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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. If you look at the files tab on the Oblivion Graphics Extender page you'll see that the file OBGE Core at the top of the list is OBGEv3. You will need to read the readme that is part of the download for install instructions and more info.
  2. Just as a heads up brentschler9. If you continue along with that character long enough the animation bug will return. I've seen it so many times on my guy (who has over 1000 hrs playing time) that I recognize the symptoms before I reach 49 on the bit that OAF fixes. If you look to the right of the 'FixMe' button you'll see a box with 'Byte' above it. That's the value that OAF fixes, by changing it to 40. As your game progresses that value gradually gets higher (for example mine is currently back up to 47). When it gets to 49 you'll start to have definite visual effects and start having problems with animated doors and gates. I usually start noticing little effects when I reach 48 (I'll notice the slightest fire trails left by the Legion riders or courier's torches). The upside is you can just run OAF again and all will be fine for a while. If you run OBSE make sure you're loading the proper game save file ... it's the one with the extension .ess.
  3. No problem. There's some cheat items in a chest I tried to get AgentMalder to remove, but it's an easy thing to just drop them off in a respawning chest somewhere if you don't want them. Just had a look through my beta test notes and I believe that all chests are non-respawning. If I get a chance I'll fire up the CS and have a quick look to confirm. - Edit - Confirmed that none of the containers are set to respawn.
  4. Another nice house in Bruma that's companion friendly is Thrysryn Reside by AgentMalder. The only issue that pertains to your load order that I'm aware of is some boulders that Better Cities puts to one side of the door.
  5. This thread will get you started ... How To Install Plugins/Mods. Do yourself a favour before you even start trying to install mods and answer a few questions. 1) Did you install the game in the default location? By this I mean when you first put the disk in and the installer ran did you change the directory (folder) that the game installed to. If you installed to C:\Program Files and are running either Windows 7 or Vista you will run into problems with the Microsoft security feature UAC (User Account Control). If so here's a link to a guide on uninstalling the game and re-installing the game outside of UAC's clutches (Oblivion reinstall procedure). 2) How patient are you? Seems a funny thing to ask, but it's pretty common here to see people want to have everything shiny all a once. The time they thought they'd save by installing a whole bunch of mods at once is spent three times over trying to get the game to even run (or run smoothly). There are a lot of new concepts to learn. The game expects different types of game files to be in certain places. The smallest error will result in problems. Before you start adding mods to your game start reading mod descriptions and installation instructions. Then pick some simple mods to get you started, perhaps some new armor (not an armor replacer ... if you read the mod descriptions you'll get an idea that some mods add new content to the game while others replace existing content with new resources). By installing some simple to troubleshoot mods first you'll start getting familiar with how mods are installed and where the different files go. 3) Are you good at reading? There is no more valuable skill than using other people's mistakes for you own benefit. If you are interested in a mod read through the mod comments section. Get a feel for the type of problems others have run into and how well the mod author and other users of the mod support it. I personally tend to wait for a while before installing the latest and greatest stuff. Let someone else run headlong into the wall. Do it long enough and maybe you'll be the one helping them get back up.
  6. From what screenshots I saw I don't think Demoness is what you're after.
  7. Not sure whether you've seen this mod (Refractionless Chameleon) I noticed from a different thread today Heartcloud.
  8. When you say: are you using a burned backup copy of your original disk or is the original disk being seen as an DVD-RW disk (as opposed to a DVD-ROM disk)?
  9. Not sure which mannequin mod you're using, but if it's Balakirev's Skin-toned Mannequins (which are based off Reznod's Mannequins, so the same issues will likely apply there) there are documented issues with the mannequins locking up the game. Look at the issues section near the bottom of Balakirev's mod description. In my game using the skin toned mannequins I occasionally get a lock up when an NPC just walks past a mannequin when I'm near by. Doesn't happen frequently or anything, but when it does I'm forced into the three finger salute to get Task manager up. The game just cycles through the mannequin menu, but doesn't actually do anything except bring the menu back up. The size and volume of my "Aarrgghh!!" is dependent on the length of time since my last save.
