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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. On further examination of the guide I agree that there isn't an ini tweak specific to view distance. In the Cell Visibility/Loading Variables section on page nine there are some ini variables that you should confirm are at the default minimum (the value given in italics). I'd also suggest the Tree and Grass Variables section on the next page should be set to minimum values. Looking through my own Oblivion.ini I see a number of variables that could be related to view distance, but nothing obvious as a single 'master' variable for view distance. When you're trying to make adjustments to the view distance slider are you making an adjustment to that one slider and then exiting or making a number of adjustments to different sliders and then exiting?
  2. Looks like the shrouded armor from HGEC More Revealing Standard Armor. In any case (meaning whether that's what armor it is or not) you can revert to the vanilla armor by simply removing the file 'darkbrotherhood.nif' from the folder Data\meshes\armor\darkbrotherhood\f (or temporarily rename it to darkbrotherhoodnif.old so you can revert back).
  3. Here's a link to Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide. There's a section on tweaking Oblivion.ini (make sure you edit the one found in your 'Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion' folder and not the one named Oblivion_default.ini found in your game install folder). Make a backup of your Oblivion.ini beforehand of course.
  4. Ya, I saw your reply to that same suggestion I'd made earlier. If it is in fact related to a mod you should be able to track down the offending mod by deactivating them one or more at a time (just a bit tedious to do if your mod list is extensive).
  5. Try the 'coc center and wait 72 hours and a bit' trick. Gives the game world's cells a chance to reset without the player triggering game scripts etc. Open the console using the tilde (~) key, found just below the Esc key on standard keyboards. At the console prompt type 'coc center' (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to an open plain with some trees visible in the distance. Using the game wait menu wait three day (full 24 hours) and then a bit more for good measure. Open the console again and 'coc weye' which will transport you to the fisherman's shack at Weye (or another location if you know the correct location code). Travel to your problem area and see if it's fixed.
  6. You could be running into the A-Bomb stuck animation problem. If you already use Wrye Bash it has a utility to fix the problem ... if not try Oblivion Animation Fixer (OAF). One caveat if you use Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE). After running OAF on your .ESS file make sure to rename a copy of the corresponding .OBSE file to match the fixed save. For example if you have a save MyGuysSave01.ess it will have a matching MyGuysSave01.obse (providing you are using OBSE). After you run OAF on MyGuysSave01.ess you will also have a fixed file named OAF_MyGuysSave01.ess. All you need to do is make a copy of MyGuysSave01.obse and then rename it OAF_MyGuysSave01.obse. Takes longer to describe what to do than to do it.
  7. According to this UESP Wiki page the BaseID for Daedric Gauntlets is 36358 (leading zeros aren't required).
  8. Have you tried the ini settings for actors outlined in Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide page 10? I doubt that those settings alone will solve the problem but I can't think of anything else to suggest.
  9. Do you have 'self shadows' turned on in the video settings menu?
  10. Have a look through the De-Isolation Tutorial on the CS Wiki. In a nutshell, you can't make an ESP a master for another ESP (unless you use Construction Set Extender).
  11. You can either try the console trick of coc center and then wait 72 hours plus a bit or you can just avoid the area around the Drunken Dragon for 72 hours and a bit (don't go anywhere near that corner of the map). The console method is the most reliable as it takes your player right out of the game world while the game resets the cells around the Drunken Dragon. All you do is open the console (by default using the tilde (~) key found right below the Esc key on standard keyboards) and enter 'coc center' at the console prompt without the quote marks. You'll be transported to an open plain with a few trees visible in the distance. Using the game wait menu, wait for 72 hours (three full days) plus a bit more. Open the console and 'coc weye' (or another location that you know the correct location name for) again without the quote marks. Travel to the Drunken Dragon and see if the crashing persists.
  12. Captain Renault is one of those NPCs who has a scripted death, so she wouldn't be a candidate for your idea of recruiting her as a companion (unless the companion recruiting mod also stripped the scripted death part of her script ... not a likely thing for a companion recruiting mod, they'd be more likely to have a list of vanilla NPCs that are not recruitable).
  13. No need for that Hickory, as I agree that the console is a poor substitute for properly placing NPCs with AI packages in the game using the CS. To deathclawmassacre I believe you will find the collapsed column just to the right of the package names column (however I'm working from memory as I don't have access to my gaming machine). Look for two lines close together ... click and drag the right hand line to reveal the column.
