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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Sounds to me like Pretty Woman - Animation Replacer. It does use the _male\specialanims folder, but the files are named as vanilla (e.g. walkforward.kf, walkfastforward.kf etc). Download it to a folder and extract the download to that same folder. Compare the files in the extracted download to the ones in your _male\specialanims folder to figure out which come from Pretty Woman (especially if you have a bunch in there from various other mods). There can only be one file with any particular name, so to be certain your may need to compare the file size and date to get a fix on which are the Pretty Woman files (if you have Windows Explorer set up with default views showing you diddly squat, just right click the file you want to check and select Properties from the right click menu ... you want to compare Size not Size on disk and the date is below).
  2. Do they have a unique NIF or do they share the NIF with the Heaven Stones and just have separate textures? Have a look at Maskar's scripts in Basic Primary Needs (he has one that checks the NIFs for wells, to make them drinking sources).
  3. Go to your game install's Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_1stPerson folder and rename skeleton.nif to XXskeleton.nif (or you could move it to a backup folder ... point is make it so the game won't use it and will revert to the vanilla _1stPerson\skeleton.nif found in Oblivion - meshes.bsa). If it's the third person view that's the problem do the same with the skeleton.nif found in the Data\meshes\characters\_male folder.
  4. Sleep well my friend. I have the equivalent of an "Abysmer advantage" over you in the timezone war (must remember to keep Ike from learning my phone number, or 4 am "wake up sleepy head's" will ensue). When rested heads are well coffeed in the am I'll PM some ideas on where we can beg, borrow and steal some source code for the Abysmers.
  5. OK Ike, here's my report for my vanilla start (regular tutorial dungeon) as an Abysmer. To give some context to my opinions I have always played Dunmer male characters, with the exception of an abortive first character who was an "all defaults" Imperial (whatever was selected at the next character creation screen was accepted). He made it to Kvatch, and at the time I didn't have the skills to make it past the first two scamps before tossing him into the wastebin and hitting the books to learn how to create a character. Through the tutorial and into the initial bandit fights after leaving the tutorial dungeon (and a mud crab here and there) I've tried to employ both some of the unique Abysmer characteristics (can you say Eel Kiss) and conventional fighting skills, so I can gauge how the "Abysmer advantage" affects gameplay. As reported by PM you know I've actually started the character with version 1.0 (so my tutorial experience is really a version 1.0 experience) and tried to be as ham fisted as I could on the version 2.0rc update, but was unable to cause any grief with my "worst possible way to upgrade" attempt. The main contrast between version 1.0 and version 2.0rc is the starting spells unique to Abysmer, and I will say that the version 2.0rc spells package is less overpowered than the version 1.0 were, but they still give ample opportunity to make early level fights a trivial affair. With a decent sense of timing on the Eel Kiss you can virtually go untouched by any enemy at level one (providing you have fairly good dodging skills against archers and spell casters). In my opinion the Abysmer advantage will lessen at higher levels as enemies get more health, but I haven't tested long enough to determine at what level they "level out" compared to vanilla races (and here I can only speak to my Dunmer guys). In a way Eel Kiss reminds me a lot of my own favourite custom spell (paralyze, fire damage and weakness to magic) but that spell costs magicka to cast and so isn't an option until about level 15 or more (intelligence and willpower need to be at least 80 each on a Dunmer). A lesser power that powerful is a lot of power, and hard to resist. With some restraint it does give you a "last ditch effort" to avoid being killed, but I think few players will have that degree of restraint. I concluded this vanilla start test with two runs through the Kvatch gate closing, one Eel Kissing my way to the sigil stone and the other using only conventional spells or weapons. Using Eel Kiss I basically got to the sigil and closed the gate as fast as if there had been no enemies along the way at all (there was ample time to cast my healing spell enough to counter any damage my guy took while closing to and kissing all enemies on the way with no regard to dodging their attacks). If I recall correctly it was early afternoon when I was back in Tamriel after a dawn start into the gate, perhaps even just before noon. In contrast the gate closing using only convention tactics and starting from the same save took until after 2 am, using aggressive tactics as much as I could and still remain healed and alive. I have an idea of how to keep the Eel Kiss but make it less of a regular gameplay advantage, but it won't be a simple one to implement. What I'd like to see is a cost to being out of water, so that the effects of Eel Kiss are diminished after say 24 hours without total immersion in water. The first stage could be losing the paralyze part of the spell, and then step down the shock damage component over the next 24 hours until it's just a regular shock spell (like flare is to the fire spells). For role players you keep your guy wet, and plan your assaults as you build up your character. For vanilla main quest players you have a more vanilla main quest experience, with the opportunity to work some strategy into some of the later quests (e.g. the pond near Shetcombe Farm is close enough to Miscarcand to be used to keep your squidly squishy during the search for the Great Welkynd). I'll start a new character using my alternate start next. More of a challenge at the start with the rest of my realism load order ... no pockets bulging with tutorial dungeon loot when first stepping into Tamriel, so no gold to buy canteens and a measly rusty dagger to make it through those first few fights. It will be hard for discipline to win out when victory is but a kiss away.