  10. Another home I've tried out but had to uninstall as my machine doesn't quite have the oomph for it is Highwood by Ithlia and Hickory. There are a lot of innovative features about the house. I particularly liked the use of static armor and weapon meshes as storage, as well as the armor stand. The interior is a bit busy and cramped for my tastes on initial impression, but I think it could be a house (as opposed to castle) that grows on you.
  11. You are very wise to research first diosoth. I do the same, and had the same concerns before trying out Aranmathi. As far as I've been able to determine those issues were related to some resources that have been removed from the latest versions of the mod. At the bottom of version 1.04's mod description Anakondrak talks about using the AranMathi_WithoutStargate.esp instead of the regular one (a change that came at version 1.01). There's no mention of changing the regular esp to the no Stargate version in any of the change logs for versions 1.02, 1.03 or 1.04 but I've not found any 'Stargates' in my version 1.04. I've tried the teleport amulet, teleport spell, player house teleport portal and Oblivion gate portal and all worked for me without problem. The statue is no different than the Bruma statue, in as far as the game picks what it considers the 'best' items in your inventory to display, so you need to empty out all items except what you want on the statue from your inventory. At least with this statue you can change it later if you want. The only change I've made in my copy is the elevation (z axis) of the exterior. As is mentioned in Miltiades' version 1.05 description the entrance will have water in it with version 1.04 and earlier. I've looked at the version 1.05 esp in the CS, and if I ever do an Oblivion re-install, or decide to drop my old character and start a new guy I'll go with the version 1.05 as the base for my own tweaks. Outside of the elevation change my edits to the version 1.04 esp have been additions (mannequin bases and NPCs primarily). And I do have the entrance door problem mentioned in the version 1.05 description ... don't visit the area with version 1.04 loaded before you update to version 1.05, or if you do (so that you can see the difference between the two versions) make a clean save after you've deactivated version 104 and load that save with version 1.05. I think if you give Aranmathi a try you'll like it.
  12. My favourite is Anakondrak's Aranmathi Ayleid Home. The install is a bit convoluted (install version 1 for meshes and textures and then version 1.04 to replace the esp). I also recommend (but don't personally use, as I found out about it after I'd already personalized version 1.04 in the CS and moved in with my girls) Miltiades' version 1.05 update as it resolves some of the issues left outstanding in version 1.04. If you're handy with the CS either makes a good starting point. The only places I see any slowdown is when first entering the first area (Throne room) and second area (Armory), but in each case it's only for a second or two while resources load and AI packages start. Version 1.04 comes with decent display options, and I've added more mannequin bases in my copy. It's located not far from Bravil (I personally don't want a bunch of homes three steps away from the IC).
  13. Do you have any mods installed that do something with keys (e.g. the keychain mod)?
  14. My only suggestion is to either wait doing the Attack on Fort Sutch quest until after you've completed Allies for Bruma (which is how I did it) or don't install the UOP until after you've completed Attack on Fort Sutch and Allies for Bruma.
  15. Did you start the game using obse_loader.exe? If you are running the Steam download version of the game you continue to use the default OblivionLauncher.exe but for other versions compatible with OBSE you need to start the game using obse_loader.exe. The simpliest way is either edit your desktop shortcut or start the game using OBMM. If your version of the game came from either Direct2Drive or Impulse you won't be able to use OBSE (those versions are encrypted and OBSE can't alter the encrypted file).
  16. This is from the bugs section of the UESP Wiki for Allies for Bruma: Here's the link for Attack on Fort Sutch (which also mentioned the bug).
  17. Not sure if I'm getting you right ... are you activating the dead NPC/container with the use key (default is space bar) or trying to loot them by opening your inventory (default is the Tab key)?
  18. In my own experience populating the player owned homes with NPCs I've found that for them to use beds and chairs they need to be marked persistent in the CS. I haven't seen any slowdowns from doing that, but keep in mind I'm only changing a few items in each cell. If you were doing a vast cathedral or barracks for an army that might make a difference.
  19. This is a known bug. Here's some further info courtesy of the UESP Wiki (see the bugs section at the bottom of the page).