  14. Not 100% true Hickory. The limitations of the console commands AddScriptPackage and RemoveScriptPackage make them of little utility for gameplay purposes but it is possible to temporarily add script packages via the console. For example if you AddScriptPackage a3a5a to an NPC and a bed is in the same cell they'll lay down for a nap until their next AI package refresh (providing that refresh doesn't come before they make it to the bed, and the bed is un-owned). The only NPCs that can continue to use a single package are ones that have no packages of their own (e.g. clones created by CreateFullActorCopy or resurrected NPCs who only exist as a dead guy). To answer the original question, the IDs are in a collapsed column that you need to click on and drag to reveal (as are many of the columns with refIDs or FormIDs).
  15. Oblivion Animation Fixer will work as well. If you use Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) make sure you rename your corresponding OBSE save as well. Example ... after you run OAF on your save 'MySave01.ess' Oblivion Animation Fixer will give you a fixed save named 'OAF_MySave01.ess'. If you run OBSE you will also have a save named 'MySave01.obse'. You will need to rename a copy of that file to 'OAF_MySave01.obse'. More complicated to explain than it is to do.
  16. I haven't tried it myself but you might want to give Note To Self a look. Edit: Requires OBSE but not Pluggy.
  17. There are two other Wayshrines to Mara that you can use (you don't need to use the ones on the Prophet's map). The easiest one to get to is west of Skingrad (map) and the other is east of Nocturnal's Shrine (NE of Leyawiin) in the swamp (map).
  18. The quest stages are listed in the box at the very bottom of the page, but beware ... it's also possible to break quests by using the console trying to 'fix' something. Before you try using the console to advance the quest stage you need to have a manual save using either the Esc menu save option or the console 'save' command and don't overwrite it until you are positive you have everything fixed. The console command for advancing quest stages is 'setstage <questid> <stage>' (without the quotes or brackets).You will need to find the current stage first, either by looking a your quest journal entry and compare to the 'Journal Entry' section of the table on the UESP Wiki page (e.g. 'I've solved the puzzle of the pillar, opening up more of the ruins of Vahtacen.' for stage 40) or by using the console command 'getstage MG10Vahtacen' (again no quote marks). There are also tips on using console commands to fix the pressure plate problem listed in the Bugs section of the UESP Wiki page. I'd explore those before trying to advance the quest stages using the console (once you advance the quest stage you can't 'undo' it, except by going back to a previous save).
  19. Have a look at the 'Bugs' section at the bottom of the UESP Wiki page Vahtacen's Secret. You have probably left for more than 72 hours and the cell has reset.
  20. Good luck ... if I find a big stash of arrows I'll send some your way.
  21. Only downside to it is if you use CM Partners and leave any of them in your house. Some are truly klepto and will keep picking up your 'display' piece. I use the same trick to mark wilderness containers that don't respawn once I've identified them (e.g. the barrel at the upper level of Fort Empire ... to the right as you face the statue, the chest to the left respawns). I use three iron arrows in a quiver to mark them as NPCs won't bother picking up arrows if they get jumped by a bad guy but they will grab any weapon laying about near by (I've even seen one run upstairs from the road at Fort Empire to grab a mace I was using as a marker).
  22. You could be running into a de-isolation issue. Have a look through this CS Set Wiki article and see if any of what it says make sense vs what you've already tried.
  23. I think the console command 'SetActorFullName <YourNameHere>' (without the quote marks or brackets) is meant for NPCs. If you were going to give it a try on a container you'd want to have a good save from immediately before you try. Open the console and click on the container. If the command isn't supposed to be used on a container it will probably give you an error. What I do myself is put one of the type of item on top of the chest or barrel (so an unenchanted blade on my weapons container, enchanted cuirass or boots on my enchanted armor container etc.). Kinda' dresses things up a bit too.
  24. Gaining master 'the old fashioned way' means lots of arrows. You may want to go back through your saves and see if you have one with Alawen still alive. If you do find one don't go back anywhere near Troll Candle Camp until after you are ready to start receiving training from her. Nothing bad happens to NPCs unless your character is in the same cell or a nearby one. Then either get Prinarus' disposition to 80 or higher (if your personality is low you won't be able to max out at 80 or above ... use charm spells or scrolls to get the recommendation) or else you'll be spending lots of time hanging around Skingrad waiting for it to rain. Good luck.
  25. Getting the marksman training recommendation isn't the easiest thing to do. Reman Broder is a tricky timing situation ... here's a quote from his wiki page: I managed to catch him as he was heading into Skingrad after it started raining. Needlessly complicated. Pinarus Inventius isn't as difficult timing wise, I wonder if you have his disposition high enough. Again from the wiki (emphasis added): Alawen is one of those NPCs that Bethesda decided to not make essential. Her daily AI packages have her hunting around the camp. There is a bandit camp not too far away (west of Dasek Moor) and she sometimes falls victim to them. The only difference for XBox users is you don't have a way to force the weather to rain or resurrect dead NPCs using console commands, otherwise your master training should be the same.
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