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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I can't say for sure about the one I linked. I use the one that comes with the BBB Designer Body Spell (and naturally all the appropriate parts have all the appropriate motion). None of the BBW girls in my world believe that such beauty should be hidden under a basket ... thus no personal need for the shop or armor either.
  2. That may very well be Nocturne, but I'm afraid I'm a little like the bee in a huge clover patch ... so much nectar, so little time. Sometimes individual flowers from the past just get blended in with the overall euphoria. But they were important flowers, as each always are.
  3. Have a look at the [Movie Variables] section on this page from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide and see if that's the part you're talking about.
  4. Better go stock up on sweetrolls and sweetcakes, cause you're going to need them!! Trashdogs SPB Curvaceous Shop for when you're out in public (if you chose clothed over unclothed) SPB Curvaceous (for those times you just need to have it all out there) SPB Curvaceous small chubby (handy if you're 'simulating' a shortage of sweetrolls) SPB Curvaceous - Alternative Glass Armor (for when you're looking to lay a serious beat down on some bandits ... follows the 'less it covers the more it protects' theory of armor) These are just Trashdog's contributions ... should be enough to get you started.
  5. Ahh ... gotcha. Kinda easy to figure out who hasn't ever completed the DB questline eh?
  6. Unless someone notices something else there is always the tried and true 'disable half your mods' method. If the problem persists then it's in the second half. You keep doing half of the remaining half until you've got it narrowed down to a reasonably sized list. Now if it is being caused by something that is wreaking havoc just by being in your Data folder you're in for a more lengthy process. That's why I say "One at a time is faster". When you add one mod and then the game breaks it's a pretty trivial thing to figure out what caused the problem. Of course if you know the mods that were added since the last time the game worked without problems you can reverse the order (and in that case I'd completely uninstall in reverse order).
  7. I see no mention of murderers to follow you on the Dark Brotherhood UESP Wiki page. Are you talking about the murder who will follow you if you've completed the Vile Lair DLC or is this a mod added thing?
  8. Nah, the great ones create these works of art. I just read a lot. If you ever want to know more about Wrye Bash than you thought was ever possible here's a link to the Wrye Musings WB portal. An excellent resource for the less reading oriented is alt3rn1ty's Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide.
  9. Oblivion and codec paks can be troublesome. Deactivating mods doesn't stop the game from loading their assets ... you need to uninstall them completely (if it's in the Oblivion\Data folder the game will see it). I would uninstall the sound mods first, and see if you can get the game to run. If you can you've now learned that one mod at a time, with a thorough test in between is the 'fast' way to install mods.
  10. Do you remember the 'shrooms' power up, and dog mode when you got into the dog bisquits ... what a hoot. If you know about RotT you're in a select group (which is probably a dinosaur group ... but what the hay, that's still a select group right??). I didn't ever try Triad networked, but my son used to enjoy handing me my butt in Quake 2 and Doom. I did get one particularly excellent BFG9000 beat down on him, blew his sorry carcass all the way off of a roof. I made him wait for me to get down to do a victory dance ... you can probably tell that if we get reminiscing about the good old days I like to remember my one time. Duke!! Now there's a whole 'nother 'member when.
  11. If you are already familiar with Nexus Mod Manager you should stick to it rather than Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). NMM is new, will be supported and developed further for quite a while. OBMM is getting quite outdated (hasn't been updated since Nov 2008) and support for it is largely left to the community. Another option is Wrye Bash (WB), which is considerably more powerful (and complex). If you get into certain mods (some of the big overhauls for instance) having WB will not be an option but rather a requirement. A lot will depend on where your personal journey takes you. On the subject of quicksaves, there is another option there too (modding is all about options after all). The utility Streamline has an option called Streamsave that many people swear by. It's another of those 'not updated since 2008' vintage tools. Many of the features it offers were only really relevant back when Oblivion was released (it could bring the stoutest machines to their knees back in the day, and Streamline was designed to help those less than stout machines), but with study you can disable many of the features not needed today.
  12. A word about quicksave ... it's a known problem causer (save file corruption being at or near the top of the list). Use either the save off the Esc menu and save in a new slot each time (I call that manual save) or by using the console command 'save <YourSaveNameHere>' (without the quotes and bracket thingys ... I call that named saves). Even with named save avoid overwriting saves (e.g. my new character is using a custom class, so his saves are named 'CustomClass1' 'CustomClass2' ...). When you start to find the Esc menu gets a bit slow to open (as it's got to read all those saves to display the list) I archive my older ones by moving them to a different folder (in my case on a different drive as well, but as long as the folder isn't the default the game won't read them). Good save habits are to save every hour or so (depending on how stable your game is, which will vary from person to person depending on mod lists). I have left autosaves at the default myself, although many people advise to disable them. I don't often see a crash while autosaving, but seldom load an autosave (only if I haven't been keeping up with my manual or named saves, and don't want to lose my progress). I also find that exiting to the desktop and then restarting the game every few hours is helpful (or you can research one of the crash prevention solutions). I'll second the motion for Companion Vilja, an extraordinary mod, and you won't find one that is better supported.
