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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. The only other thing that comes to mind is that if you've already been there before applying the UOMP the door state is recorded in the savegame. I know that some load door info is persistent in the savegame. I edited my copy of Aranmathi Ayleid Home (changed the elevation of the exterior to get the water out of the stairwell) but the load door is still at the old elevation in my old character's savegames (unless I go back to a save from prior to installing the mod I guess ... haven't tested that) but in the CS and in a new game the door position is at the edited elevation.
  2. If it's related to your dungeon mod question, what about making the door to the dungeon an un-pickable locked lock after the player has gone through the door once. You could attach a message about they had their chance in this dungeon and came up short when they try to get in after that first time.
  3. Have you pathgrided your dungeon? When you place NPCs in the Construction Set they may wind up in unexpected places by the time you get to their area if there isn't any path nodes in the area.
  4. The UESPWiki has more info in the Mystic Emporium bugs section. You can get a bit more info on it in the bugs section on Aurelinwae's Wiki page. It boils down to the Unofficial Official Mods patch being the only fix outside the console fix outlined in the Mystic Emporium page.
  5. Do you have Battlehorn Castle loaded. Your Mystic Emporium bug could be the one introduced by Battlehorn.
  6. Have you asked this question on the Unnecessary Violence II comments thread? HeX_0ff is active supporting that mod and Xtudo supports Deadly Reflex.
  7. How did you do your archive invalidation? Considering you have OBMM installed, the easiest way is using the option from it's Utilities menu button. The option there to chose is BSA Redirection and it's a set once and forget solution. If that describes the option you already have selected then you possibly could still be running into interference from UAC. Here's a link to Moving a Steam Installation, which was taken from bben46's Nexus Wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure.
  8. Hmm ... couldn't find it in my Oblivion_default.ini either. Maybe because I'm not on the GotY edition (I'm using the original edition patched to 1.2.0416 with no Shivering Isles installed).
  9. To get a new game to start all you need is the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. What happens with a custom race is the prisoner in the cell across from you is scripted to use dialog specific to the race of your character. With a custom race the script can't figure out what to do. The UOP fixes this along with a myriad of other problems.
  10. I remember trying that exact combo myself and I had no luck as long as one piece I was wearing was armor. I finally settled on clothing enchanted with transcendent sigil stones (4 x 30 = 120) so that I could still wear my feather ring and amulet plus the Ring of Perfection. Ascendent sigil stones would suffice, my character was already well past level 17 when I started closing gates so I had to 'make do' with what I could get. With expert level in sneak and wearing doeskin shoes enchanted with chameleon rather than boots I can be a total ghost.
  11. Note that it needs to be 100% chameleon (i.e. if you're wearing armor you will never reach 100% using spells). - Edit- All you ever wanted to know about Chameleon but were afraid to ask ... courtesy of the UESP Wiki.
  12. According to the UESP Wiki on the Ebony Blade you need to do the Mephala's Daedric Quest to get the blade. Perhaps some mod has added it to a chest and you picked it up along the way.
  13. I don't have any bBackgroundMouse (or bBackGroundMouse or any variation thereof) in my working game's Oblivion.ini, nor can I find any reference to it in Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide ini Tweaks section. Could this ini tweak be one that was added by a mod?
  14. When you're testing graphics mods (or any mods in general) to see if your game is stable and displaying the graphics changes you need to be working off a save from just before you exit the sewers. In a vanilla fully patched game go through the tutorial dungeon and just before the sewer exit (where you're prompted for final changes to your character) make a save (I prefer a named save using the console). Now add your mods a bit at a time and exit the sewer and stroll about a bit. A quick trip to Vilvern will tell you if your game is stable and give you a chance to see if you notice any changes in the graphics.
  15. The other fairly common cause of 'missing NPCs' is pathgrid problems. If no nodes are available close by on your dungeon's pathgrid (you did pathgrid the dungeon, right?) then in-game they may appear at the nearest available grid node, which may not be close to where you're looking for them. Turn on pathgrids in the CS and see if they are close to a node, or in-game open the console (the tilde key, right below the Esc key on standard keyboards) while you are where you expect them to be and type 'tpg' without the quotes then hit enter and close the console by hitting tilde (~) again. You'll see your pathgrid and nodes (if there are any in the area). When you're done reopen the console and type 'tpg' again to toggle off pathgrids display.
