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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. To find your GPU I'd start by Googling your exact brand and model of laptop.
  2. When you're running CCleaner are you looking for and deleting all registry entries that refer to Oblivion or just looking to see if it reports any problems?
  3. Here's a link to the UESP Wiki on Shade of the Revenant. I do find that the dim purple light is easier to see at night and if you aren't too close to the altar. When it's the right day and the light is shining it shouldn't flicker in and out (and it shouldn't show at all on the wrong days). If you're suspecting a mod interference you could try disabling suspected mods one at a time until you find it.
  4. I've no personal experience using BAIN, but my understanding is that it's the more robust option (especially regarding restoring the correct files when deactivating mods). I'm also not an OBGE user. Does it come as a premade OMOD or with a BAIN installation script? I'd go with whichever option it come with out of the box. Looking at the downloads page for it I see a version called OBGE Core - Retro as well as OBGE Core ... which are you trying and have you tried the other instead?
  5. You're looking for Oblivion Random World 6. If when you enter Oblivion you are facing south and see this view you're on the south island of world 6 and the Blood Potion will be ahead of you next to a rock not far from the entrance to that islands tower. And no, you can't use it for a Daedric artifact, in fact you can't use it for anything besides decorating your house (it is a cool looking bottle though).
  6. If your set for 'let application decide' and AA is turned off in your Oblivion menu then AA should be off. The other tab should be set to none or disabled (I'm an NVIDIA guy myself, so I'm not familiar with the Catalyst control panel). I wonder if you could have some registry issues from your previous install. One of the moderators here, bben46 posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get a thorough and correct job done. Have a look and see if you can see anything that helps.
  7. Did you do a clean save after uninstalling OBGEv2 and use that to test OBGEv3? Edit: Have a look through the OBGE comments section. First page there's a similar problem, and the suggestion that turning off AA will solve the problem (I'm guessing forced AA in your video card control panel and in the game).
  8. That must be something added by a mod (vanilla Oblivion has no 'enemy base' map markers). If you know which mod added it, disable the mod and see if the problem persists. If you don't know which mod added it you'll need to post your mod list.
  9. If you can edit your oblivion.ini (located in the Oblivion subfolder of your Documents and Settings folder, NOT the oblivion_default.ini located in your game install folder) search for iSize W and iSize H. I would suggest the setting be iSize W=1920 and iSize H=1200 as your monitor will work best at native resolution. I think you're seeing the 640 x 480 default resolution because your video card isn't recognized by the game (it is after all, an old game).
  10. For archive invalidation the recommended method is to use the default offered in Oblivion Mod Manager ... it's a set once and forget it affair.
  11. I don't want to say that it's not Open Cities for sure, but I don't recall ever seeing a problem like yours reported in relation to Open Cities. Was the bUseWaterLOD=0 and you had to change it to bUseWaterLOD=1? I use Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide for information a lot. Here's some excerpts from the section dealing with the water settings in the Oblivion menu for you to compare and see if your settings are different. I would suggest trying Normal for the first, Enabled on the second and Disabled on the third for testing purposes. This next section I've excerpted is the advanced tweaks for your oblivion.ini file. Here just set each to the default value that is suggested for testing purposes and see if your water problem is still there.
  12. Have a look through fore's wiki article Avoiding Blender Animation Pitfalls ... you may find some hints of where you've gone astray.
  13. Check in your oblivion.ini (located in your Documents and Settings folder or My Documents for Win XP NOT oblivion_default.ini located in your Oblivion folder) and see if you have bUseWaterLOD=0 which removes all water. The correct setting is bUseWaterLOD=1.
  14. Excerpted from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide (emphasis added):
  15. You can use a marker set outside (or use an existing one that's close to where you want them wandering) to get them wandering. Another alternative is have them sit for an hour on a bench outside and then use a wander current location package for the duration of the time you want them wandering. The way I figured out using wander packages was look a some of the ones set up in vanilla Oblivion (beggars are one example) and gradually I got my head around them. Your sleeping problem could be related to the beds not being set as a persistent reference (a lot of Bethesda's resources aren't set to persistent). Chairs and beds must be set to persistent for NPCs to use them. Look for the box for the tick mark when you have the bed or chair edit window open. It is a good idea to drop the pathgrid points to ground/floor level, but I doubt that's the root of your problem.
  16. Hmm ... I half expected to see DR6, there have been reports of similar problems especially after it was first released (more aiming related using bows if I recall correctly). Here's a link to the page with Interface Variables from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide, but I doubt you'll find any help there. The fDlgFocus variable controls how close to you an NPC appears when you open the dialogue interface, and the iSafeZone variables control where the HUD appears on screen (if there any other variables Koroush doesn't document them). I'm guessing that your MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp is for Roberts male body version 4 ... are you sure you have the correct skeleton.nif for the body (I don't use Roberts, so I'm not really up to speed on it, but mismatched skeleton and bodies can have side effects). The only other mod in your list that pops out to me is LG's Unscaled Enemies.esp. I'm not familiar with the mod, does it change enemy size?
  17. If you liked Personality Idles for NPCs check out Idles Dialogues - English Version translated and tweaked by Cliffworms. Another of my must haves.
  18. If you're suspecting a recent mod install (not an unlikely thing to suspect) why don't you give us a list of recent mod installs or a complete mod list (preferably exported from OBMM or Wrye Bash enclosed between ["spoiler"] your list ["/spoiler"] tags without the quote marks used so they'll display here).
  19. If you use the Bethesda link I provided you can download from them (but no, it's not free).
  20. Ya, they have to help me too (hard to hold that PB & jelly sammich when you've got the 'long sleeved shirt' on). I think your machine certainly qualifies on graphics power, and Oblivion can't really take advantage of Core 2 Duo, never mind quad cores (here GHz is king). Have a look through Koroush Ghazi's excellent Oblivion Tweak Guide when you get back from your field trip. There are plenty of tricks in the advanced tweaking section ... do a few at a time and see if it helps. I get that 'draw in' on my machine (Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz & 8800GTS 640Mb ... formerly two of those SLIed but one died, sniff sniff), mostly noticeable in certain places (real noticeable distant pop up when you're headed to Skingrad from the IC and you round the corner at Greenmead Cave ... the distant 'wall of texture' popped even when I had the SLI working). So you're saying there's downsides to the yogurt ... hmmm, maybe hold off on that transfer, unless the test meds are stellar that is. Don't tell me the raisin story, they're one of my staples and I wouldn't want to ruin it with TMI. Have fun in the sun.
  21. If I'm remembering correctly, the Redimized version of Quarls doesn't make a huge difference, so you may need the screenshot method to see the changes (or maybe that was the Re-Redimized version). You get yogurt!!! That's it ... I'm asking for a transfer.
  22. The Knights of the Nine (along with the other DLCs) can be purchased from Bethesda's online store, Steam (but only if you currently have the Steam version of Oblivion) or you may get lucky and find it in a bargain bin at a computer games store (but those stores are a dying breed). I found mine at Staples here in Canada, but that was nearly a year ago.
  23. Whether it's half full or half empty, that glass of water you've been given will still quench the same amount of thirst ... and with that one I'd better stop before the guys come with that nice jacket with the long sleeves.
  24. It does seem odd that DMC would just spontaneously start having problems for no reason, and why would a graphics extender affect animations?? Any time I've had problems with animations it's been because I installed or uninstalled a mod that affects animations. I've picked my brain clean on this one ... I'll keep following though so please post if you have any further developments.
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