  6. Let's see if I remember Ike's explanation of the error codes ... invisible is missing normal map. Did I get it right Ike ?
  7. LOL ... funny how Vilja rules our worlds, isn't it. I'll leave the text struck through, as whether it works or not it really is just a kludge, dreamed up by the guy who digs the foundations and then backs in the cement truck.
  8. Hmm ... but if you solve all the sliding problems you won't have any need to relocate the door. Isn't that always the way it happens. - Edit - Something that occurred to me and I forgot to go back and edit a previous post. If you decide to do something about the critters that spawn nearby (the wolves and spriggans can be a pain in the butt when you're arriving late in the day) the safest thing to do is relocate the spawn point rather than delete it. Those conjurers down at Ceyatatar need something to keep them occupied ... I know, I'm a rather mean old bugger.
  9. Oh ya ... sure try to blame the old guy for your "problems". Word of advice ... keep notes on who is using what. 90% of my "work" right now is figuring out which non-seam mended mesh I used on character X so that I can swap for a nice new shiny seam mended version. Talk about tedious work ... load the upper body mesh currently in use in NifSkope, use that plus clues from Windows Explorer (file size and date) to figure out what mesh I used, find out if a ready made mesh replacement exists in SetBody Reloaded, if not wrestle the seam mender tool to the ground and have it do my bidding (the ignore vertex count and make new vertices trick appear to have given me the upper hand in that battle ... thanks Junkacc). I'm keeping notes now.
  10. Forget the Dagon gang ... there's an even bigger threat on the doorstep!! Coffee's kickin' in ... I'll get to work shortly. - Edit - You aren't in danger of becoming one of those trashy HGEC types are you?? Thought Robert rocked your world.
  11. Valen wasn't foolish enough to use the words slimy or scaley when addressing her Majesty ... did he??
  12. I have four eyes when I'm not at the computer too Ike, but alas if I use more than two at the computer I see way too many things. OK, I'll install my old archived ver 1 and await your command. And Thomriis, you don't need to feel that Ike and I have singled you out for thread hijacking. We're specialists at it, and try to spread the wealth as far and wide as we can ... so what I'm saying is, even though we think you're special, you're not special in any bad ways. Make any sense?? (if so you should probably disregard, as I may be off my meds or something equally disorienting)
  13. I saw sparks flying far off to my east ... figured it was you working away with the grinder. So it looks like at the moment today still isn't the right today for my introduction to the new and improved slippery people (you know I'd offer to help with the scripting if I wasn't even more scriptically challenged than you)..
  14. Emma's Packdonkeys tend to slide down hills too. Could be a common "feature" with critters in Oblivion. Something to try in your critters wander package is to up their Energy (look at the top of the package window). I think that controls how likely they are to try moving to a new location (which may take them to a less slippery slope location). I struck out my idea as after reading Arthmoor's description as I'm certain my experiment would only be another experiment ending in failure.
  15. Uurrp ... the Underfyke totally agrees with you Thomriis. Ike's been suspiciously quiet today. Maybe he's just busy grinding on those Abysmers, getting them into shape for their eventual Cyrodiilic invasion.
