any mod without extracting the download to a folder and examining what files and folders it includes). Being a manual install dinosaur does have it's benefits.
  6. Missing textures for small items like the gems in a ring (or perhaps some mod added nipple ornament) can give the stretching to infinity error indicator. When it happened to me I managed to track down the texture that wasn't included with the mod's download using NifSkope, and in my case I was fortunately able to figure out a different mod that I had downloaded but not installed that had the missing texture (I used Windows Explorer search for the missing texture file name in my Oblivion_Downloads folder).
  7. A question that came to mind for me when looking at that load list is your system specs. I have a slightly smaller load list, but mine are more concentrated in the type of mods that alter how the game is played. I have also gone very close to overboard in my Blockheadization project (over 250 NPCs Blockheaded, many using both PerNPC texture replacement as well as mesh replacement). My rig is saddled with only 2GB RAM and a video card with just 896MB of video RAM. I find that if I don't save, exit the game and then restart when I see I'm up to about 80% on the video RAM usage I get missing texture errors (flat black body textures on some NPCs) and most often shortly after that a CTD. Similar to my Blockheadization, your load order adds plenty of extra load for your video card (lots of new critters with lots of new textures). If you are running on something like a laptop you could just be hitting the limits of your machine in that 10 minutes of playing. When I installed my current character's load order it was one mod at a time and test thoroughly in between. A lot of that testing was more focused on finding how that particular mod affected gameplay in my case (as well as how different settings for the mod altered things). In the end I have an excellent idea of how each mod in my load order affects both gameplay and stability. Because of that, when I started into the Blockheading project I knew exactly where my stability issues came from. Contra has it right ... add a crap-load of mods at once and it always turns out to be more trouble than it's worth figuring out where things have gone wrong. Add one mod to a working load order, and if things go south it's a trivial matter to know where to start troubleshooting.
  8. Big wave back Contra. When I saw your suggestion about the collision box possibility I was like ... hmm. When that turned out to be the root of the problem I was like ... the force is strong with Contra today. Awesome job! I would have chimed in on Drakes call to arms for a step by step except I wasn't in a position to access my gaming computer, and a step by step on that subject off the top of my head would have a high probability of being more like a step by stumble.
  9. I'm in the grasping at straws basket myself on this ... when you restored your backup did you overwrite or delete the new Data folder and then paste in your backup Data folder? I'm thinking maybe something in the new Data folder that wasn't overwritten, and thus is still there being a wrench in the machinery.
  10. In theory area effect healing/shield spells would be an option, but what in fact happens is you wind up healing/shielding enemies as well (kind of counter-productive). Before I went with custom on touch spells I tried making it through with some vanilla on target spells, but you run into the same problem as area spells ... probably 1/3 of my casts hit an enemy rather than Martin as they jostled about in combat (and some of the others either missed all together or hit allies other than Martin, leaving Martin with less than half the spell casts successful). Strong healing plus shield in one spell, with enough duration that my character's magicka would support two casts or more before I needed to chug a restore/fortify magicka potion (so each cast about 70 to 75% of my magicka pool), and on touch so none were wasted. When/if my current character ever gets around to doing the Main Quest (Alternate Start for this character ... so far he's just Joe average citizen in a Cyrodiil untouched by crisis) I have developed some very effective offensive on touch spells (my guy is master at sneak and so far I mostly use them when dungeon diving/night time prowling). Martin will think he's a God before the Great gate even opens as enemies collapse and then die at his feet (with my guy coincidentally standing behind them each time, with a smug smile on his face).
  11. Not surprising that the CS crashes when you load an ESP like that (i.e. one with lots and lots of new items added to the game) but don't have any of the meshes or textures for those items listed in the ESP available in your game's Data folder for the CS to load. You could look at it this way ... the crash is the Constructions Set's version of the game's missing meshes/missing textures errors (as a test load the game with the Vvardenfell ESP active but with the Vvardenfell BSA deleted ... if the game loads at all you will be in error code heaven). TES Alliance is a good source of tutorials (registration required).
  12. Which is why I mention that you can copy only the mesh and texture files from the extracted original mod to your game's Data folder, and then create new formIDs in your ESP that make just those Items you want from the original mod. The only thing added to your game's Data file will be the files you wish to use. If in fact your problem is the meshes/textures are too highly detailed and your machine can't handle the large file sizes that result from that then you have a completely different problem, and I'm not the type who can direct you on methods to reduce the file sizes (e.g. PhotoShp, Blender etc).
  13. The non-OBSE method for setting Martin to essential is: setessential 33907 1 - to make him essential setessential 33907 0 - to make him non-essential again I used the method of reverse-pickpocketing enchanted daedric armor attained via the bound armor glitch my first time through. Next time I just used zero weight enchanted rings and amulet I created in the Construction Set. In both cases to make it until the Great Gate opened about the only thing my guy did was cast a custom on touch healing spell on Martin, along with a custom on touch shield spell (and chugged a few potions for himself). It's an endurance test.
