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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Well thought out Grogrokl. If you add Realistic Fatigue into the mix you will also have a chance of tripping when running, side stepping and going backwards (configurable in the INI ... higher probability when going backwards or side stepping). The only part of it that is annoying in my opinion is it isn't possible to eliminate the trip chance when mounted on a horse (I don't find it particularly realistic or game enhancing to trip while on horseback). With Enhanced Economy you'll be into the negative for gold amount (or at zero) a lot with a new character. Using an alternate start mod where you start the game with a rusty iron dagger, a couple of Septims and a bit of food in your room you can steal before leaving makes getting through those first few days tough, and even tougher to get the gold for my first Packdonkey (they're 2000 each if I remember correctly). The alt start I'm using now lets you go back to Anvil and use your cabin in the ship as a home of sorts (just the jewelry box is available for "storage", but I know lots of wilderness chests and barrels that can be safely used). My next new character will use Arthmoor's alt start with the shipwreck at sea option, so beds and storage will all be "roughing it".
  2. It's a short list ... I'd try disabling one mod at a time until the problem clears to figure out the cause (and I'd start at MiniMap and then move on to Enhanced Water v20 ... not so much that I have a specific reason to suspect them but those two along with Natural Environments seem to me to be the ones that touch what you see on screen). It never seems to fail that adding one mod at a time and testing thoroughly in between is always the fastest way to get your game modded up (if you add one mod to a working game and it breaks something it's a trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting). - Edit - Look through the mod comments at DarNified UI for something similar ... could be the cause as well.
  3. bUseHardDriveCache=1 (but I can't say for certain whether or not I have changed that in the past) bBackgroundLoadLipFiles=1 (that I know I have never touched) bLoadBackgroundFaceGen=1 (ditto ... original setting) bBackgroundCellLoads=1 (original setting) bLoadHelmetsInBackground=1 (original setting) iBackgroundLoadLoading (cannot find in my Oblivion.ini) bBackgroundPathing=0 (original setting)
  4. If there's one thing your squidleys need to learn it's don't mess with a Packdonkey. They'll mind their own business if left alone (well unless you happen to have a carrot in your pocket), but they do like to finish anything that gets started ... I've had some long chases with Groucho's brother Chico chasing a bandit he'd defeated and put on the run (courtesy of NPCs Yield Refined). Don't believe Emma taught them what yield means.
  5. Kaizits isn't on the latest masterlist ... it will need to be hand sorted or sorted with a user rule (it was probably hand sorted somewhere above the bashed patch when a bashed patch was last rebuilt, and subsequently BOSS was run and it sorted it at the end ... happens to me with your Abysmer.esp all the time as I haven't bothered to create a user rule for it).
  6. I'd start by rebuilding the bashed patch (see the delinquent master just below it ... your present bashed patch needs Kaizit to be above the bashed patch in your load order, which brings up the question ... why is it below your bashed patch anyway??).
  7. You probably already saw Skyrim Banded Iron Shield then.
  8. No way to eliminate the stars or moons in Enhanced Weather (at least as far as I know) but in my opinion it increases the number of dreary rainy days so if you're "sun adversive" you'll have fewer sunny days to put up with. :tongue: The INI has sections for Tamriel and Shivering Isles ... I've added what the default value was in brackets after the line's comment (note ... I haven't visited SI yet so I can't say for certain if my values are what they will eventually be after I've had a chance to check out SI):
  9. OK, now I gotcha'. Would the graphics mods you're using have any bearing on this (i.e. is the problem still there without the DoF etc).
  10. No I wasn't mentioning the UOP meaning it was the culprit ... just that when I saw that value listed in TES4Edit it was while I was looking for something else (a bed ownership change) and wondered if the UOP was at fault and I just happened to notice the Fog change. What I meant for you to do is load your ESP in TES4Edit and see what value you have for Fog in your custom cell and then compare that to what is listed for Oblivion.esm in other similar cells (looked like an Ayleid ruin in your pic). If the vanilla ruins have something like 0.100 and your has 3.5 or something you may get a better idea of where to make changes in the CS (or TES4Edit).
  11. Yes Ike, I'd see you listed down at the bottom as a lurker. UnStriker ... good one Bess. That hadn't even occurred to me when I said it. Actually I couldn't figure out how to unstrike, so I copy\pasted into Notepad (which has no clue about Striker's strikes) and then back again. I guess the shovel corps always looks for the fixes found under a layer or two of clay.
  12. I happened to be looking for something yesterday, so I had the UOP loaded in TES4Edit to see if it was doing something to the cell I was interested in. I noticed a value the UOP did change in quite a few cells. About half way down the right hand pane when you have a cell selected in the left is a value named Fog. The UOP changed the vanilla value of 0.000 to 0.100. Load your ESP up in TES4Edit and see what value you have for Fog in your cell.
  13. OK, I'll unstrike the text and put a note to check your posts for further developments (if any). Thanks for the report (so it turns out the guy with the shovel and scruffy face figured something out ... who'da thunk??).
  14. I use Enhanced Weather myself (it's a bit older but it had a patch for another old version of Kvatch Rebuilt I use). With INI tweaks I have the nights as realistic as I want. You do know that in areas without any light from human sources you can easily see even on the darkest of moonless nights providing there aren't any clouds to obscure the starlight. With even a sliver of moon that rises dramatically. If the moon is past 1/4 it will even give enough light under cloudy skies, providing the cloud layer isn't too thick (although the light is diminished and diffuse). My tweaks to EnhancedWeather.ini make it so that on stormy nights you can't see enough to walk except by torch light or light spells/night eye (though night eye effectiveness is reduced outdoors by another mod I use). On clear nights with some moon light I have it so I can see as I would in the real world (I've done quite a bit of night sailing). You can tweak the INI to match what your version of night should look like.