  13. If everyone on the planet was exactly the same (well except me of course ... nobody could do that gig) I'd be up the creek. As it is, if I find something I like chances are it won't be available anymore after tomorrow. But that variety in humanity is central to what drives our society. Heck even in a microcosm like this site I'd be out of business. Make one thing one way and everyone get in line. I remember making the jump from all keyboard to mouse and keyboard back around the Quake 2, Doom era. Until I found 'invert mouse' I was hopeless. Now as soon as I install a game I find the mouse menu and fix things up. It's either that or I literally spend all my time either looking at my toes or the ceiling. I just had to find out that I was left hand threaded but lived in a world of right hand threads. A while back I was working on one of my old machines that has been handed down to grandkids. It had Rise of the Triad on it (which uses the old Wolfenstein engine I think ... all keyboard). I was like you back in my pre-mouse + keyboard days, middle of the road. I can say that those 'middle of the road' skills aren't what they used to be, because my current frame of reference isn't even close to all keyboard anymore. I don't have a lot of experience with Win 7 and peripherals as the only machines I've set up using it are Netbooks and a single laptop. My own laptop is Vista, but it's a hopelessly unbalanced thing (slow CPU with a decent NVIDIA mobile video chipset). I have set up a number of different peripherals on good old XP (wheel and pedals setups, flight controllers etc.) and once the jump to the USB interface was made it's been a mostly straightforward thing to set up (often the in-game setup becomes the weak link). Part of the difficulty you're experiencing may be rooted in Oblivion's dated relationship with Win 7. Have you tried any XP mode tests to see if you can get the game to recognize the controller better? I can't imagine the back trouble I'd be into playing while laying on the couch. Even with a pretty good computer chair and what passes for good posture (my own personal version I'll admit) I need to balance my playing time with exercise time. Guess I could learn how to be a good couch potato and then work on perfecting it.
  14. If you do follow Nitefox98's thread do yourself a favour. Don't add a whole boxfull of mods and then expect the game to run. Sure you may beat the odds and become the exception to the rule, but there is a much greater likelyhood that you will join the masses who come looking for help to get the game to even start after that kind of treatment. Start a new game after getting just OBSE and perhaps OBMM installed (you don't really need either for this stage, but you will need them eventually). Play as far as the sewer exit and make a save. Then exit the sewer and go to the IC Market District. Make another save there at around noon gametime (when it's good and busy). Decide on what mods you are going to start out with and add one. Test it using your Market District save. Don't add another until you are certain that the game is stable and playing to your liking (i.e. all options set to your preference if it's a graphics mod). Adding one at a time makes troubleshooting a cinch. Modding is a journey, so why not enjoy the trip.
  15. Frame of reference is King. I don't have a TV, so no XBox etc. for me. Put me on a gamepad and I'd be lucky to make my guy move (I'm mouse + WASD all the way). It is surprising however that Skyrim isn't better handling the gamepad on PC than that ... it is after all a console port. I would have been outa' here on day one if this site was anything but the way it is. TES Alliance is the only other one I'd visit (if I ever get back to working on 'Striker's Awesome Mod'). Have you poked a nose outside of the sewers yet?
  16. I'd start by disabling the two More Effective Enchantment mods ... may they're 'too effective'.
  17. All I can suggest is to uninstall those two mods and see if the problem persists. If it goes away then add one mod at a time and test thoroughly in between. If you add one mod and then run into problems the troubleshooting is quite a bit easier (i.e. you could post a question in that mod's comments, if there isn't already a solution provided in past comments). If it doesn't go away and you know for certain that the situation didn't exist before then all I can suggest is re-installing the game, but I would try uninstalling the mods first. By uninstalling the mods I'm talking about deactivating the esps and completely removing all files added by the mod. The game still loads any files it finds in your Data folder so just deactivating the mods may not get rid of the problem.
  18. Using Windows Explorer look at the contents of your Oblivion\Data folder. You should not see another Data folder inside it (i.e. not good to see Oblivion\Data\Data). If you do just right click the misplaced Data folder and select 'Cut' from the right click menu and then right click on your Oblivion folder and select 'Paste'. A dead give-away you've missed putting the mod's Data folder in the right spot is if you don't get the Windows dialogue about overwriting folders.
  19. What kingtitan was getting at is you may need to give it time to run the scripts that make the mod work.
  20. Ah, but conditions are where you get to make the world seem real. Why would my girls sit at the Chorrol great oak to read if it's raining? I'm going to be looking into new territory (i.e. 'find') when I get back home. Nice find (I know ... so clever).
  21. If you have had the stuff in your character's inventory before you dropped it, it should stay there until you pick it up again. Try the 'coc center', wait 72 hours plus a bit then 'coc weye' (or where ever, but I wouldn't coc to the cell your stuff is in). If the crash is because scripts or some other game state thing got all bunged up that should give the game a chance to sort itself out. Providing you have a save from before the 'coc' experiment you've nothing to lose.