  14. If it's for your own personal use just download the mod and in your own ESP create new armor/clothes that point back to the meshes and icons from the original. No need to activate the source mod ... but the downside is you will need to keep the meshes and textures you use from the source in their correct folders in your Data folder as long as you use your ESP (so you can probably see, you could also only copy the files and folders specifically required for the pieces you want to use ... use NifSkope to identify which textures are used by the meshes you want to use). If you intend to release your ESP you will need permission from the original mod author if you include meshes/textures from the original mod in your download. Alternately you could require the other mod in your mod's requirements (so for users who don't download the source mod they will be greeted with the good old missing meshes/texture game errors). Read the permissions for your source mods, quite a few will only require credit to use their assets.
  15. Is your keyboard still set up to use the R key (Main Menu/Esc menu -> Options -> Controls -> Controls -> Keyboard -> scroll down to Change View -> R ... if blank it is messed up so just click on Change View and then hit R).
  16. Could the bashed patch and bash tags be causing the original mod's deletes to "stick" (so if mod A deletes an inventory item along with other inventory changes and mod A includes an {Invent} bash tag then even when your mod B is placed last in the load order but above the bashed patch Mod A's change will be in the bashed patch and "win").
  17. I think how the bonus is awarded makes some difference (i.e. is it added as an ability or as a fortify attribute).
  18. Your spell effectiveness is reduced by wearing armor.
  19. Yes, it's good form to give your NPCs a "default" package (for example one of the game default aaWanderCurrentLoc packages). That default will always go at the very bottom of the package list. When the game parses through your list from top to bottom that default package will only be used if none of the packages higher on the list "qualify". Time and the conditions used are the criteria I use for deciding which order the packages are listed.
  20. Hmm ... in my game the stable hands sit and eat when they are supposed to. Looking at Antoine I see he doesn't have a food supply in his own inventory, but there is a food sack at the stables. Could be you have been around the Bravil stables frequently enough that he has emptied the food sack and because you are never gone for more than three days it hasn't respawned. The other NPC I just checked is Restita at the Imperial City stables ... she has a leveled food list entry in her inventory (quantity 3, not sure how much actual food that gives her). As I said, with my own additional NPCs I have one who refuses to take food from the available food sacks and one who does (along with Ancotar who takes food from the sacks). That particular NPC will eat if I put food into her inventory using the console (additem 3366b 10 for example) but I haven't got around to giving her -1 in inventory to test that. Other NPCs who I have given -1 food item to eat when they are supposed to. If you want other NPCs to stay away from food you've put in the game or seats you want your NPC to use you'll need to assign ownership. I don't because I like having some variability. I have noticed the warping to chairs as well. It is particularly a problem with read packages (actually I haven't ever noticed it with an eat package, but with eat packages NPCs just naturally seek out somewhere to sit). I don't like NPCs standing and reading. To get around the warping to the chair problem I assign a travel package to a particular chair (so I lose that variability I like) and then their read package. I use things like weather to get the variability in whether or not they'll use the read package (so for example, one NPC has a travel package to a particular chair at 14:00 if it is currently snowing, and then a read package at 15:00, also if it is snowing ... if it's not snowing she'll execute other packages but providing it continues to snow from 14:00 through until 15:59 she'll walk to her chair, sit by the fire and then decide to read). The order from top to bottom that your packages appear in the package list is very important ... the game evaluates which package to run by parsing through the list from top to bottom and will run the first package that has conditions that evaluate as true (i.e. don't just list your packages by time if you have other conditions set).
  21. I realize that AI packages are just scripts ... most everything in the game outside of the engine level stuff is scripts. I have tried my hand at C++ programming, way back when I had "The Dream" of writing my own programs. Spent a lot of money on a Visual C++ subscription and more than a dozen (likely closer to two dozen) books on the subject ... everything from beginner level up. I can do all the simple "Hello world" level stuff (same as I could in Basic before that). What I found was that in every case the book would advance to stuff that I just could not get my head around. Sure I could replicate the examples in the IDE and step through the code watching the variables change (i.e. I could make the examples work). What I couldn't do is understand how the code achieved what it was doing. I've studied scripts done by the likes of CDCooley, Maskar and Kuertee, as well as followed along on the numerous "Help me with this script" posts on these forums. Invariably I run into the same situation ... where I can't understand how the script is getting from point A to point B. In my experience, if you can't understand how something works you have no chance of changing it in a way to do what you'd like to do.
  22. No experience with scripts here. I do notice that sometimes it will take a while before an AI package change completes. For my own projects I generally don't mind as my own main focus is on getting things to be sort of "naturally unpredictable" (a lot of conditions applied to work in that direction). Though it can be tedious, I generally avoid using the wait menu when testing to let things process from one package to the next naturally. I also try not to interact with my NPCs while testing their AI packages, until I'm happy with how things progress. I use a number of testing saves for each situation with each giving some time for things in game to progress a bit before the part I'm focusing on. On a previous character I had two NPCs who did a circuit in opposite directions from Bravil to Leyawiin around the lower Niben. Most of the time they'd do just fine and then every now and then I'd find one somewhere totally unexpected. Usually I'd just open the conversation window and close it and off they'd go again.
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