  16. Bess, I may be Sir Links-a-Lot but you are the Lady of Useful Links (your CS Wiki backup link from yesterday was greatly appreciated). :thumbsup:
  17. Not sure if it will work but try this. Stand in front of the door you want to move and open the console (hit the tilde (~) key found right below the Esc key on standard keyboards). At the console prompt type "setdebugtext 31" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. With the console still open use your mouse to click on the door. Now type "tdt" (again without the quotes) and hit Enter. Your screen will now have a bunch of info on it (can't recall off-hand if you need to close the console first for it to show or not ... closing the console is just hit tilde again). You should see the X, Y and Z coordinates for the door somewhere in all the info. Open the console and with the door's reference ID still showing at the top of the screen type "setpos z ######" without the quotes of course and with the ###### replaced by the Z position shown by toggle debug text minus some amount (so if tdt showed the Z position as 314.2244 try 304.2244 ... just looking see if the door will change position here). If it does change then keep adjusting until you get it where you want it (note ... if your "house move" also moved the house in X or Y those will need to be adjusted too). Make a new save (NOT overwriting your original) and exit. I suggest an exit to desktop and restart , and then see if the door is in the new position or not. Personally I'm not optimistic that this will work ... seems too simple for it not to have been tried before, and if something like that works it'd be common knowledge by this point in the game's history. - Edit 2 - See Chambra's posts further on for more info regarding how this works (i.e. successful or not, and what problems may result). As to how house mod creators deal with the persistent door location thing I can't say from experience (I have run into the exact same thing you're facing when I tried changing the entrance elevation of Aranmathi long ago, which is how I found out about the save game/location issue). What I would do when building a house is set all of the exterior to my complete satisfaction before putting the load doors in place. Also if you work from a save that doesn't have the house in it at all you've neatly avoided the issue (so work from a save made just prior to start of construction with your character in an adjacent cell ... every time you load the save after construction begins you just come to a more and more complete house, always working from that pre-construction save). One of the hallmarks of any of Emma's mods is compatibility. The more you edit exterior landspaces the less compatibility you have. I know she had to work around some of the landscape issues when making and improving Red Rose (I follow all her mod's comments closely), and those workarounds would be done in the least intrusive/most compatible way possible. Lowering an entire hill doesn't fall into that category. - Edit - Follow the link Bess provided below.
  18. Oh oh ... we've created yet another monster team. Have you been sneaking peeks through the blinds on my windows Thomriis? My poor old slippers don't have a lot of "slip" left for the amount of "per" I stick in 'em everyday. It'd better warm up soon or my toes will fall off. If Ike's doing the inviting you'd best do some research to find out why he's being so nice. He's a slippery one that one.
  19. You should start your own thread, with details of your own situation. What mods you are trying to install, how are you trying to install them, what version of the game (disk, Steam or GameStop) etc. I'll take a shot in the dark and say you're suffering from the new Microsoft "feature" that turns file extensions into ZIP for no good reason. I'll further guess that you are trying an OMOD, so what you need to do is change the file extension back to OMOD (so your downloaded JoesCoolArmor.zip should be JoesCoolArmor.omod). My last shot in the dark will be you're trying to install using NMM, which you will find after the file extension fix doesn't handle OMODs (Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) does though).
  20. Ike, shame on you, trying to use poor Thomriis as Underfyke bait. Another advantage that can be had is you can sometimes sidestep mod requirements if those requirements are for part of the mod you don't intend to use. Just keep in mind that any assets you use from another's work now becomes a "requirement" for your mod in so far as you need to leave the meshes/textures/sounds/whatever you've borrowed in place for your mod to work. Rather than install the whole source mod I'm using I generally figure out what resources the piece I want to use needs (that means checking the meshes out in NifSkope to find out what textures it uses) and then I only copy the required files into their appropriate folder structure. Takes a bit to get your head around maybe, but makes for a nice lean installation.
  21. Would all three appear on your map avatar perhaps? I started out with simple stuff like making my own armor compilations and moved on to bigger things (well a bit bigger anyway). Your English is light years ahead of any Danish I might coax out of Google translate.
  22. If you're looking to save ESP space then learn to use the Construction Set. You could have every armor or clothes mod here on Nexus in one ESP if you wanted (for personal use only of course ... compilations aren't allowed except those created and released by the original mod author).
  23. You should post NMM issues in Open Beta Feedback thread for NMM.
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