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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Have a look at CDCooley's healing scripts in Companion Vilja. I've used CM Partners in the past, and some of them will heal you or the group when you ask them. With Vilja you make a selection in her options on when to heal you and she does it.
  2. OK DreamingWolf, you're in an area way above my pay grade here so I have not an iota of an idea that may help beyond this. Xtudo was some documentation included in the Companion Vilja Customization Pack that may help you. On the downloads tab for Companion Vilja look for a download called 'Vilja Customization Pack 3 0 1 WORKS WITH VER 4'.
  3. Is your texture size set to 'Large' in the 'Video' menu?
  4. I used to have pretty frequent CTDs myself at one time, a situation that got worse to the intolerable state after I started using CM Partners and had them along for the ride (usually just four at a time). I read some info on how much extra unnecessary stuff the game went through with saves and how quicksaves and autosaves were implicated in save corruption (if I recall correctly I was reading through Wyre's musings). I started using only what you call 'hard saves' (saves from the Esc menu) and only load an autosave if I'm going to lose more progress than I care to lose. It took a while, but eventually my CTDs got so infrequent I've become somewhat complacent about saving regularly (which is why sometimes I need to continue from an autosave). I've also stopped dragging any CM Partners around with me (they just tend to get in the way anyway, in my opinion). I don't know if it would help you in your situation, but CTDs at a certain spot are often solved by opening the console (the tilde (~) key just below the Esc key on standard keyboards) and then type 'coc center' (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to an open plain with a few trees visible in the distance. Use the 'wait ' menu for 24 hr three times and then a bit more (72 hrs plus a bit). Open the console and then 'coc weye' (or another location if you know the name the game will recognize). This give all cells a chance to reset without you being nearby and resets NPC AI packages (also without the player nearby).
  5. Saw your thread about long range targeting and went 'Hey, there's my old friend Frank'! I've tried lobbing fireballs into downtown Bruma from Frostcrag before ... don't think anybody noticed.
  6. Do you have a lot of hours on this particular save? Do you use quicksave or autosaves?
  7. Try posting all the particulars in the Deadly Reflex comments thread. Xtudo and omeletted just about compete to see who can answer questions first.
  8. You can also use electrro's BBB Designer Body Spell to change individual NPC's bodies or give yourself a different body to suit different clothes/armor (or parade around in the alltogether).
  9. If you are ever planning on releasing a mod of Battlehorn to the public you can't just edit the DLCBattlehornCastle.esp, at least you won't be able to release it through TESNEXUS as it will be copyright infringement (and the same goes for any other DLCs). You will need to do something called mod de-isolation. You see an esp just modifies the records in an esm (which is a master file). If you try to load DLCBattlehorn.esp in the CS and then save your edits to MyBattlehorn.esp your changes won't show up in-game. To do so you need to temporarily turn DLCBattlehornCastle.esp into an esm, make your edits and save them to MyBattlehorn.esp (or whatever name you chose) and then turn DLCBattlehornCastle.esm back into an esp. Here's an article from the Construction Set Wiki with more detailed information: De-Isolation Tutorial
  10. The other thing that's been coming up lately is problems caused by Steam resetting the bsa dates to newer dates. Are you using the Steam version of Oblivion by any chance Stostri?
  11. Which version of Wrye Bash are you trying to use? I've seen some posts that suggest using version 291 may resolve some issues on problematic installs.
  12. I'd be looking for somewhere else to park them ... unless you enjoy the constant hunt to find them. Try parking some at one of the vanilla game player homes and see what happens (even the Waterfront shack).
  13. You did install the CM Partners Basic, which is required for the other user made CM based mods to work, right (I'm sure you must have for them to work at all).
  14. OK, here's another of my UESP Wiki walkthrough quotes, this time from the KotN quest Pilgramage: Those are the broad strokes for the quest. Did you do all the steps, in the correct order before you tried all the other methods you've outlined? - Edit - You may want to look at the Notes section at the bottom, regarding infamy, and make sure it doesn't apply to you.
  15. No problem. I read a lot of stuff, so when I can remember where I read it and find it again I don't need to be smart ... the smart people write it down for me.
  16. It appears you also are using some 'CM based' partners. No telling what extra stuff has been added to them as far as AI packages and/or scripts. You can always disable the mod, make a clean save and then re-enable the mod if it's only adding the partners who went MIA and they're ones added by a user created CM based mod. They'll be back at their original location, same as the first time you installed them (I wouldn't do this with the base CM Partners mod before making sure none of the CM based partners have anything in their inventory I didn't mind losing though ... if you installed the basic CM Partners plus all the extras that come with it you could have 88 partners, and that's before you start with the user created ones).
  17. Have you looked through the Deadly Reflex mod comments for answers (ya I know ... even I wouldn't read through 783 pages of comments, but you'll find your answers in the last dozen or so, I know I've seen Xtudo working through issues the same as yours).
  18. A quick look over the mod leads me to believe the entire castle is one cell. I see references to portals to just about the entire planet of Nirn (well I'm exaggerating but you get the point). My general experience with CM Partners is that they'll stay in the cell you tell them to stay in. I've parked all the boys in either their original location (many unrecruited) or a bar I thought needed more bodies. The girls either hang at one of the default player houses, an inn or Battlehorn Castle (wherever I can put up with them knocking everything onto the floor and killing the other NPCs with their spell practicing). With the girls, I've left them recruited but told them to 'stay here'. I did take the girls that had been staying in Battlehorn master's chambers and left them in the main hall because they were constantly trying to walk through the secret entrance to the caverns, but they never tried activating the pillar to open the secret door (but I didn't leave them there long after I parked them, as the constant walking into the wall was annoying). My guess is your four girls are off on an adventure started by going through one of the portals (more likely four individual adventures ... CM Partners don't interact with one another beyond vanilla interactions, and road trips aren't vanilla).
  19. The way replacers work (and your skeletons are all replacers, as they replace the default vanilla skeleton) is that whichever is installed last is what the game uses. You had UVII installed and then decided you wanted BBB. When you installed Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons it also installed it's version of the 1st person skeleton (found in Data\meshes\characters\_1stperson). That overwrote the skeleton that UVII requires. You can either restore the UVII 1st person skeleton from the backup you made before installing Coronerra's skeleton (you did make a backup right?) or copy the 1st person skeleton from the extracted download for UVII. You may want to have a look through the Unnecessary Violence II - Taking Action mod comments for advice that comes from closer to the source (HeX_0ff).
  20. When you did the uninstall/re-install to C:\Oblivion did you include a thorough registry cleaning between the uninstall and the re-install? Left over registry entries are known to cause problems. Have a look through bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure and see if you find any pointers.
  21. Lock would only work to stop someone getting in, not out. I wonder if it's something related to the cells resetting. You say this is a user created castle ... any more details on that?
  22. I tend to be pretty anal about what a mod adds and what it overwrites, hence my aversion to OMODs (although you can unpack the OMOD and examine the files and folders it includes). I have seen mods that include a skeleton as part of their download (and here I'm talking about armor/clothing mods). Could be you fell victim to an unintended swap due to something like that. Here's an example of what I'm referring to: NSFW Corinthian Gladiator armor for HGEC by FxC. To be fair, the skeleton is mentioned in the mod description and it is an older mod, from a day when tail bones on skeletons wasn't standard equipment, but you could download and install it today. I know a lot of people don't give mod descriptions or install instructions more than a cursory glance, and not many carefully examine the files and folders before installing. - Edit - to add the Not Suitable For Work before the link
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