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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. SM Combat Hide ... those boulders near the water (or maybe even the water) can be your friend.
  2. True rock star ... a pair of keyboards and let the head banging begin!! And I don't really think you're slimy, just a bit slippery.
  3. Yes, I've heard that mudcrabs are an eat or be eaten situation in MOO.
  4. Nope, BOSS Masterlist for Oblivion ... mhahn123 is on the job.
  5. Keep in mind that MOO makes the wilderness the most dangerous place for low level characters. Stay close to the cities, or at least a quick jog's distance from the safety of water and speedy getaway my scaly slimy friend.
  6. Frankenfurtering ... sounds like something I'll want to take a pass on. Just thinking of letting you near "my guy" with the tools you've described gives me severe "shrinkage". Think I'll go jump in the lake to try to get some "growage" back (if I can move the ice floes far enough apart to get in that is). I'd be interested in your take on how hardware heavy MOO is compared to semi-vanilla (mods no overhauls). I've held off on MOO, first because the upcoming features always made me think "next version" and second because I've grown accustomed to putting things off until my "next machine" gets built (and that it seems will always occur tomorrow). My current box isn't super lame ... mostly just video card challenged.
  7. I've seen plenty of reports of problems when using LOOT to sort load order that went away when switching to BOSS. I've seen zero reports of problems when using BOSS to sort load order that went away when switching to LOOT.
  8. From the UESP Wiki page Oblivion:Spell Making (emphasis added):
  9. Where'd Blades go ... I didn't see him leave. Ike, you're good with eyes in OCO v2, could you transplant those onto BanditMelee03 for me ... pretty please!! Not the hair, I'm not a hair guy. Just eyes and umm ... other things. No fast travel is why my guy needs the 15 day cell respawn. Otherwise I can't get anything done. Every time you go by the spawn point you need to bonk another head, then you've got too much stuff so you need to find a town. Then there's more bonking ... and on and on. A couple of weeks later my guy finally arrives where he'd been headed but can't remember why he wanted to go there. With the cell respawn bumped up I can say travel up to Frostcrag (with a stop in Bruma to unload stuff at Fjotreid's), maybe go down to the IC to buy another Frostcrag upgrade, stop in for a visit with my sweetie at Vindasel, and then when I head back to Frostcrag to check out the new upgrade I won't need a Bruma stop as my pockets will still be empty when I arrive. Helps keep my guy moving on to new areas too, otherwise I tend to just run the simple travel/bonk/sell/repeat routes.
  10. Affirmative ... did you see my edit? - Edit - I think the beta test project I was on is nearing release, so I'll put your alpha in the on deck position. Sleep good but sleep fast buddy, the Empire needs you.
  11. Can't say for sure as I haven't followed that mod at all (I have seen some posts there, usually if I see TheRomans has made a post ... I like to "pick his brain" by seeing what he's posted on a wide selection of mods I don't use or follow). Do you find when you save the hard drive light seems to continue flashing for a while after the save should be completed? I do on my machine (Windows XP, Oblivion installed on a separate games hard drive, a 250 GB WD Velociraptor). It doesn't make any difference for the CTD while gaming situation but I've taken to waiting 15 seconds or so after making my final save of the session before hitting Return, and then exiting the game using Exit (all off the Esc menu). I think it helps a bit on the crash on exit problem. As I said I know where some of my problem areas are likely to be because of NPCs Yield NPCs I've left at certain ambush spots in the game (I know where all of the spawn points are along every road except the backwoods trails). I make it a habit to save before I get too close. For some particularly sticky spots (close to the bridge just north of Mouth of the Panther is one) I might need to load my closest save, advance a bit more up the road, save and repeat a few times before I can get through to where I want to go (I have Panther River Smugglers Shack as one of my homes, so I'm generally pretty persistent on getting there). Some times it's no trouble and no crashes, bad times it will take three or four save/load sessions to get there. In my case I'm quite certain it's my NPCs Yield INI choices that has me destabilized, but I know there are certain cell transitions that are far more troublesome than others (like that spot near the Panther River bridge). I've just learned to be conservative and save more often than most people would. - Edit - To give you a frame of reference on my saving habits, my current character is on day 348 since his alternate start, play time is 321 hours and I'm at save 1306. Probably 10 to 15% of those save weren't "precautionary" ... I do tend to save before telling my packdonkys to follow before mounting my old nag (due to the Blockhead save while mounted/sitting bug).
