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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Wrye Bash is a collection of utilities for Oblivion (and in recent editions other games). One of the utilities makes a 'bashed patch'. What it does is looks at your mod list, see where there are conflicts and opportunities to merge one or more mods to save .esp space and then creates a compatibility patch for conflicts and merges what can be merged into an .esp (called a bashed patch). To help it make good decisions on the merging and conflicts it uses BOSS (use the Mirrors tab for downloads). Here's a link to Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide to help give you a start on using WB. _ Edit - Ninjaed by Hickory :thumbsup:
  2. I'm not sure what to suggest to help get your GameStop version working but I'd like to point out something you may not be aware of regarding it. The GameStop version is the Impulse online version re-packaged/re-marketed by GameStop. That version will never be able to use Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) due to copywrite limitations. Many newer mods require OBSE to work. Something you may want to consider is using this problem as your reason to get a refund. The only version available today outside of used disk versions on EBay etc. is Steam. That version of Oblivion GotY is compatible with OBSE.
  3. I use 'resurrect 1' quite a bit myself. Mostly I use it on bandits, marauders etc. but occasionally on creatures (spriggans). I've not run into what you describe with creatures but sometimes I get the effect you talk about on bandits. On rare occasions if I leave the cell and come back later (but before the cell respawns) they'll get their AI back, and you'll find them at their normal spawn point. Most of the time the affected ones just remain brain dead until cell reset. Frustrating when I'm trying to set up big battles between marauders, conjurers and bandits, but for me at least it's not too often.
  4. Funny how certain mods or mod types just seem to bubble to the top of the pot at a propitious time ... from the Mod Comments forum: Weapons Of The Fallen Heroes LOTR Tolkien based quests
  5. Still not a lot of info to start helping you troubleshoot. All you're saying is "Oblivion doesn't work". Some of the required details are: 1) Disk version of the game or Steam? If the disk version, is the the old original disk version or Game of the Year version? 2) Game version shown at the bottom left of the screen (if the game will load that far of course). 3) Version of Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) if used. 4) Operating system of the machine you're installing on, and location you're installing to. At the very least answers to those questions allows a starting point for further questions.
  6. Have you seen the selection in Realswords Bosmer? Realswords Breton also has a longbow that might fit your needs.
  7. It's working directly from the Oblivion Nexus as well as from the forums. I just gave Maskar a well deserved kudo as a test. Clicked on his name in the mod comments, on his members page clicked on the 'Kudos' top right of the page and got the confirmation message that I'd given him a kudo (long overdue). - Edit - Just checked what happens if I use the same method to give a kudo to someone I've already given a kudo to (Lanceor, you were the test target ... a long ago well earned kudo given). When clicking the Kudo button (which only shows 'Give kudo' in the tooltip) nothing happened. Now if I tried that using the method that Drake pointed out (which is the usual way I give kudos) you get the option to take away a kudo point you have given that person in the past. That option is missing from the Oblivion Nexus interface (possibly due to it not working correctly??). Perhaps the OP was trying to give a second kudo to someone. - Edit 2 - Using the forums interface I checked to see if the kudo I gave Lanceor a long time ago was still there after trying to give him a second kudo using the Oblivion Nexus interface. The Oblivion Nexus had silently taken the kudo away from Lanceor (i.e. no message saying 'You have successfully taken a kudo away from this user'). Don't fret Lanceor ... I used the forum interface to get you back to your correct current total. - Edit 3 - Just did another test using DrakeTheDragon as a test 'subject' (someone else I'd already given kudos to in the past). Confirmed using the forums interface that I had already given Drake a kudo (was presented with the 'Take a kudo away' option which I cancelled out of). Went to Oblivion Nexus and brought up Drake's page there. This time when I clicked the kudo button in that interface I was presented with a 'You've taken a kudo away' confirmation. I'll assume that since my earlier edit the problem has been resolved. Kudo given back to Drake and a new one given to nynik for bringing the problem to light. :thumbsup:
  8. A new mod (that is still under development) is Maskars Oblivion Overhaul. Features an included .ini that allows you to turn off any changes you don't care for.
  9. Sorry guys, you're wrong on this one. Once you reach 70 on a skill you can go to one of the advanced trainers and get the referral for master training. Looking specifically at block master training there are a couple of problems. Ambroise Canne has problems with his AI packages (supposed to be corrected by the UOP) and once they are corrected he's not available to offer training (or recommendations) while praying, eating, sleeping or working in the vineyard. He's another one of those you need to catch at just the right time. Your best bet is Lum gro-Baroth in Chorrol ... catch him any time he's not eating or sleeping. - Edit - Here's the UESP Wiki link for Training.
  10. Not a lot to go on. Is this after you installed the game and tried adding a bunch of mods? Were you ever able to run the game? Was it a stable game with mods once and then you added some more? Details, details, details ... we need details. There are lots of ways to 'achieve' crashes.
