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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Are you using Unnecessary Violence II or Deadly Reflex? - Edit- In case that's the cause of your problem, here's a link to BBB Deadly Reflex 6 Unnecessary Violence II Compatibility Skeleton, courtesy of AlfredTetzlaff, pulled from his post in this thread.
  2. I'm guessing you killed Audens Avidius before you started this quest by talking to either Luronk gro-Glurzog or Ruslan. All I can suggest is to use the console (the tilde key (~) on standard keyboards, found right below the Esc key opens and closes the console). With the console open do the following (all done without including the quote marks used for emphasis): 1) type 'prid 00026d9e' and hit enter 2) type 'enable' and hit enter 3) type 'resurrect 1' and hit enter (note that that is a number one following the resurrect command) I would suggest going to another cell outside the Imperial City and wait for 72 hours plus a bit, then return to the IC and see if Audens is following his normal routines. If doing this from the save you have where you have started the quest isn't working you'll need to revert to a save from before you talked to either Luronk or Ruslan and then try the console commands, which I realize may not be possible as you may have first spoken to them about the quest early in your game.
  3. On Vista and Windows 7 machines your saves will be found in the folder Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves and on Windows XP machines they will be in Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves.
  4. If you look at the Journal Entries section at the bottom of the UESP Wiki page for Imperial Corruption you'll see that when you killed Audens Avidius you advanced the quest script to stage 119. As far as I know there's no way to turn script stages back without reverting to an earlier save, in your case to one from before you introduced Audens to Sithis.
  5. I'm with you Kiyasumeni. While I do understand the desire to have the latest and greatest, and the I want it NOW crowd, I've also learned to appreciate the benefits one gains by having a little patience. By the time I install Skyrim there will be countless forum postings for almost every possible problem with the game ... all I'll need to do to avoid those pitfalls is read a few forum threads. By the time I buy Skyrim it will have dropped about half way to it's end of life price, and that won't be the only savings I'll get. By that time the hardware to really enjoy the game will be well defined via actual gamer's experience, with all the host of services and utilities running away in the background chewing up CPU cycles, not the best case scenarios displayed by the marketing guys on the game specifications. By the time I buy that hardware, it will be half way to it's end of life price and the driver teams at NVIDIA and AMD will be long past Skyrim and chasing the next latest and greatest game with their driver optimimizations. Hell, even though I've known about Oblivion since it's day one release I only started playing it a year ago (though I do admit I owned the game for more than a year before that and just didn't get around to installing it). I've got plenty of time to keep tinkering with Oblivion before I need to get all wound up about Skyrim.
  6. I'm not sure what unpleasantness might result from running the fixer on a corrupt save (the readme does mention that it doesn't do anything to prevent or repair corruption). I mentioned the wrong file thing because I've done that myself.
  7. And you're sure you're running the fixer on the .ess file and not on the .obse file associated with that save?
  8. Unless you have paid for a premium membership to the site you will need to endure an advertisement before the download starts. After the video you'll see a screen telling you the file is being prepared for download and then you'll have a dialog that allows you to specify where to save the file. It will be a zip file, that you could use WinZip, WinRAR or 7-zip to extract, which will give you a file called obmm_installer.exe. Run that to install. You may also want to download and extract obmm 1_1_12 full manual so you learn how to use the program (that download extracts into the program's manual, and you will need 7-zip to extract it).
  9. Here's the download link for Oblivion Mod Manager. Read the mod description and make sure you have the requirements installed first (i.e. .NET 2.0).
  10. Were you thinking of FLY_orcisharmor_remodel?
  11. You could get as many 'right' answers as there are players of this game. I'm still playing my second 'guy', who even with all the mistakes I made during character creation is still dear to me. The first one was a 'accept all the default choices' Imperial who lasted until the Kvatch gate ... don't miss him a bit. My current Dunmer is saddled with a double warrior curse (birthsign and class ... try efficient leveling with that double whammy). He's level 44 with one final level-up available. Yes there was a steep hump to climb around level 15 or so. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Trust me, there are plenty of people who would read that and say 'Why'd you go through all that??'. All I can say is 'Because I'm me!!' Be yourself.
  12. Are you using (or have you used in the past) Deadly Reflex 6 or Unnecessary Violence II?
  13. We all start from zero (or at least I did) and between the acronyms, the way the game is particular about certain details and how the Construction Set will let you do something (but not really) it can be a steep learning curve. I haven't even ventured into Wrye Bash, Blender, NifScope, TES4Edit etc. I guess when my brain stops hurting it's time to learn something new.
  14. I'm just loving your comments in Vilja's thread. Trust me, this is laughing with you not at you. I was nearly rolling on the floor when Vilja led me to that certain place in the Market District. The number of adventuring bachelors is dwindling.
  15. Here's a link to the pinned How to Install Plugins/Mods thread. If there are specific questions about the process feel free to ask.
  16. UAC (User Account Control) will not affect the Windows XP you are using for testing, but will most certainly cause you difficulties with the Windows 7 machine you plan on using. To avoid all issues with UAC make sure you DO NOT install the game in the default location that the install program suggests. When it asks where to install the program change the install folder to C:\Games\Oblivion and you will be fine. To get the game to use resources that aren't the ones included in the vanilla game (meshes and textures, as well as sounds most commonly) you need to use a trick called 'archive invalidation'. These easiest way to get that working is by selection the 'BSA Redirection' option from the 'Utilities' menu on Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM).
  17. @ NexusRanger ... something to keep in mind is what esp files do. They change the records in a master file (esm). To change a vanilla record in Oblivion.esm you simple make your own (or edit someone else's) esp. For released mods this insures that your MyCoolNewMod.esp will be compatible with everyone else's game, as we all use the same Oblivion.esm (which is also the reason we all need to be patched up to version 1.2.0416).
  18. Another mod to consider is DLL - Dynamic Leveled Lists by Leviathan1753. I don't use it myself, but have been following the mod since it's release and I can tell you the author supports the mod and continues to develop it, plus it's compatible with all the major overhauls.
  19. Here's a couple of Construction Set Wiki links I have kicking around that may help (one for vanilla races and one for not so vanilla races): Simple Companion Tutorial Race creation tutorial
  20. lpgmichael deserves a kudo on this one (post #9 this thread ... sorry lpg I've already given you one in the past): @Mshai ... and another adventurer bachelor bites the dust.
  21. The problem is an esp is just changes that are made to a master file (esm). Without some fiddling your MyComanion.esp can't use ThisOtherGuysCoolArmor.esp as a master. It's called de-isolation. Here's a Construction Set Wiki article on it: De-Isolation Tutorial.
  22. I'll pull one more link out of my sleeve. What you're talking about is called 'de-isolation'. Here's the Construction Set Wiki link: De-Isolation Tutorial
  23. When you 'moved Oblivion to C:\Games\Oblivion' are you saying you uninstalled the game and then re-installed in C:\Games\Oblivion or you just moved the folder Oblivion from it's former location? Even when moving your installation the proper way, registry entries left from the previous installation can cause problems. Here's a link to bben46's uninstall/re-install guide: Oblivion reinstall procedure.
  24. The official Oblivion patches are very picky about you using the right one for your version (e.g. if you used the SI patch on a non-SI original DVD version). If it's the Game of the Year version it get's fully patched when you install the second disk (I'm not sure what type of weirdness may result from trying to use the SI patch on the fully patched GotY version). If you do a clean install, using bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure start the game before running any patches and check the version number down at the lower left on the menu screen. The other thing to note is that the uninstall method of running setup from the DVD and not from the Windows Start menu is the most reliable uninstall method.
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