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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Have you changed all the Reznods references to your references?
  2. May seem to be best to do all your script editing outside of CSE, but at some point you will need to get the CSE Script Editor to work as you'll need to compile your scripts in it so they'll be part of your mod. This may be one of those times I talked about, where starting a new thread focused on your new problem will get eyes on it with the right answers. I would guess that by now for most regulars on here the entertainment value of the Ike & Striker dog and pony show has waned, so they don't pop in to read the latest escapades.
  3. If CSE is just chocking when you try to load the original Reznod script why not copy it (using the regular CS) and paste it into Notepad, do your edit in Notepad, copy the edited version from Notepad and then paste it into a blank script in CSE. Maybe it will compile (make sure not to hit Compile All ... very bad idea).
  4. The vanilla CS will recognize/use OBSE functions if you start it following the instructions in obse_readme.txt (start it with the CS shortcut pointing to ...\obse_loader.exe" -editor). I don't think the regular CS will be able to edit your mod with it's ESP masters though (so we're back to that WB ESMify/ESPify thing). I believe that CSE extends the abilities of the Script Editor as well as making it OBSE aware/compatible.
  5. I like to use TES4Edit to compare/check for conflicts. It won't show you any details on scripts though ... will just say "complied script".
  6. And I can't be of much help there WEE as my guys just wear vanilla armor (well Roberts male versions of vanilla) and most of the regular NPC females wear vanilla style HGEC. The ladies I add to the game often like to "travel light" ... not sure where they pack their toothbrushes ... maybe that's why they spend so much time indoors. Some of my older home-rolled mods use a variety of FLY (search for uploader name yuravica) mixed with variously sized HGEC stuff, some more skimpy than others. Haven't taken the time to get those into this build yet.
  7. I've had some weird stuff with Skin-Toned ... never tried Reznod's (but the Skin-Toned are just Reznod's with a bit more flavour added). Can't recall for certain if I had the teleport problem, but if any other NPCs are in the same cell they'll often freeze up your game. I prefer using my added NPCs + AI schedules as sort of "moving mannequins" to dress up any places I have (or in my current game any places I've appropriated, like Shetcombe).
  8. LOL ... read carefully about Ryan before you subject yourself to ... err I mean enjoy his company. I do believe there's more than a little "Ike" in his character. Even if you have played Oblivion in the past it's a good idea to play long enough to get a good feel for your machine's baseline modded performance. Also as you play and peruse the mods here you'll get an idea of what might add value to your game and what is better off left for others. The Packdonkeys Ike mentioned are an essential part of my current character's mod list (Basic Physical Activities + Realistic Fatigue mandated a different play style), but even my prior packrat characters had them to share the loot load. They are unobtrusive and yet add a touch of realism to the whole "loot is a gold generator" thing.
  9. Right Ike ... what a team!!! bAllowScreenShot=1
  10. Same folder as Oblivion.exe ... Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion by default.
  11. In-game it's the Prt Scr key ... up above your Ins Home Page Up on standard keyboards (laptops will differ, and for some you need to disable any infra-red devices to get it to work).
  12. If you're using CSE you don't need to do the Wrye shuffle (ESMify/ESPify).
  13. Looks to me like you're ready for the big wide world. - Edit - Arthmoor's alt start is on deck for my next character ... I want to try the shipwreck, start with almost nothing, need to swim ashore start. My MOE alt start you have the ship to use as a starter home/food source (I also use some other realism mods).
  14. LOL ... perhaps why I've stayed single for so many years. So many women, so little time!! Iron and fur go hand in hand.
  15. Now if it was just "push one button and you're done" would it feel so good?? Only thing I see in your list is possibly the KeyChain mod. One of the guys I followed and listened to back when I got started (Hickory ... the Big Dog, hope you're well) would always try to dissuade people from that mod. I've never touched it, so I don't have any personal experience with it one way or another. I just keep most of the keys you collect in one or more of the many non-respawning jewelry boxes found throughout the game (but I'm also not big on having an "empty looking" inventory). Which alt start are you using? I've gone old school with my current character and went MOE with Alive Kvatch, but I had already downloaded the old version of Kvatch Rebuilt that it requires before it was pulled in favour of the new Kvatch Rebuilt (there are still things to finish with the new one to be used as a pre-invasion Kvatch).