  15. Heads go in the same folder as the original, just with _f appended to the file name. So if the original is Meshes\characters\Synx\headsynx.egt the replacement for females will be Meshes\characters\Synx\headsynx_f.egt (replacing the headsynx part with whatever the file is actually named in the original folder). The vanilla game doesn't understand the _f part so without Blockhead it will just ignore it. If Blockhead spots a file named <Whatever>_f.egt it will use it and override the vanilla assignment (in this example for the <Whatever> race).
  16. One thing to note about using the Hi Rez HGEC textures with either the original OCO v2 heads or the new seamless heads ... those textures will accentuate the neckseam vs OCO v2 + OCO replacement HGEC textures or vs Seamless OCO v2 heads + seamless textures included with the seamless heads download. The best results today are go all seamless and forget the old "best" stuff.
  17. Once you switch to PerRace the head is handled differently. Even bodies follow a different naming convention in PerRace as well as a different folder structure. So if you wanted to change the body texture for all NPCs in JoesCoolRace you first need to find the name that the race shows under the race name in the Construction Set (which is different than the FormID aka BaseID of the race). It should be the same as what you see in the character creation menu (so let's say in my example that JoesCoolRace is shown as Joe's Cool race in the character creation menu). The folder structure will be Textures\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerRace\F for females (and Textures\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerRace\M for males). The file names are renamed to match the display name for the race, so Joe's Cool race_Foot.dds, Joe's Cool race_Foot_n.dds, Joe's Cool race_Hand.dds etc. I believe that capitalization matters ... match the display name exactly including whitespace between words. Heads PerRace are done using the _m and _f to differentiate from the vanilla assets (which was the trick Nuska used to display her error face ... simply replace the vanilla head texture with her error face ... no Blockhead and her proper face replacements wouldn't be used and the error face showed the situation). So for heads you rename your replacement texture to match the original head texture and then append _f (so headJoesCoolRace.dds becomes headJoesCoolRace_f.dds and headJoesCoolRace_f_n.dds etc for females).
  18. And here I thought the neighbors were burning garbage or something ... where do you find these scents Ike??? What you will do for only your character to use the replacement files is name them all 00000007_<BodyPartName>.<FileExtension>. So to replace the body texture for HGEC the appropriate files would be renamed 00000007_Foot.dds, 00000007_Foot_n.dds, 00000007_Hand.dds, 00000007_Hand_n.dds (and the same for the EGT files). Heads I'm not 100% sure of in the case of PerNPC overrides as I've only done PerRace overrides on heads in the past and I'm not certain I'm interpreting shadeMe's Blockhead_readme.rtf correctly. If I've got it right the head overrides would go in Textures\Characters\HeadAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm using the same file naming (so 00000007_Head.dds, 00000007_Head_n.dds, 00000007_Head.egt, 00000007_Head.egm etc). I deciphered shadeMe's explanation of how to do it mostly by trial and error until I got it figured out. Have a look at the readme and see what you think. - Edit - Looks like the EGT/EGM files go in the same folder as the mesh NIFs.
  19. LOL ... you must have forewarned them ... shackles on through the whole tour. It went well. Not sure about the granddaughter, but I'm ready to sign up. It's a pity that back in ancient history when I was at that crossroads I still had all the young punk wiring installed in my head (money, cars, women ... in that order, as the prior is needed for acquiring the next). So now I know what that file is for. So much of all that texturing stuff just flies straight over my head, not even ruffling the hair on the way by.
  20. As they say "Good to know". Thanks for reporting back with more than the typical "Found the problem" and then a poof. And thank you Ike for getting my day started with another good chuckle ... goes well with those first few sips of coffee.
  21. You could try asking on the CLS mod comments. There is also a good chance you may find your answer already asked and answered in there. Doesn't look like Grumpf or DragonAviator have been active on the mod recently, but a user named tallal has been helping out (don't use the mod myself, so I can't be of much help). One other word of advice ... unless a mod's install instruction specifically say "Using Nexus Mod Manager ..." it's a hit or miss thing whether NMM will successfully install an Oblivion mod. The more complex the mod and the older the mod the greater the chance for failure. That's just a fact of life in Oblivion modding. You can either accept that some mods won't install that way and continue to use NMM with the mods that will work with it (missing out on many "must have" Oblivion mods), or you can learn to use the tools designed for Oblivion (Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM), Wrye Bash and manual install).
  22. So you used some ingenuity ... that's what that quest is all about (probably why it's one of the most popular quests in the game ... many cats, many ways to skin cats).
  23. No mention of anything like that on the UESP Wiki page for the quest, which leads me to suspect mod conflict. Can you post your load order and OBSE plugins?
  24. If you are trying to edit the stones themselves then you're working above my pay grade. If you are just trying to get the distance to the stone those scripts I mentioned will probably have some clues for you (you'd only be looking for the distance to a NIF ... can't see why something like that wouldn't compile, the NIFs are part of the parent aren't they??). Oblivion:Magical Stones ... all you wanted to know about Doom Stones but were afraid to ask.
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