  16. No problem on my end with post length ... the ultimate in brevity "It don't work" and that's all leave a bit to be desired when asking for help. Nice thing about walking a mile into the woods is when you've managed to walk back out it really doesn't matter whether it was a mile back out or not ... seeing the sunshine is reward in itself.
  17. The only downloadable version that is moddable is the Steam version (at least in this day and age of everything requiring OBSE).
  18. Make sure you have a stable vanilla game fully patched before installing mods. This Nexus Wiki article has a basic outline for installing: Oblivion reinstall procedure
  19. If you 'set up mods' one at a time (or at least in small related groups) your problem mod will be obvious. - Edit - Sorry that was a bit abrupt of me. More info would help us help. A complete mod list, preferably posted inside ["spoiler"] your mod list ["/spoiler"] tags (done without the quote marks), some specs for your machine (CPU, video card), details of where your game is installed (e.g. C:\Games\Oblivion or C:\Program Files) and what operating system you are using ... something to go on. - Edit 2 - Didn't see your mod list edit. Have you ever had the game working correctly without any mods on this machine?
  20. Yes, even though all that's absolutely required is the esp, why not keep a backup of everything, esp, bsa and your notes all in one folder or archive? If you need to re-install you have the esp and bsa ... if you decide to do some more tweaking down the road you have your notes to yourself. I find memory of what I've done and what I thought about doing but didn't get around to a little lacking ... the notes help avoid repeating errors or losing an idea that I'd didn't try at the time. In your case a step by step guide for yourself may come in handy down the road, if you run into a similar project.
  21. According to the UESP Wiki page The Complete Damage Formula they do add together:
  22. The OBSE src folder is just the source code for OBSE ... not required for OBSE to work.
  23. Actually the majority of mods are an esp and a collection of files organized in a folder structure starting with a Data folder. Organizing that collection of files into a bsa makes the bigger mods that don't require a bunch of choices to be made about which parts to install, a bit easier to install ... two files and copy into the Data folder. OMODs and BAIN installations make it easier to select which hair colour you want, with what eyes (and would you like a side of fries with that) for the beautification mods and that ilk. If you had a backup of the edited esp that you are currently using you'd have all you need. At this point your esp is only using resources that are packed in the bsa that came with the Red Rose download. You would only need a backup of the bsa if you ever edited those resources yourself (after unpacking the bsa) or if Emma ever updated Red Rose and didn't leave a copy of the old version bsa available for download. She's generally good for leaving the old versions, but hard drive space is cheap, and if you had your own backup you'd be prudent. A backup of both files in a descriptively named backup folder (perhaps with some notes to yourself in a text file) ... you get the picture. As you may be able to tell, I've untangled a bird's nest or two in my time.
  24. I hear ya and believe me, feel your pain. Kinda like looking at the birds nest your fishing reel has turned into when a cast goes wrong. Sometime you think "A sharp knife a a spool of new line would be easier than sorting out this". Is there a specific reason you're making an OMOD for Red Rose? Installation of all Emma's mods is as simple as copying two files and pasting into your game's Data folder. You activate in the game launcher and voila. If you want to get rid of the mod you deactivate in Data Files and delete or move the esp and bsa. Sorry, just my opinion. The reason I thought the fishing analogy was appropriate is that sometimes it is best to go back to square one (or spool up a whole new spool of fishing line). In fishing line you get rid of all those spots the old line was weakened by the tight knots that are inevitable when untangling a birds nest ... in your case it will give you an opportunity to start fresh with your new found knowledge and know precisely where your Red Rose is at. I made a couple of starts on Aranmathi until I finally had my head around what I needed to do for the exterior edits (that was where I learned how much 'fun' landscaping can be). Because I started from a known good copy of Aranmathi that had my interior edits done, which I always kept a safe backup of outside my Oblivion install folder, going back and starting again was easy. While I was learning from the Wiki but not working through their tutorial (so I was always interpreting to fit my situation) it was nice to know I could try stuff and if it broke, oh well. One of these days I'll get my old guy busy and clean out all the stuff I've dragged into Aranmathi from dungeon crawling and bandit bashing. Make a huge pile outside the cell Aranmathi sits in (or see how much I can stuff into the chests at my Bravil house) and do a clean save. One of these days.
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