  16. Fur ... the first armor available in the game.
  17. Make mods for your own enjoyment, without thought of others. Then if you decide to share with the world there will be at least one user who is totally satisfied with your mod. The road to fame and fortune is a rocky tortuous one, and often the view from the top disappoints.
  18. You've ventured far far above my paygrade there Lup. I really like the idea though. You need a scripting wizard like Maskar, or maybe even a coder like Alenet (my gut says there are game engine limitations to overcome, otherwise these ideas would have already been done).
  19. Ike, your texture is lightyears ahead of anything I could possibly cobble together. I wouldn't even know where to start, never mind how to get to where you are. I have faith that any shortcoming you perceive it has will be overcome. Lup, I have a couple of Emma's house mods that have a "loaded" weapons rack that acts as a container (but their appearance doesn't change when you put stuff in, same as a regular container). Is that what you're thinking of?
  20. When I first learned of quicksave's problems it took a long time and a lot of proper not overwritten manual saves to recover that character. I still have that characters saves (well over 1200 hours, probably 800 or more of those put on after the quicksave abuse). One of the key steps in recovering a save is the "coc center and wait" trick. With your save loaded open the console and type "coc center" (without the quote marks of course) and hit Enter. You'll be transported onto an open plain with some trees in the distance. Using the game's wait menu, wait 72 hours plus a bit for good measure (that's three full days and a bit). Open the console again and "coc weye" (again no quotes ... you can substitute another location if you know the correct location code for that cell). Exit the fisherman's cottage and see if it helps. You may need to do that on more than one occasion while recovering a save line. Sometimes all that is required is avoiding the problem area until after those cells have reset (if for example you were crashing when approaching Leyawiin you just stay to the north for three days or more).
  21. Nah ... don't worry. If WEE can survive my ramblings he's tougher than he looks.
  22. Trust me, both Ike and I read through your post about looking for a mentor. Speaking for myself, the reason I didn't answer it because I don't have the skill set your request required. My own forays into the Land-o-Blender have been a battle in which the score is Blender 1, Striker zero. GIMPville is even worse ... version 2.6.11 languishing in the folder it was downloaded to, 7z extracted and setup.exe beckoning. With summer approaching I have many pokers pulled back out of the fire awaiting the return of non-boating season. - Edit - Have you looked at COBL?
  23. LOL ... Ike I just love it when you have unfettered time on your hands (i.e. when you know the :ninja: sleeps soundly at the Striker mansion). WEE, if you look on the Ozmo's page you'll see the only thing it offers that Junkacc's textures don't is a variety of choices for nips and fur. Have a good look at Junkacc's textures before you decide whether or not you want to go Ozmo's. You always have the option down the road to use the features that come with Blockhead to change either your character's/any individual NPC's body shape or textures or any race's body shape or texture. It's as as simple as renaming some files and putting them in the correct folders. - Edit - The same applies for males ... body shape and tackle can be individualized per NPC or race. There are fewer options available for body textures for Roberts male but some do exist.
  24. So the teeth are faster than OBMM ... actually I was on another thread too. I'm not sensing a lot of "testing time" along the way here. If you did as Ike suggested and confirmed that OBSE and Blockhead are working then after OCO v2 is installed it would be a good time to make certain that all is kosher with your progress so far. Like I said, don't even look hard at the tone slider in char gen. Use the shape and complexion sliders to get the face you want. Run through the tutorial and exit. Make a save just before exiting (comes in handy if you want to start a new character without an alt start mod or redoing the entire tutorial). Go over to Vilverin and bonk some bandit heads. Get a feel for your game's baseline performance outside the tutorial dungeon (it doesn't tax your hardware hardly at all). Hit the Imperial City Market District and see how a bunch of NPCs affect your performance. You are close to the spot where installing one mod at a time and testing in between mods is important so you know how each individual mod affects your game. I'll expect a full report in the AM.
  25. You're really out of luck there. I needed hand holding just to create a simple script to change the cell respawn to 15 days for myself: ScriptName MyRespawnScript BEGIN GAMEMODE SetNumericGameSetting ihourstorespawncell 360 END That's it, in it's entirety yet I needed Lanceor to hold my hand ... pretty sad really. I think requests that have a more focused need have a greater chance of being answered. This one is an example. Sure it took some pretty wild jukes and jives along the way, but at the start it was a simple problem that was presented. Work on some of your ideas, and when you reach an impasse post a question that has specifics for someone to grab onto to start. Remember what I said ... modding is often two steps ahead and then three back. The rewards come on those three ahead two back days.
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