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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Are you getting laggy or jumpy gameplay at 30 fps? I don't generally even notice anything until I dip down into the teens.
  2. The screenshot shows a character on the bridge to the IC. The skeleton.nif used will never been visible in a screenshot. Your linked screenshot doesn't really shown enough detail to see any sort of problem when I compare it to the screenshot of the female armor on the mod's page. What type of archive invalidation are you using? What do you mean by "and nomaam could crash all of my mods"? I use NoMaaM myself along with many mods without any difficulty (in fact many of those mods won't work correctly without an animation replacer like NoMaaM).
  3. If you are trying to use Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) on Oblivion be prepared for spotty results. Some mods will install fine using it and many will not. Most mods for Oblivion were made long before NMM and are packaged using folder structure it can't understand. The recommended methods for installing Oblivion mods are Wrye Bash's BAIN installer, OBMM or manual install. My advice is get used to reading install instructions on a mod's description page along with reading through the comments looking for things to avoid (either installation problems and their solutions or simply mods to avoid due to quality issues). OBSE is a simple copy and paste installation. If what you say about the Anthology edition is correct then use the disk version install directions from obse_readme.txt.
  4. Saves are located at Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves. If I'm not mistaken the ES Anthology is a disk version of the games that all require activation via Steam. There are two versions of Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE), one for the disk versions of Oblivion and one for the Steam version. Normally the Steam version would be diskless (i.e. downloaded from Steam) and you would use the Steam instructions for installing it (found in the file obse_readme.txt that comes with the OBSE download). In the case of the ES Anthology version of Oblivion I'm not sure which version of OBSE would apply (the disk version or the Steam version). When you start the Anthology version of Oblivion do you go through Steam or from a desktop shortcut while not connected to Steam?
  5. Steam has a habit of resetting the timestamps for the vanilla game BSA files (making BSA Redirection ineffective). You can either give the vanilla game BSA files their proper dates (year should be 2006) using a utility like File Date Changer 1.61 or you can use Oblivion Mod Manager's Update BSA Timestamps (found in the Archive Invalidation dialogue accessed via the Utilities menu and select Archive Invalidation).
  6. Boobs to infinity says that you don't have a BBB compatible skeleton.nif installed. The mod recommends Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons but a more up to date option is to use Universal Skeleton Nif. Use the ControlableSkeleton version unless you have a mod that requires the TotalControlableSkeleton version, in which case be aware of the limitations and workarounds for that version. The Haubergeon armor isn't typical of armor that is BBBed so I'm not sure how much bounce it shows and how much (if any) bounce you want to see. If you install the skeleton.nif but not any animation replacers that are BBBed you won't see any bounce (but you also won't get the boobs to infinity glitch). If you do wish to see the bounce I recommend NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer. You will notice that NoMaaM recommends something called archive invalidation. The vanilla unmodded game has all of it's resources (meshes, textures, animations and skeleton.nifs) in compressed archives called BSA files. As it needs the assets it loads them from the BSAs. When you try to replace those vanilla assets with modded ones you need some method of getting the game to load the new ones vs the old ones from the BSAs. Over the years many methods have been tried, with most having some sort of difficulty. The most recent and problem free method is called BSA Redirection. Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) provides a simple way to implement BSA Redirection (plus it's the easiest way to install NoMaaM). Click on the Utilities button on the right side of the OBMM window and then select Archive Invalidation from the menu. In the Archive Invalidation dialogue select BSA Redirection. If you are using the Steam version of the game select Update BSA Timestamps and then click Update Now. Close the Archive Invalidation dialogue and then close OBMM (it doesn't commit it's changes until it closes). That's it.
  7. Considering that you're necroing a three year old thread I'd say the chances are less than slim (perhaps approaching zero considering the most recent update on an Ahtata mod is Feb. 20011).
  8. Your version of Oblivion will be displayed in the lower left corner of the game menu screen. The latest version is 1.2.0416. - Edit - For a good description of choosing and installing mods that upgrade the game's graphics have a read through Noob up and running.
  9. We my Oblivion.ini doesn't have bEnableBorder either (nor does it have your bBorderregionEnabled, but I think you just misspelled the regions part) It does have bBorderRegionsEnabled=0 and my game borders are disabled (it was bBorderRegionsEnabled=1 and I had borders imposed). Just make sure you're editing Oblivion.ini and not default_Oblivion.ini and you'll be fine.
  10. Unfortunately quest stages can't be reversed. You can advance them using the console but there's no way back. I'm afraid you're going to be looking for different training dummies. I've never tried jumping straight to speaking with Rosentia myself (matter of fact she's still an unexplored conversation topic for all the Leyawiin citizens for my current guy, so I should go back to an old save and see what happens). - Edit - Your problem isn't caused by how you started the quest. When I got to her house the scamps were there and I haven't talked to anyone to start the quest. Did you see any mods in common with your list in that old thread you posted in about the problem?