  11. Basic Personal Hygiene by the same author as BPN and Camping.
  12. Have you seen the De-Isolation Tutorial on the CS Wiki?
  13. I use MSI Afterburner to control and monitor my GPU fan speed and monitor GPU temperature, % usage and memory usage (all displayed in my Logitech G15 keyboard's LCD display along with in the Windows taskbar). Another alternative is EVGA Precision X. Either will work on any brand nVidia card (providing it's a newer card that is supported). With the G15 display I can keep track of the GPU in real time while in game, but you can also go back and check out various GPU parameters on the graph recording after a test run.
  14. Here is a search results list for XBox 360 controller. One I'm familiar with is Just bought PC Oblivion. It may give you some ideas on what you can try, or at least what you're up against.
  15. What I'm going to suggest is that for Oblivion you change to using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) to start, with an eye towards learning how to manually install and then use Wrye Bash's BAIN installer down the road. Rule number one ... install one mod at a time and test thoroughly in between mods. It may appear at the outset that you can save time by installing a bunch of mods and then jump into the game to enjoy them, but time and time again you'll find examples here in these forums how often this isn't the case. The time it takes to sort out conflicts and installation errors increases exponentially with the number of mods added at once. Rule number two ... take the time to read mod descriptions, readmes (when available) and most importantly mod comments. There are lots of mods that look good on paper but will never make it onto my hard drive based on the types of comments from users (opinion also modified by who those comments are made by and what their mod installing skill level is ... read enough mod's comments and you'll get a feel for what I'm talking about). You'll also get a feel for how well supported a mod is by it's author, and when they were last actively supporting the mod. You'll get the added benefit of learning who the premiere modders are. Rule number three (well not a rule but a suggestion) ... don't forget to play the game and enjoy it! The added benefit here is you'll have a better idea of what the vanilla game (or only slightly modded game) runs and looks like on your machine. There is no such thing as beautiful in a world without some ugliness. So to begin download Oblivion Mod Manager. Note that in the description it says you'll need Microsoft's .NET 2.0 installed. The self installer version of OBMM will detect if you have .NET 2.0 installed ... I suggest that version for you to download and install (under Main Files it's the top selection 'obmm1_1_12 full installer' ... just click on those words or the words 'download manually'). The trick with downloading manually is knowing where you are saving the download. While some may suggest downloading to your desktop (a default option in most versions of Windows) I suggest you create a folder to keep your downloads in. It will have benefits later when you learn to manually install mods. With smaller sized mods like OBMM you will be brought directly to a standard Windows 'Save As' dialogue box (it may take a moment for the servers to get the download organized and ready for your machine to start downloading). Using the drop down box in the Save As dialogue change where it will save to your C drive (you may need to navigate in that drop down box to get C: to show below the 'My Computer' icon). Once you have it showing 'Local Disk (C:)' in the 'Save In' field at the top, click on the button that creates a new folder (if you hover your mouse pointer over the buttons for a second or two a tool tip will come up telling you what the button does). The default name 'New folder' will be highlighted so right after clicking the create new folder button type in 'Oblivion Downloads' (without the quotes) and hit Enter. You will now see a folder called Oblivion Downloads in the lower part of the Save As dialogue. Double click on that folder and you'll see the Save In line at the top change to Oblivion Downloads. Now click the Create New Folder button again and call this folder Oblivion Mod Manager. In the lower part of the Save As dialogue double click the folder Oblivion Mod Manager so you see it in the Save In line at the top. Now you can click the Save button (whew ... seemed a big hassle but subsequent downloads will be a bit simpler because you will already have the base 'Oblivion Downloads' folder). When the download is complete open Windows Explorer (click on the Start button, select 'All Programs' then 'Accessories' and pick 'Windows Explorer' from the list ... you could right click on it and then select 'Send To' and then 'Desktop (create a shortcut)' so that you don't need to navigate the Start button every time). In Windows Explorer navigate until you have your C:\Oblivion Downloads\Oblivion Mod Manager folder open and you can see the file obmm_1_1_12_full_installer-2097.zip (if you don't see the file extension '.zip' it's OK as there will only be one file in the folder at this point ... you can change the option to 'Hide extensions for known file types' by unticking it in Windows Explorer's 'Folder Options' View tab). I'll assume you are running either Windows 7 or Vista so you can just double click on obmm_1_1_12_full_installer-2097.zip and it will extract. Make sure you use the folder list to change the folder to your C:\Oblivion Downloads\Oblivion Mod Manager folder after you hit the Extract button, and make sure 'Extract All' is selected (that may be slightly different if you are using Vista or Win 7 ... I'm an old Windows XP dinosaur so I have to use WinZip, which is a bit dated to say the least). Now double click on the file 'obmm_setup.exe' in Windows Explorer and follow any prompts and instructions. Next up is getting you those pretty bodies of the feminine persuasion (wearing the same outfit they came into the world wearing). Download EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (I suggest the top selection in the Files tab 'EVE_HGEC_Bodystock and clothing OMOD'). You'll want to save it to it's own subfolder. When the Save As dialogue pops up (which will be after you have gone through the server selection dialogue from this site) click on the 'Up one level' button or use the drop down box to select