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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Mine does. I've just been playing a new character and so I'm using named saves to keep him separate from my main guy, and there's an .ess and .obse for each save. I don't use Pluggy myself, but that does sound like if you have it installed it's not working.
  2. If you are running Vista (and I assume Windows 7, though I don't have access to a machine running Win 7 at the moment) open Control Panel (off your Windows Start button menu) and then open Programs and Features. You will need to be logged in on an account with administrator permissions. After the list of installed programs loads, scroll down and single left click on 'Realtek High Definition Audio Driver'. At the top of the list select the 'Uninstall' button. After the driver is uninstalled you'll need to go through a reboot. If Windows goes through it's 'Discovered new hardware' thing cancel out of it. Download the latest driver from the Realtek site (see my previous linked post for a link to the site) and then run the exe file (make sure you get the right file for your version of Windows, 64 bit according to your first post). It will prompt you to reboot after the install.
  3. OK, thanks for the info and the clarification. I followed your mention of cdan's post on the OAF mod comments thread, but wasn't 100% clear. I've never had to do that when fixing my saves, but I also don't have any mods loaded that affect graphics. I'll keep that bit of info in mind for down the road. 5.3 MB doesn't strike me as overly large. My main guy's latest save is 5.26 MB with over 1200 hours on it. Every so often I run OAF on it again, usually when I'm first seeing graphic anomalies (the torches held by either legion riders or the couriers are usually the first place I see them ... little 'flame trails' behind the torch). I'm not sure I'd leave the game running while you're 'away'. My concern is mostly for the well being of your games non-essential NPCs. If you were away while your character is in an interior I don't think it makes much difference, but if your character is outside of a building or city you could be losing NPCs that travel between cities. My observation is that they are immune to interference by bad guys and beasts except when your character is in the same cell or an adjacent cell. Then they'll need your help to stay alive. If your player character is there but you're not a the controls, when their AI schedule has them walk by a spawn point for bad guys they'll be attacked and if they are killed somewhere off the beaten path you'd never know it. When I started a new character to try out a more efficient leveling system I was absolutely floored by how many NPCs are missing from my main guy's game, and that's with me either exiting the game or leaving it with the menu open while I'm away from the controls for longer than a few minutes.
  4. I'm wanting to make sure I have this straight ... so you renamed your 'MySave.obse' to 'OAF_MySave.obse' so that it corresponded to your 'OAF_MySave.ess' that OAF_Fixer created when it fixed your 'MySave.ess'. Right?
  5. There are a lot of different Realtek audio chipsets, and they are constantly updating their drivers. What worked on your old chipset Realtek may not work on your newer one (though it's doubtfull they are using the same driver version). Have a look through this thread, and you'll see my instructions on finding your Realtek chipset version and driver version in post #6. You can report that info back here if you want, or if you're up to it, follow the rest of the thread and update your drivers from the Realtek site. If you are at driver version or newer you can just install the latest driver off the Realtek site. If you are currently at an older driver version than you'll need to uninstall the old version before you install the newest version.
  6. You mention onboard audio ... is it Realtek by any chance (I have some familiarity with Realtek onboard audio)?
  7. Sorry I wasn't suggesting you install any codec paks, I was asking if you had any already installed. Sometimes codecs can cause problems with the game. Here's a quote from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide, taken from midway down the 7th page:
  8. Just checking ... you have the correct files for OBSE, and provided those are in your Oblivion folder it should start OK. When you start the game always do so from the file obse_loader.exe. I have edited my desktop shortcut to start using obse_loader.exe. Right click the desktop icon and select 'Properties'. On the Shortcut tab in the Target field change 'OblivionLauncher.exe' to 'obse_loader.exe' (keep the " quote marks " at the start and the end of the Target field) and then click the 'Apply' button. If you ever need to use the original game launcher after this use the one off your Windows Start button (I use that when I'm activating or de-activating mods, as I'm a manual install dinosaur).
  9. The folders marked in red will not exist before you have installed an OBSE plugin Oblivion\Data\obse\plugins, even if you have installed OBSE before. The 'src' folder is just the source code for OBSE, as it's an open source project (so the source code must be included). - Edit - Are you running the Steam version of the game?