  11. Yes it's a vanilla game quest. Do you recall hearing Leyawiin townsfolk talking about strange noises coming from her house (or got that topic when clicking Rumors). I'm wondering if the quest is even running. What do you get when you open the console (tilde key (~) right below the Esc key) and then enter 'getstage ms43' (no quote marks)?
  12. You can certainly run the game modded without NMM ... in fact that's the recommended method. Wrye Bash (WB) and Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) are the two mod managers of choice for Oblivion (note that WB is much more than just a mod manager, more like a swiss army knife for Oblivion). It's also completely possible to mod the game by manually installing mods (my personal method of choice). The key is reading mod descriptions (for install instructions) and mod comments (for solutions to problems related to the mod as well as to get a general feel for the quality of the mod). I have used OBMM to install some complicated mods in the past but mostly just manually install these days. The list of active mods shown by OBMM doesn't accurately reflect all my active mods but the vanilla Oblivion Launcher does. I run the game from a desktop shortcut that has been edited to start the game via the Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) launcher obse_loader.exe (OBSE is a requirement for many mods) and have left the Windows Start button shortcut pointing to OblivionLauncher.exe. When I want to activate or deactivate a mod I use the Start button shortcut to bring up the vanilla launcher, click Data Files and make my changes (just need to not use it to launch the game afterwards). I use the disk version of the game, so if you're on the Steam version there will be some slight differences. Can't give you much advice on NMM and why it stopped working (never even laid eyes on it once). You could try asking in one of the NMM threads.
  13. Not sure if Going Rogue would be of any interest to you.
  14. You haven't dropped the staff somewhere and then 'used' the scamps for training have you? Here's a quote from the UESP Wiki for Whom Gods Annoy:
  15. You need a custom race fix, such as the one included in the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.
  16. Don't worry, I get the same blinders on when I run into a problem on my own game. I don't recall ever seeing an error message worded like that. Is this a game generated error (as opposed to a Windows error message)? Something to check is that in each case that a mod has an ESM other than Oblivion.esm, make sure that the ESM is higher in your load order than the ESP that requires it (that info can be found using the vanilla Oblivion Launcher if you're unsure what ESMs a particular ESP requires ... simple single click the mod in the left hand list and the required ESMs will be shown in the pane to the right). Have you tried a new game with the mods you wanted to uninstall uninstalled?
  17. Oblivion Launcher does not give you load order. It's an alphabetical list of your mods. Oblivion.esm will be right after your mods beginning with the letter N and before the ones beginning with P. I suspect your problem isn't load order related ... more likely file corruption related. My Oblivion.esm (version 1.2.0416) is exactly 247,388,848 bytes as shown by the right click properties dialogue (that's size, not size on disk). - Edit - Further thought ... Does the error specifically say that Oblivion.esm is missing? I'm thinking that your uninstall removed another ESM needed by a mod that's still installed.
  18. No problem. If the opportunity comes along don't hesitate to pass it along. I didn't invent any of this, and when I picked it up it was free.
  19. If you try the download manually the list of servers will show how many users are currently using each. Not sure if NMM presents this info (or gives you the choice of servers).
  20. D2D is Direct2Drive. The thing to keep in mind is that the only versions of Oblivion that will work with Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) is the original disk versions (original or GotY, including the one that came bundled with Bioshock) or the version available from Steam. All other digital download versions (Direct2Drive, GameStop or Impulse) will not work with OBSE. This new disk version that is now available (the Collector's Edition) are disk versions that require Steam to activate. As such, that version of Oblivion should also work with OBSE (I haven't tested that though). Regardless of whether the game is disk version, Steam or D2D et al it will need to be patched to version 1.2.0416 (as seen on the lower left of the initial menu screen). The digital version (Steam D2D et al) should automatically be patched to the latest patch version. After installing a disk version check the menu screen for the version and if it's not 1.2.0416 then the correct patch will need to be applied (language version plus whether or not Shivering Isles is installed).
  21. Don't worry, you're on your way to recovery. Become a 'smart saver' (no more quicksaves) and run OAF every now and then. Oh ... and enjoy the game!
  22. Here's a link to Oblivion reinstall procedure which should help guide you. Something to note is that the GameStop version does not support Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) (can't due to copyright). You'll find that often newer mods will require OBSE, thus won't work for you, but there are plenty of older mods that work fine without OBSE (and some newer ones).
  23. Have a look at the CS Wiki tutorial Audio Settings For Dialogue Video Tutorial and see if it helps.
  24. Not a sound guy myself ... just trying to remember what I've read here. I wouldn't suggest dropping to 8, as that may not be supported either. 16 mono is what sticks in my head (usually pretty good at remembering something I've read).
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