  12. I've had mixed success using the Seam Mender for PyFFI Standalone that Movomo released on the SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition optional files section. Some of my body meshes (that aren't included with SetBody Reloaded) don't seem to seam mend while others do (maybe there isn't anything to mend on those that don't work ... don't know for sure). If I can figure out how to use it Ike it'll be a walk in the park for you.
  13. Yup that's the Seaview optimized meshes I was thinking of (don't use it myself so I haven't downloaded, thus no link to post). I follow the progress on Oblivion Reloaded quite closely (don't use it yet because I don't believe my machine is as strong as I'd want ... but maybe someday soon my new box will get built). Read through the early comments there and also some of the later discussion on Memory purger - extended (a precursor mod by the same author) to get a better idea of some of the things that lead to CTDs. When I build my next computer and move to a 64 bit OS and lots of RAM like you have, Oblivion Reloaded will be in my load order. If a mod is resource hungry enough to affect FPS I think it will at least contribute a large portion of the CTD causes. I tested a few mods that aren't in my load order for that reason (plus they didn't add enough to my game for me to justify "the cost"). Fortunately for me most of my load order is mods that affect primarily gameplay and can do that without a big FPS penalty. Just so I have some idea for a frame of reference, about how long can you play before the CTD? - Edit - And yes, CTDs is a "feature" of modded Oblivion, as it is with even the vanilla game.
  14. I am far and away not a load order expert. The only thing that I see is the P1DkeyChain.esp (Hickory, one of the guys who was the go to guy back when I started here, used to tell people to drop that one). Your character can't have but a few keys at this point anyway, so not much is lost by uninstalling that for a test at least. On a key related note, the Fort Grief key is a source of grief for some people. I've never had an issue with it, but does your character have that key (you get it during the Caught in the Hunt quest that starts in Bravil)? I see a couple of sound quieting type mods in your list. I'm guessing you are using the on-board sound and not a discrete sound card. Is that because you have run into some sound related issues? Is the memory purging the only thing you're using from Streamline? Are you using the optimized version of Seaview (shouldn't be an issue if you are still near the IC ... but I've heard the original is a hog for hardware)? My own load order is almost as long, fewer mods merged and deactivated but like I said I've "gone out of my way" with some of the choices I've made to destabilize my game and yet usually I can run for 45 minutes to an hour and a half before either crashing or exiting to reload (and when it's less time than that it's normally when approaching one of my NPCs Yield victims). - Edit - Is Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm the only Francesco master required for Francesco's Optional Files.esp and Francesco's 7 days respawn time - 1-24 day lenght rescale.esp ?
  15. Complete details on your hardware and any steps you've taken to allow this old game to do what it wasn't designed to do as well (4GB patchers, memory VRAM purgers etc). My latest build took ages to just install (I lost my previous install to a RAID 0 hard drive failure). A good part of the reason it took so long is how long some of my "test sessions" lasted, but in the end I have a good understanding of which mods in my load order are the most closely related to any instability. My biggest culprit is NPCs Yield Refined, but that is due to the INI changes I've selected (I keep those that yield alive in the game rather than allow the mod to purge them as soon as the player leaves the cell ... kuertee even warns that it causes instability so I don't need to look far when pointing fingers ... there's a bunch pointing at me if I get to pointing fingers). I've noticed that certain cell transition areas are more dramatic than others for "loading stress" (for lack of a better description of the situation). Coupled with whether or not I know I've left some naked bandits wander around since I was last there makes me a frequent saver (I also have the cell reset bumped up to 15 days, so they do hang around longer ... making a bad situation worse). Don't overwrite saves (something I picked up long ago while reading through Wrye's Musings). The other thing I noticed right off the bat with this build was how much stress the UOPs add (they are after all just mods ... really really big mods in the case of the UOP). They were the first thing I added after an good long pure vanilla test session (didn't use them at all in my previous build as I started out as a permanent bound armor junkie and the UOP takes away that exploit ... I go to my PBA Anonymous meetings now ... first step, I'm powerless over my desire to use PBA and my game has become unmanageable).