your Oblivion Downloads folder. Create a new folder called 'EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants' and then make sure you have that new folder displayed in the Save In field. When it's done downloading (and this one will take considerably longer than OBMM) you'll find the file 'EVE_HGEC_Bodystock and clothing OMOD-24078.omod' (again you may or may not see the '.omod' extension). Right mouse click on that file and select 'Copy' from the right click menu. Now navigate in Windows Explorer to your game's install folder (hopefully not C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion if you are running Vista or Win 7, but if that's the case we'll deal with that as a next step). Inside the 'Oblivion' folder you should see one named 'obmm'. Open that folder and you'll see a folder named 'mods'. Right click on that folder and select 'Paste' from the right click menu. That puts the OMOD for EVE in the right folder. You can close out all your Windows Explorer windows (I use one window to copy and then a second window to paste ... just my weird work habits) and then open Oblivion Mod Manager. It may have put a shortcut on your desktop during installation, if not use the Start button All Programs to start it. In the right hand pane of OBMM you should see 'EVE_HGEC_Bodystock and clothing OMOD-24078' with a green box to it's left. You can either double click on it or single left click and then select the 'Activate' button at the bottom of OBMM's window. This will start the installation script that is included as part of EVE which will walk you through the myriad of options of nude or underwear, cup size etc. At some point in time take the time to read through the OBMM help (accessed via the 'Help' button, oddly enough). Even though OBMM has a button that will launch Oblivion I prefer to close it and start the game myself (I am a singularly crusty old codger who looks for the least convenient way of doing things ... in this case I like OBMM to finish it's work, which happens when you close the program with the 'X', well plus I want total control). Start the game and make your way through the tutorial dungeon. Just before you exit the sewers (when you can see the sewer exit in the distance before the character finalization menus come up) would be a good time to make a save using the save option from the game's Esc menu (never use quicksave, it's a known corrupter of save files). It will be a good save to back up somewhere safe as it will give you a save you can use to create a new character without needing to redo the entire tutorial again (and never overwrite saves either, make a new one each time ... gives you a fall back position when you run into trouble down the road). Exit the sewer and head across the water to Vilverin. The bandits outside are normally female for low level characters. Crack their heads and loot all their gear. If everything went according to Hoyle you should see them in all their splendor. Get through this and we'll get you set up with bouncy bodies and all the extras. - Edit - Ninjaed by Bben46 ... but look at my word count ... hehe!!
  16. Have a look at this post I made recently and see if it helps you sort it out.
  17. Personally I'd consider her as an essential mod, one I wouldn't play without. You can always set her to stay out of the battles (which she will do unless you are in danger of dying). I also have her set to keep my guy healed up, but you'll want to disable that until your character is skilled up in Restoration (having her keep you healed doesn't afford much chance of your character gaining experience in restoration).
  18. This is from the UESP Wiki page for SetDebugText. Open the console using the tilde key (~) and at the prompt type 'sdt 0' then hit Enter (no quote marks and that's a zero after 'sdt'). Now type 'tdt' and hit Enter then close the console. Others you can try are 'sdt 31' and 'sdt 33'. - Edit - A shot in the dark ... check in NifSkope and see if the texture paths are absolute (i.e. C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\textures\JoesCoolMod\cuirass.dds). Absolute texture pathed rextures will only show for people with the game installed in exactly the same path (though that doesn't explain why you and Vilja can wear it and it shows I suppose).
  19. Have you seen what the UESP Wiki has on it's Responsibility page?
  20. Judging from what I see in the Construction Set the Ancient Akaviri Katana and the Akaviri Katana both use meshes\weapons\Akaviri weapon\Longsword.nif and the Akaviri Dia-Katana uses meshes\weapons\Akaviri weapon\Claymore.nif (and note that there is a space in the folder name Akaviri weapon).
  21. True enough about not being able to respond, but there's been plenty of times I've chuckled over her comments. There are some rarely heard ones that I've only partly caught when she's in relax mode with other NPCs around. Makes me want to slow down when I'm around her ("What's the point of running around doing things all the time?" ... good advice from a Nord achemist).
  22. It should be up in your Lesser Powers section. Make sure you are viewing all of your current spells (use the tab to the far left across the bottom of the Spells page ... Lesser Powers are the second section down from the top of the list).
  23. When you say you tried making changes to the Xivilai in the Construction Set did you try to make your own esp (meaning did you have Oblivion.esm and the esp from this mod checked but did not make the Xivilai mod active)? If so you wouldn't see any of the changes you made in the 'MyXivilaiChanges.esp' (or whatever you named your mod) because of something called mod De-Isolation. In a nutshell you can't create a mod with an ESP as a master ... it must be an ESM. Make a copy of the original Xivilai mod's ESP and then edit the original directly in the CS (by making it active). Make your changes and save the mod. Test it in game and if your changes didn't make any difference you can just restore the original from your backup.
  24. She does grow on you. In my new guy's game I haven't hooked up with her yet (he got tangled with the Dark Brotherhood when doing the Hackdirt quest ... a bit of 'collateral damage' ... and I don't want to get her involved). Now I find it hard to play his game when I have my old guy, and they've been together long enough to know what the other's going to do.
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