  22. There is a difference in result between current location and editor location, and I sometimes try to use the less predictable nature of current location to my advantage in simulating randomness. For instance sometimes I'll make their 'have a drink' package a current location package, so I'm not sure where they'll be when they decide it's Miller time. What works against that is I believe when I enter the NPC's cell (or perhaps it's the adjacent cell) they start out from their editor location adjusted by the package that is relevant to the current time. I don't think they'll be found at any 'mid points' though (i.e. halfway to their travel package's destination). If I have a girl who should be half or part way from house A and headed to destination B within the same city, I'll never come across her where I can say she left before I entered the cell. She may be outside of the door for house A and a small distance towards her destination, but I'll never find her almost at her destination. It's almost like the game calculates where she would have started that hour of the day and when I enter the cell or adjacent cell it starts running the appropriate package. If the game hasn't already 'killed off' all the various travelers between cities in your game you can see some of what I'm talking about (why would Bethesda spend all that time and money developing NPCs that could quite possibly get killed on the roads between cities before you've ever even had a chance to meet them ... baffles me why they weren't at least started out as essential until you've met them once via dialogue ... end rant). All the travelers I've seen in the CS start out at midnight (not very realistic). If they were supposed to be leaving the IC at midnight and you get to the west end of the Talos bridge before close to 1 am you'll see them trudging down the bridge, headed towards their destination. Get to the west end of the bridge at 1 am and you'll not be able to find them anywhere between the IC and their destination (they walk, I run, I'd surely catch up to them somewhere in between). If you enter a cell that they would have walked to by that time and the cell you just left was closer to their destination than their calculated position and you'll find them in between. If you run ahead and then stop to clear out a gang of bandits that would have jumped the NPC, and they walk past and to the next cell before you're done playing with the bandits and you won't be able to catch up to them again (actually the bad guys won't bug them unless you're in the same or perhaps adjacent cell, so when they die it's really your fault, whether you see them or not). If you can catch them before they get to the next cell you'll still be able to ride shotgun for them (the things you discover when you're playing in 'The Saviour of the World' mode). Sometimes I'm not sure where an NPC is when I enter the cell. I have two girls who mostly hang out at the Bruma gate for instance, bugging the guards and sort of being hookerish. If I enter Bruma at a time when they both should be in Olav's quaffing a few before 'work' I'll often only find one. I've looked everywhere in Olav's ... no dice. I go outside and check all of the Bruma city exteriors (neither girl has an interior package except Olav's) ... nada. Go back into Olav's and there she is, getting gunned up. I've no idea where she is when I can't find her. I figure it just adds to the 'randomness' I'm shooting for. Now when you're shooting for "I want NPC A to be at location B at time C, ready to do task D" that 'randomness' could be a bit disconcerting. On the subject of how saves figure into all this, from what I've seen if I save and the NPC is in the same cell (so their exact current state is part of the save) they'll be mid gulp if they were banging back a few at the time (or mid dance if they were doing the sedance.kf). If they're not within the view of the player it's a bit harder to say for sure if they'd be mid anything, even if they're in the same cell (in other words, if a tree falls in the woods but nobody is within earshot, will it make a sound). I think if you don't have eyes on them when you save they'll be more like the examples I've posted above, but it's not something I've concentrated on (when I'm testing NPC package runs I'll always start out the run from a save in an adjacent cell (different interior in the same city for example). If you're not in the same cell when you make the save the previous examples are what I've observed. Whew ... you really got me rambling that time!
  23. Thanks Nephenee. I had a feeling I was getting it close but not exactly right. Good thing you've got my back (and I did do a headslap as soon as I read your answer, because I've read exactly the same information). What can I say ... old brain x (long train ride + early morning out of bed) = inaccurate info output (or is that garbage in = garbage out).
  24. The Highland Furniture Set - Modders Resource has a medicine chest that offers quite a few slots for storage. I'm also a compulsive ingredient gatherer, but I do use some for alchemy. I haven't tried any COBL solutions, but Aranmathi Ayleid Home (version 1.04) has a sorter of sorts (kinda slow and clunky in my opinion, so I use a nearby container that looks like it may be a COBL sorter mesh retasked, instead of the one beside the alchemy station). I am getting a reputation as the type who seeks the more complicated ways of doing things (well earned I might add). I like to continue to carry a small supply of ingredients myself, along with another small supply on my packdonkey, who also carries the major load after I've gone nuts denuding the wilderness of anything that grows (just doing some pruning ... to help it grow better you see). Every house I own has a burgeoning supply of ingredients. Sky's the limit for how much I need apparently. Did I mention I'm also a packrat? Oops, did I say that out loud.
  25. Without using Wrye Bash and a bashed patch to help (by merging mods into the bashed patch) you are limited to 255 mods, but number includes all esp and esm files located in your Data folder, whether they are activated or not.
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