  10. Did you try unplugging the 360 controller when you are going to play Oblivion?
  11. My guess is a mod conflict ... what mods are you running that change the magic system?
  12. OBSE doesn't have a 'plugins' folder by default. If you want to install a mod that requires the OBSE plugin that comes with it you need to create that plugins folder yourself. Don't feel bad ... that particular bit of info is very poorly documented in my opinion. I'm getting my info on this from the uninstallation instructions for MenueQue ... the installation instructions don't specify the required folder structure at all (in all fairness the download does extract to the correct folder structure starting at the Data folder, making it a simple copy and paste installation to the Oblivion folder for manual install dinosaurs like me, but still the folder structure should be documented ... it's not even documented in the file obse_readme.txt that comes with OBSE, even in the OBSE plugins section ... end rant). The correct path for your plugins folder should be Oblivion\Data\obse\plugins. When you extract the file v3-37075-3-0.7z that you download from VipCxjs Plugin Collection you will find the file readme.txt and a folder called 'Data'. Right click on the 'Data' folder and select 'Copy' from the right click menu. Then navigate to your game install folder and right click on the 'Oblivion' folder. Select 'Paste' from the right click menu and then click 'Yes to all' when you are prompted about overwriting folders. When you look in your Oblivion\Data folder you should now see the following: Oblivion\Data\obse\plugins\vipcxj_plugin_collection.dll.
  13. Sounds like the A-Bomb. Games that have a lot of hours on them develop the problem. I use Oblivion Animation Fixer. There are also an animation fixer included with Wrye Bash. Whichever way you use, you will need to periodically redo the fix, but beyond that OAF works well.
  14. My most recent save, that has over 1100 hours on it is just over 5.2 MB so I would say yours seems to be not bad for size. When you look in your Saves folder with Windows Explorer do you see your console named saves?
  15. If it's not a weapon you've created yourself you'll need to do something called de-isolation. Here's a link to a Construction Set Wiki article: De-Isolation Tutorial.
  16. If you're putting them in the vanilla crates themselves then your weapon will be overwritten when the crate contents respawn. Best to make a renamed copy of a crate, put your weapons in that crate and then place it somewhere in the Market District.
  17. I play a male character in 1st person view so I have no experience with what you're looking for. The only one that springs to mind is Pretty Woman - Animation Replacer. If you don't like the walk or run animations you could get creative and rename some files from the NoMaaM manual install "Different Walks - for NPC specialanims ONLY" folder (rename them to the same as the Pretty Woman and then copy them to the folders from Pretty Woman, replacing the original with the one you want).
  18. Good to hear that you can hear and play ... I'm a no music guy myself so I understand completely (though the menu music at the start of the game does get me pumped ... anticipation perhaps?).
  19. Cool ... I wasn't trying to 'talk down to you' ... honest. It's just I've found that when I don't know much about who I'm helping it saves misunderstandings and needing to go back and clarifying steps etc. A look at the readme for the latest Realtek driver package shows the latest version to be for both 32 bit and 64 bit versions and your ALC888 is listed as supported. They always list 'customizations' under the Add/Fix section along with the latest hardware supported, but scarcely ever specify any details of the 'customizations'. The only significant item in the readme notes for versions released after your version other than the standard 'customizations' is this note at version I don't like auto driver updates myself, but the uninstall previous version is an improvement over previous versions. I'm on version on my laptop (don't use the machine for much other than web) and any time I have updated it in the past you had to uninstall manually before installing the newer version, which is a bit of a pain. Since you can run the game without music you may want to leave well enough alone. If you really want the game music you could try the Realtek driver update. As you've said you don't have any effects turned on, eliminating that as a possibility, I'm left wondering if it could be 'Codec packs' that have been loaded, maybe with a music player? If you're looking for the Realtek update here's a link to their site. Pick 'HD Audio Codec Driver' from the Quick Links and then the appropriate driver after accepting their terms.
  20. Great! Now those were just troubleshooting first steps, as this will leave you with a game with no sounds. Do you know what version of Realtek audio you have onboard? The only machine that I have that uses Realtek is my laptop and it uses a Realtek ALC268. To find out what one your machine has go to Control Panel (click Start and then Control Panel on the right hand pane of the Start menu for Vista and Windows XP, and I'll assume Windows 7 ... don't have one of those machines right here right now). In the Control Panel window find and double click Realtek HD Audio Manager. In the Realtek HD Audio Manager window find the ' i ' just above the 'OK' button, lower right corner and click it. In the resulting dialog window find Audio Driver Version (should be top entry) and Audio Codec (should be bottom entry) and report them back here. If you're feeling adventurous open your Oblivion.ini again and turn on bSoundEnabled (change the zero back to a one) and see if the game starts and gets to the menu. That will leave you with a game with sounds and voices, just no music. Have you tried getting past the menu (after all, the Oblivion menu isn't that exciting ... is it)??