  16. You can check but I doubt it's related to your problem (just re-read your OP ... sounds like a pretty new low hour character you're playing). The A-Bomb is listed in one of the Saves tab right click menu sections ... can't recall exactly as I need to go searching myself every time it need to run the fix. I use the flames on the Legion rider's torches as the tell-tale. When you start seeing little bits of flame trailing behind I run the fix (even though WB claims it doesn't need it). You could run it every gaming session if you wanted, running it has no negative consequences I've ever heard about or experienced. I think posting your load order from WB will be needed to stop the aimless speculation of what mod you may have installed that may have some problems (i.e. Better Cities Waterfront tunnel used to crop up quite frequently ... they must have fixed it somewhat as I don't see posts about it anymore ... but at the present time I couldn't even say whether or not you're using Better Cities ... or Open Cities, or Open Better Cities ... you get the point).
  17. Are you a quicksaver? What does WB report as your percent towards A-Bomb?
  18. OK, so you used to have UL plus a bunch of compatibility patches and now you have no UL and no UL compatibility patches. Did you resort your load order with BOSS and then rebuild your bashed patch after uninstalling all that? I don't use RAEVWD but have looked at it and it's install instructions (my current hardware wouldn't play well with RAEVWD installed). The installation tells you to run TES4LODGen after you install the BAIN packages but nothing is mentioned about needing to undo any of that TES4LODGen stuff on uninstall. When you uninstalled RAEVWD did you use BAIN or manual uninstall?
  19. For one you don't look at posts that are almost 8 years old referring to a version of OBSE that is 10 generations behind the current version and provide absolutely no information that may tie your current predicament with something from that necroed post. Start a new thread. Describe your problem and any steps you may have already taken trying to resolve it in complete detail (i.e. not leaving out one single detail). All I can get from your post is you want something to revert (couldn't give you the slightest idea of what it is now and what you wish it to turn into from your "detailed" description) and perhaps your life is in imminent danger as a result. Oh, and you suffer from x's before your D's.
  20. OK I'm confused ... you installed UL and a bunch of compatibility patches, uninstalled UL but left some "large UL compatibility patches file/mod" and yet you don't think it's related to a missing UL as master that's your problem?? Word of advice ... when uninstalling something that had compatibility patches installed to make it work with the rest of your download uninstall everything that was related to the mod that added the need for those patches. In your case every last thing that was installed because you installed UL.
  21. Some mods you didn't uninstall rely on UL as a master.
  22. Ya I think you'll need to level up until you get 10 levels above her before you'll see the difference. Check after your next level up and see if she's now 3 levels below your character.
  23. It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it. Not everyone is cut out to become the Champion of Cyrodiil. Apparently Ike has exterminating on his mind a lot. Get a little NPCs Yield Refined. When some cute little bandit says she's had enough use a little console magic ("moddisposition 14 125" and then "addscriptpackage 9828a") and lure ... errm, I mean lead her to some secluded spot (umm, do you know the way to Shetcome Farm) kill her inside, leave the building, save and then exit the game. Load your save, go back in and "resurrect 1" her, kick back, have a seat, maybe something to eat, maybe even have a few too many brewskis (Basic Primary Needs), maybe fall down a bunch of times, sleep it off ... you know, really relax. And if you drop around every couple of days (before the cell resets) she can give you the "happy to see you" (Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions ... further modified by me). You can be Ricky Ricardo ... Lucy I'm home!!!
  24. Should be OCO v2 time I guess (didn't feel any nibbles on the UOP). Sounds like you have OBMM already installed. It's been a long long time since I last used it for anything beyond extracting mods that come packaged as a pre-made OMOD so my instructions may not be quite up to my usual "step by step" standards. If you have already downloaded OCO v2.03 from the FILES tab of the mod page then you can click on OBMM's Create button and then click on Add Archive. Navigate to where you downloaded OCO v2 to and select it. I don't think OCO v2 includes any OMOD conversion info so you'll probably want to name it something you'll understand in the OBMM OMOD Creator dialogue. Once you have the info like you want it click on the Create OMOD button. After OBMM has finished creating the OMOD you'll see it listed in the right hand pane of the OBMM window. Double click on it (or single left click and then click the Activate button).
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