  20. If you click on the category Light in the Object window left side (and click the top level, not one of the subcategories such as Dungeons) you can scroll down to a group of lights stating with 'Common' (e.g. CommonBrightOrange400). There are different colour and radius light sources. Position them to give the appearance that the fake lights are doing the job (found under Static\Furniture\Lights).
  21. If you continue down the road past the Chorrol south gate to the Pillaged Mine you'll generally find some 'allies' useful for getting that hard to obtain town guard armor. Get the attention of the enemies hanging outside the mine and let them chase you back to the Chorrol south gate. The guard will come to your aid (and his peril if you're lucky). If the guard wins the battle go back to the mine and enter. Get a goblin's attention, run back to Chorrol ... rise and repeat as required until you have your slightly banged up Chorrol town guard armor. I know, to look at me you wouldn't think I'm such a devious nasty bugger. And by the way ... this works best if you don't let them actually hit you while you're running for help. Once you get to the gate and the guard jumps in you can sit back and watch the show.
  22. Unfortunately just disabling mods that replace your skeleton.nif doesn't remove the mod's file, so you're still seeing the skeleton.nif file the mod added. Using Windows Explorer navigate to the Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_1stperson folder. Find the file Skeleton.nif in that folder, right click it and then select 'Rename' from the right click menu. Change the name to Skeletonnif.old and hit enter to save the new name. If that doesn't solve your problem go back into Windows Explorer and change the name back using the same method.
  23. Corehound I wonder if your CM Partners issue isn't just an installation problem. My character was level 20+ when I installed CM Partners, and had done all quests outside the Main Quest (had only delivered the amulet) and Dark Brotherhood. In any case, I don't find that CM Partners adds much utility to the game. When using them as followers I either had to simply use healing spells on them while they did all the fighting or tell them all to wait well outside the battle area while I did all the fighting. It didn't matter whether I was using magic or weapons, they constantly get in the way and take friendly hits (with all the attendant problems that arise from that). All the CM Partner ladies are now eyecandy in various houses I've appropriated, while the guys are still hanging out at their original locations for the most part (a few have been redistributed to inns that had only ladies waiting for recruitment). I did have a couple following for a while to use as 'mules' for carrying my loot (always left well out of the battle area until the killing was over) but I've come up with a far more satisfying solution. I find that a combination of Companion Vilja and Packdonkeys are all that I need. The customization that's available with Vilja's combat settings and thought and care that's been given to making her a useful addition rather than a liability in a fight are like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. If you go 'pure mage' and don't draw a weapon you can even have her standing by to help if you start losing the battle but staying out of it until you actually require that help. Admittedly you need to do some reading up in her game play manual to truly take advantage of all she brings to the table, but believe me the effort is well rewarded. She can be set to have no encumbrance limits if you prefer, but I don't use her as a mule and use Packdonkeys for that purpose. They also are customizable (a hallmark of all Emma and CDCooley's collaborations) and I especially appreciate how they are ignored by enemies, so you don't have to worry about them being attacked. I generally leave them back with the horses when I can (using the 'wait here' command) but that's just to give me more freedom of movement during the fight (if left following they'll be right behind you whenever you turn around or back up). As far as their following distance behavior, the donkeys have some customization on how far back to follow (useful when you have more than one of them following and you don't want to see a herd of donkeys but a nice line of donkeys instead) and I've never had any issue with Vilja stepping on my heels from behind. I can't say visually how the combination works as I always play in first person perspective.
  24. If you're talking about CM Partners I've found that CM Partners warp distance tweak does a fair job of keeping them off my heels most of the time. I have them set to not warp until they're a good distance back ... I'd rather stop and wait occasionally than having them constantly warping on top of me when I get ahead.
  25. OK I understand what you're talking about now. To do something like that is outside my own personal modding experience, but when I've seen similar questions posted here usually it comes down to downloading similar alternative start quests and examining their quest scripts to see how they do it. My basic understanding is that you will be replacing the vanilla start game quest script with yours, hooking to the character generation scripts where appropriate in your own start. Perhaps someone with a bit more hands on experience in this area will jump in.
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