  21. I didn't realize you were a Steam user, otherwise I would have emphasized not to miss the link near the top of the Oblivion reinstalling procedure about moving your Steam folder. Here's a quote, with the link expanded to more words to be a bit more visible: If you didn't move your Steam install location you are still under UAC's clutches. Unfortunately this means going through the whole reinstall with Oblivion, but from my understanding your other Steam games (i.e. more modern Steam games that are designed to work alongside UAC) should only require you to start the game for it to update. I would uninstall Oblivion before moving Steam to C:\Games (unless you have more than one physical hard drive, then use their D:\Games\Steam example ... it's always good to have your games on a separate hard drive).
  22. For your player character or for the female NPCs?
  23. The one I linked for you is a simple clothing replacer, meaning it doesn't use an esp and will replace the stock vanilla game clothing with H cup BBBed versions. You can choose which individual clothes to replace by selecting to install only certain ones. For example, you could choose to install just the Lowerclass01 and Lowerclass03 and then the only BBBed H cup clothes in your game would be the Blacksmith's apron and the Huntsman's vest. All other clothes would remain stock vanilla cup size and non-BBBed. Or you could install all of those included and get BBBed H cup for all except those that haven't been included (Lowerclass05 thru Lowerclass15 plus LCBeggar Beggar's shirt). You could also mix and match to suit your tastes with some from HGEC Bouncing Stock Clothing, which will BBB the stock vanilla cup sized clothing. It has files to replace Lowerclass01 through to Lowerclass14 with the exceptions of Lowerclass03, Lowerclass08 and Lowerclass12 (Lowerclass15 is also not included). I'm not familiar with the DMRA Stock Skimpy you linked. After reading through the mod description I'm not clear on whether or not the meshes are BBBed (the only reference to anything BBBish is the note about a problem with the original version requiring Coronerras Max Compatibility skeleton for the Dark Brotherhood armor ... no mention of it being required for the rest of the armors). I downloaded and checked out the archives for both downloads. My interpretation of the mod comments and mod description is that the file DMRA_Stock_Armor_Skimpy-28288.7z is the original version listed as Optional Files and the file DMRA_Stock_Armor_Skimpy_v1_2-28288.7z listed under Main Files is the fixed version. Both downloads have the same file and folder structure. They both use the file 'DMRA Stock Armor Skimpy.esp' to do the replacing and only replace armor. Another thing of note is that the mod has not been supported by Edhildil (the mod author) since December 2009, shortly after the mod release. I don't see many questions answered in the mod comments.
  24. If you have already downloaded and extracted the file DMRA_Attempt_2-28235.7z from the same spot you got the HGEC BBB Hcup Ecup Dcup you will see that it has the same femalefoot.nif, femalehand.nif, femalelowerbody.nif and femaleupperbody.nif as you have already installed. This is because by default when naked all females in the game use the same body. If you installed Dcup the first time around you'll see that all naked females are Dcup. If you now want all naked females to be DMRA (dual melons round ass) all you need to do is copy those files to your Data\meshes\characters\_male folder and allow them to overwrite what's already there. The reason I'm emphasising naked is because of how the game handles armor and clothing. When you put a piece of armor/clothing on either the player character or an NPC that piece 'becomes' the body part it covers. For example, if you change all your naked females to DMRA you will notice that all the vanilla Oblivion female NPCs who are still wearing clothes will appear to be the stock vanilla cup size. If you kill one and take off her clothes/armor you'll see her magically 'become' DMRA. Depending on what you are trying to achieve you will need to install some vanilla clothing/armor replacers. If for example you install the BBB Lower Class 03 from Pyramidhead123's BBB H-cup Stock Branwen and all other NPCs who wear the female version of the Huntsman's vest will have bouncy H cup boobs. The nice thing about this is you can get a little variety in the NPCs if you choose different sizes for different clothing/armor replacers. The downside is you'll need to do a little work finding and installing them.
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